Bent-over barbell row

The T bar row is essentially a variation of the bent over row. The limited range of movement of the bar provides an opportunity to concentrate on your muscle sensations and monitor the quality of the exercise.

Bent-over barbell row. Technique:

    1. In the starting position, the bar is between the athlete’s legs.
    2. We tilt the body forward parallel to the floor.
    3. The back is straight, we are not hunched over. Slightly bend your knees.
    4. We grab the bar with both hands.
    5. The distance between the gripping hands is minimal, so as not to overload any of the sides. Or we periodically change the grip in approaches in the opposite case.
    6. Having raised the weight to the chest, it is necessary to hold the rod for 2 - 3 seconds at the highest point of the amplitude, and then slowly lower it to the starting position.

  1. As usual, when lifting, we exhale.
  2. When lowering, inhale.
  3. The lowering process should be two to three times longer than the raising time.

Instead of a barbell, it is possible to use a huge number of alternative simulators and adapters of a similar nature.

How is this option more effective than the usual classic bent-over bar row? – yes, because when performing in a T-machine you completely exclude all sorts of cheating elements from your technique, and therefore you will be able to influence the target muscles more concentratedly and clearly.

The T-bar row actively affects the middle and central areas of the back. High-quality and regular performance of this exercise will give you confidence that from the back your “double biceps” will look very impressive.

Well, after high-quality pumping of your back, do not forget to charge your body with new building materials. And for this purpose, protein is optimally suited like nothing else. If earlier in the dashing 90s there was some kind of problem with this, now, with the advent of countless sports nutrition stores in every more or less run-down town, you can completely forget about the shortage of building materials for our muscular body. Here, for example, is the sports nutrition store Prime Nutrition, where you can buy excellent protein - the range of products is simply amazing in its breadth, and at the same time everything is of excellent quality.

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