Van-Bogarta Leukoencephalitis

What is Van Bogaert leukoencephalitis (L. Van Bogaert)? This is a rare form of demyelinating disease that is characterized by pathological changes in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord due to glial necrosis and gliomalacia, which leads to demyelination, increased astrocyte density and vascular disorders that may be accompanied by neurovascular stigmatization. Typically, the first symptoms appear around 15 years of age. The first symptoms of the onset of the disease are similar to other types of MS - blurred vision/blindness due to optic atrophy, double vision, headaches, problems with coordination and balance, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. At the same time, lesions from the hematopoietic system and signs of an infectious disease can be observed. The severity of the process can be judged not only by the described signs, but also by the increase in the density of demyelinated foci, as well as by changes in the number of mononuclear cells. Typically, leukoencephalitis is diagnosed and treated jointly by doctors from a number of specialties: neurologists, clinical laboratory diagnostic doctors, neurologists and therapists - doctors who are directly involved in the treatment of a specific disease. The disease occurs with periodic attacks lasting from 2 to 5 weeks, following each other from several months to several years; The disease progresses steadily and sooner or later leads to death. Of particular danger is the blurred clinical picture of the disease at the beginning of its development. This entails diagnostic errors