Techniques and Techniques for Massaging Children in the First Year of Life

Massage for a child of the first year of life includes basic techniques: stroking; trituration; kneading; vibration. Since the skin of an infant is very delicate and thin, gentle massage techniques (stroking) should be used first, and then other techniques (rubbing and light vibration in the form of shaking and shaking), as well as kneading, can be gradually introduced.


Stroking is performed at the beginning of any massage session and is carried out in order to prepare the massaged area for other elements and techniques of massage. Stroking activates blood circulation and thereby improves blood supply to tissues and organs. Stroking calms the nervous system, causes muscle relaxation, and helps relieve pain.

Stroking should be done with the palm or the back of the hand in the direction of the lymph flow to the nearest lymph nodes. On the lower extremities, movements are performed from the foot to the groin, and on the upper extremities, from the hand to the armpits. Stroking should be done slowly, with smooth and light movements, lightly pressing on the surface being massaged.

Stroking hands

The child should be placed on his back, the massage therapist should stand at his feet. Raise the child’s left hand with the right hand, then with the left hand stroke the inner and outer surfaces of the hand, moving from the hand to the shoulder.

In the same way, stroke the child’s right hand. You can stroke the inner and outer surfaces simultaneously using the technique of enveloping stroking, in which the inner surface of the hand is massaged with the thumb, and the outer surface with the remaining fingers.

Stroking feet

I. p. of the child while stroking the legs - lying on his back. Place the child's right foot on the palm of his left hand. With your right hand, stroke the outer and back parts of the lower leg and thigh. Movements should be directed from the foot to the thigh. Stroking the kneecap is not recommended.

Then stroke your left leg in the same way. Massage of the lower extremities can be done using grasping stroking, in this case the thumb will stroke the side surface of the child’s leg, and the remaining fingers will stroke the back surface.

Stroking the belly

I. p. - lying on your back. The massage begins with circular strokes in a clockwise direction. Stroking can be done with the palmar surface of the hand or its back. When performing, you should avoid pressing on the liver area (the area of ​​the right hypochondrium).

After this, it is necessary to stroke the oblique muscles of the child’s abdomen, massaging movements should be directed towards the spine and towards the navel.

After stroking the abdomen, you should move on to stroking the chest, which must be done with the palms or backs of the fingers of both hands. Movements should be performed in a circular motion (with your right hand clockwise and your left hand counterclockwise) around the nipples.

Back rub

I. p. - lying on your stomach, with your feet towards the massage therapist. Stroking is performed along the spine (the spinal column itself cannot be massaged). When the direction of movement is from the buttocks to the head, the technique is performed with the back of the hand, in the direction from the head to the buttocks - with the inner side of the hand.

If the child cannot yet maintain a stable position, he needs to be held with one hand and stroked with the other. Starting from three months of age, you can massage with both hands.


This technique helps relax muscles, improve blood supply and tissue nutrition. In addition, rubbing has a calming effect on the child’s nervous system. It has a positive effect not only on the skin and subcutaneous tissues, but also on muscles, ligaments and tendons.

When massaging a child of the first year of life, rubbing should be done with the fingertips in a straight line and spiral manner. After these techniques, you can perform sawing. When massaging the arm and lower leg, circular rubbing is performed. Movements are needed