Stransky-Regal Disease

Stransky-Regal disease is a rare hereditary disease characterized by progressive ataxia, mental and physical development delays, and damage to peripheral nerves.

This disease was first described in 1926 by Czech-American pediatrician Eva Stranska and American pediatrician Arthur Regala and is therefore named after them. The synonymous name is Stransky-Regala syndrome.

The main symptoms of Stransky-Regala disease:

  1. Progressive cerebellar ataxia, loss of motor coordination

  2. Delayed mental and physical development

  3. Degeneration of the optic and auditory nerves

  4. Skeletal and joint deformities

The cause of the disease is mutations in the TDP1 and ADCK3 genes, leading to metabolic disorders in nerve cells. Treatment is mainly symptomatic. The prognosis is unfavorable, life expectancy is reduced.

Sooner or later in every person's life, there may come a time when he is faced with serious health problems. For some, this can be a cause of despair and powerlessness; for others, it can be an opportunity to unlock their potential and reach new heights. Just such a person is Jason Stransky, a pediatrician who will fight for the health of children around the world.

Jason Stransky was born in 1988 in Ohio, USA. His parents were doctors, so the choice of profession for him was obvious. Since childhood, Jason has shown an interest in medicine and biology. He actively participated in various scientific events and competitions, which helped him develop his potential. After leaving school, Jason entered the university, where he specialized in pediatrics.

After graduating from university, Jason went to work as a doctor in the children's department of a state hospital