Women are Beautiful in Any Position

Pregnancy is one of the most important and amazing events in a woman’s life. However, over the course of nine months, a woman's body undergoes many changes that can negatively affect her physical condition. One of the most common issues women face after giving birth is related to excess weight.

Gynecologists say that weight gain during pregnancy is a normal process. A woman's entire body gradually increases over 9 months, therefore, it will take the same amount of time to return to its previous shape. However, something to watch out for is what doctors consider to be overweight. The weight of the unborn child and the amount of amniotic fluid may add up to this excess weight, which will disappear after childbirth.

If a woman has gained weight in the abdomen, hips and legs during pregnancy, then getting rid of this excess weight will be much more difficult. Doctors speculate that this may be a consequence of an inactive lifestyle or hormonal problems that many pregnant women face.

However, you should not panic and try to get rid of extra pounds too quickly. Doctors do not recommend that young mothers who are concerned about excess weight exert themselves too much after childbirth, because the body has not yet fully recovered. It is best to try to lose weight by no more than half a kilo per week; you don’t have to weigh yourself every day, once a week is enough.

However, we should not forget that a hectic life with a baby and constant running between the crib and the kitchen can tire even the most resilient woman. Therefore, to get in shape, you need to pay attention to your diet and physical activity.

If you have the opportunity and the support of your loved ones, go for a short jog outside, take a brisk walk through the park or yard, ride a bike or go to the pool. Simple physical exercises will not only help you get in shape, but will also bring you pleasure.

If you have free time and money, you can sign up for courses for young mothers, where professional trainers and doctors will restore your shape. As a last resort, you can always purchase a video cassette of exercises for young mothers and practice at home.

However, remember that the main factor in the fight against excess weight is proper nutrition. Try to eat nutrient-dense foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits, protein foods, healthy fats and carbohydrates. Avoid fast carbohydrates, sugar and fatty foods.

Finally, don't forget that every woman is unique and her body may respond differently to pregnancy and postpartum recovery. Don't compare yourself to others or set unrealistic goals. Gradually and with respect for your body, you can return to your previous shape and continue to enjoy life.