How to get rid of Juliette Cando wrinkles


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Friday, April 19, 2013 22:49 + to quote book

Facial gymnastics instead of Botox? There is no risk, however, and working on yourself for a few minutes is a pleasure. Well, are we acquiring a new pleasant habit? . and don't be lazy!

The once famous ballerina Juliette Cando developed an original method of facial gymnastics, with the help of her brother, a professor of physiology. Simple exercises really work, surprising and delighting. The book is fascinating and easy to read, take a look, it's interesting.

Juliet Cando. How to get rid of wrinkles. A unique technique for rejuvenating the skin of the face and neck.

CHAPTER TEN. Mouth and jaw.

Movement of the jaw from side to side.

The jaw can move from right to left and left to right, just like sheep or cows when they chew grass. Try to make these movements with your jaw, almost without opening your teeth and keeping your lips relaxed. At the same time, you may feel that the movements are coming from somewhere behind the ears. If you get this part of your face to work actively and in a coordinated way, you can save a lot of time that you would otherwise have to spend doing exercises to help raise the corners of your lips, as well as prevent premature development of deafness and loss of balance. This way, you can make your jaw extremely mobile even if you are missing one or two teeth. Move your jaw from side to side 50 times, making sure that the corners of your lips do not fall down. When you learn to do this without your jaw getting tired, you can move on to the next stage of lower jaw training. This time you need to learn to move your jaw from side to side in such a way that a slight smile shines on your face. Lift the outer corners of your lips and perform the “sheep chewing motion” for a count of 50. Make sure that no wrinkles appear on your cheeks or around your mouth as you perform the motion. If you have problems performing these movements correctly, then at first help yourself with your hands, holding the skin of your face, not allowing it to wrinkle. In this case, this exercise will be the same great way of stimulation as the exercise for raising the corners of the mouth.

Exercise No. 64 Curve of the mouth

Lie on your back and relax your cheeks, neck, shoulders and entire face. And again, set your teeth correctly, in the center (see photo 53), close your lips and relax. Feel how the sides of your mouth, under the influence of gravity, begin to slowly “drain” downwards.

1. Try to resist the force of gravity using the muscles that hold your jaw. Move your jaw forward as far as you can so that your lower lip covers your upper lip and slowly forms into a smile.

2. Take a deep breath and try to keep the corners of your lips raised towards your ears for a count of eight.

3. Now direct all your energy to the farthest corners of your mouth and pull them higher and higher.

While performing this exercise, look at your face in a small mirror to make sure that no wrinkles or folds have appeared on your face while performing this movement.

Exercise No. 65 Toning the corners of the mouth

1. Remain in a lying position and round your lips to form an O-shape and smile (stretching your lips towards your ears, i.e. out to the sides and up).

2. Perform the “smiling” movement 75 times, or so many times until the muscles get tired and have difficulty moving.

3. Finish the exercise by performing the same movements at an accelerated pace, making these movements shorter. You should ensure that the corners of your lips begin to twitch (from fatigue). Now take a deep breath and slowly relax the muscles that have worked so hard. You will feel that your mouth wants to stay in the same position forever, and instead you will gently massage this part of your face to completely release the tension.

Upper lip line correction

Four exercises that will help remove wrinkles above the upper lip. If you smoke, drink with a straw, smack your lips, and whistle a lot, it's safe to say that you already have or will develop wrinkles on your upper lip. Before performing these exercises, apply Vaseline to the upper lip and the area above it, lightly massage this part of the face and warm it up before you begin the exercises.

Exercise No. 66 Getting rid of wrinkles above the upper lip (1)

1. Take your upper lip with your thumb and forefinger and begin to knead it, slightly pulling it outward. This massage will help provide blood and nutrients to all parts of the upper lip and the area above it.

2. Now massage this part of the face from the inside (from the oral cavity). Do this just as carefully as you massaged it outside. It is important to properly warm up this part of the face and make it elastic.

3. Once you have done all this, return your lips to a neutral position and rest. Try to center your jaw (see Photo 53) and make sure the corners of your lips are turned up.

Exercise No. 67 Getting rid of wrinkles above the upper lip (2)

For this exercise, it doesn't matter whether you actually know how to whistle. Look in the mirror and try to whistle (or try this if you don't know how to whistle). In this case, it is important for you to notice how the shape of the lips changes. If wrinkles appear above your upper lip, change the position of your lips, helping yourself with your hands if necessary. Now try to “whistle” so that wrinkles do not appear above your upper lip. For me personally, I like to whistle different tunes, but when I came across this exercise, I found it extremely difficult for the reason that it involves all the manipulations with the upper lip that we did earlier.

1. So, fold your lips in the shape of the letter “o”, make sure that the corners of your lips are raised up, and try to whistle some tune so that wrinkles do not appear above your upper lip.

2. If at first nothing works, help yourself with your hands while contracting the muscles. If you learn to perform this movement so that wrinkles do not appear above your upper lip and without helping yourself with your hands, you can safely assign yourself a “black belt” for performing facial exercises. Remember to also ensure that no folds or wrinkles appear on your forehead or that your eyebrows do not droop while you perform this exercise.

Exercise No. 68 Getting rid of wrinkles above the upper lip (3)

Another factor that contributes to upper lip wrinkles is the way we speak. Stand in front of the mirror and say first the sound “o” and then the sound “u”. Say the word “bowling” and watch the muscles above your upper lip contract. If you notice wrinkles appearing above your upper lip, continue to practice saying this word until you achieve that there are no wrinkles above your upper lip. This way you can train the tiny groups of orbicularis muscles (located around the mouth) to work more cohesively. Now try pronouncing the sounds “o” and “u” alternately.

Say each of them 15 times, continuing to watch your upper lip. You can help yourself with your hands if wrinkles appear above your upper lip, but as always, try to gradually reduce the involvement of your hands to nothing, and the sooner you learn to do without using your hands, the better.

Now try to pronounce any (all that you know) vowel and consonant sounds, carefully observing the upper lip and mouth as a whole, making sure that the jaw does not deviate from the center (see photo 53), but on the forehead and above the upper lip no wrinkles appeared. This way you will learn to pronounce any words without wrinkles appearing on your face.

Exercise No. 69 Getting rid of wrinkles above the upper lip (4)

The point located midway between the tip of the nose and the middle of the upper lip is an important acupuncture point and is called Ren-Zhong, the impact of which, if necessary, can bring out of fainting (or prevent loss of consciousness), help with dizziness or nausea. Interestingly, children usually press their finger to this point when they are confused or feel that they are in danger.

Place the pad of your index finger on the Ren-Zhong point. Relax your jaw, allowing it to open (fall down) without allowing your upper lip to rise up. The upper lip should cover the upper teeth. Now try to contract the muscles of the upper lip, overcoming the resistance of the finger pressed to the Ren-Zhong point (and upper lip) so that the lips take the shape of a heart.
Make sure that no wrinkles appear on the mustache lines. If necessary, help yourself with your other hand.

Repeat the movements 30 times or until you feel that the muscles are tired from working and having to work hard to stretch the middle part of the upper lip.

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The original author's technique of ballerina Juliette Cando will help you get rid of the hated marks that age, time, poor environment, stress and poor nutrition leave on your face. Simple and pleasant beauty treatments will take you no more than 10 minutes a day, and the results will be visible within two weeks. Wrinkles, including expression lines, will begin to smooth out, the skin will become more elastic, smooth, its tone and color will improve, bags under the eyes will decrease, you will look younger and fresher. In addition to simple exercises for the skin and muscles of the face and neck, readers are invited to familiarize themselves with the technique of miraculous massage, which has a powerful positive effect on the entire body as a whole, and recipes for homemade cosmetics using aromatic oils and natural products.

Getting rid of these wrinkles is actually very difficult, but it is still possible.

Juliette Cando: exercises for the beauty of the forehead

The forehead is generally considered to be the area of ​​the face between the hairline and the brow ridges. In order for the forehead to be not only beautiful, but also healthy, we must change our idea of ​​it and push its boundaries, taking it beyond generally accepted norms.

This approach is dictated to us primarily by the fact that everything in the body is interconnected. Our task is to make the forehead healthy and thereby improve its condition, and for this we must make it work effectively.

That is why it will be better if we begin to perceive it as a crossroads, where one road runs along both sides of the forehead and stretches upward, passing above the eyes and below the temporal part, where the temporal muscles are located, and the other stretches from the bridge of the nose upward, cutting in half " valley of the scalp” and ends at the base of the neck in the back.

Once you know how the temporal muscles work, once you can feel them, you can use them together with the muscles of the scalp to smooth out your forehead, making it smooth and ready to perceive the world around you positively.

Overhanging eyebrow syndrome

It is especially noticeable in middle-aged men from among academics, politicians, big businessmen who often find themselves in front of television cameras. Swollen, edematous and sagging eyebrows, under which a large amount of fatty tissue has accumulated and literally stiff muscles, constantly hang down, giving the face an expression of concern and irritation.

From a physiological point of view, overhanging eyebrows are a kind of symbiosis of underdeveloped muscles (from the fact that a person is constantly dissatisfied with something and frowns) and accumulated stress and tension in this area.

This condition is usually accompanied by sinus problems, respiratory problems and headaches. Muscle tissues that are tense and constantly in a state of static contraction form tiny knots of tension that prevent the free flow of energy and oxygen, where blood and nutrients do not flow. Mucus blocking your sinuses creates additional problems, which only makes things worse in this area.

Breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and local massage can unblock negative energy accumulated in this area of ​​the face and get rid of existing problems.

Temporalis muscles

The temporal muscles, located above the ears, are the main tool in a facelift. Unfortunately, for most people, these large shell-shaped muscles that cover the hollow part of the skull behind the ears are in a constant state of hibernation. The following exercises will help you learn to feel the temporal muscles, which can be forced to contract and tone the entire face.

Exercise - Learning to feel the temporal muscles

Press your palms to your temples and place your fingers on your scalp.

1. Begin chewing movements without opening your mouth. Perform 25-30 movements, simultaneously pressing your temples with your palms, pulling them up and forward.

2. Close your eyes, relax, breathe without tension and watch what sensations arise in your temporal part, how the temporal muscles work, how they contract under your palms if you stop performing chewing movements.


First of all, you need to understand that it is you yourself who do everything to ensure that wrinkles and folds appear on your face. The most important thing in the fight against wrinkles is to do nothing about them. This is the most difficult thing in this matter, which is that you must give up old habits that cause wrinkles that indicate your age.

In any case, you need to leave the “good” wrinkles and get rid of the most disgusting ones. Before you start fighting wrinkles, make sure your face is clean and apply one of the following products to the wrinkle areas:

Patterns of wrinkles on the face

a) wrinkles that make the face more expressive b) wrinkles that make the face appear gloomy

Glycerin warms the skin and makes it slippery. It also rejuvenates the skin as it is high in protein. It is also good to apply different products to your face each time you perform the following exercises (since they all have different properties).

Watch how your face reacts to each of these remedies to understand what is best for it. The picture above shows which wrinkles and lines on the face make your face more expressive, and which ones make your face look sullen and unfriendly.

Exercise - Learning to smooth out wrinkles

Finger movements - directed in opposite directions across the wrinkle line

Before you begin the exercise, apply one of the above products to your wrinkles to make your skin more elastic. The exercise is performed with the index fingers, which are positioned towards each other across the wrinkle line.

1. The fingers move alternately up and down. If one finger moves up, the other moves in the opposite direction. Be careful not to scratch, pull or stretch the skin. The goal is to stimulate the muscle tissue located on top of the bone structure. In this case, you practically do not move your fingers over the skin.

Perform 15-30 repetitions along each wrinkle until the surrounding skin turns slightly red. This will mean that your movements have caused a rush of blood to that area of ​​the face, thus preparing it for the next stage of treatment.

Exercise – “Erasing” wrinkles

1. Keep your fingers on either side of the wrinkle. With one finger we open (“erase”) the wrinkle. Use either your index finger or, if your nails are too long, your knuckles and begin to “erase” the wrinkle as if you were doing it with an eraser.

2. You will see that with stronger pressure, the skin color in this area immediately changes from normal to red, which means an intense rush of blood to this area. You will see how the depth of the wrinkle decreases during the exercise.

3. You should perform only 3 - 4 movements on each wrinkle. This will help you get used to performing similar movements.

Remember that you should never try to smooth out wrinkles without first applying a large amount of cream to your face. (see list above).

Alarm lines

First check if you have such folds. You can do this using the picture above as a guide. These lines are usually located above the eyebrows in the center of the forehead.

Exercise - Eliminating alarm lines

Place your fingers on your forehead above the level of the “alarm” line, pulling it up.

1. While staying in this position will cause the muscles below the worry line to contract, the hands will prevent the wrinkle from reoccurring.

2. BYou can perform this movement up to a hundred times. At the same time, you should feel every time that the muscles under the “alarm” line are contracting. Actually, every movement you make should cause these small muscles to contract. The movements can be fast or slow, they can be of varying intensity, but you must learn to recognize when these muscles are tired.

3. To keep your arms in the desired position, try counting and then slowly releasing your muscles on this count.

Be careful when performing this exercise, so as not to involve other areas of the face or forehead, in addition, try to tune in to the fact that everything will be fine for you in all respects, and do not think about the bad. Throughout the day, remember that your forehead, face, neck and shoulders need relaxation.

Frown brow

Getting rid of these wrinkles is actually very difficult, but it is still possible. First of all, you need to relax the muscle knot that holds these wrinkles. If you died tomorrow, those wrinkles would disappear from your lifeless face because the muscle spasms would finally subside. But why wait for this when there are exercises that will help cope with this problem?

Exercise - Smoothing a frowning forehead

Prepare for the exercise by generously lubricating the area with cream. (glycerin, petroleum jelly or one of your favorite compounds).

1. First, gently massage the area to relieve tension.

2. Now place your fingers on either side of the wrinkle.

3. Count to eight and make sure your breathing is full and deep.

4. Release your fingers to see if the wrinkle returns to its original position.

5. Then try pressing down on the wrinkle and counting to eight again while working the muscles in that part of the forehead and moving your fingers slightly to feel and tone the muscles.

6. Let go of your hands.

7. Finish the exercise by vigorously tapping the entire area with your fingertips. Do this until you feel warmth and a slight tingling sensation.

Tell those little muscles that you don't want them to contract again. Tell them that you are no longer angry with them or anything else. When you get angry, then let these muscles do their job as they should (i.e. contract).

Now your task is to teach them to relax in order to get rid of wrinkles. However, keep in mind that these flabs will not immediately hear your calls, and it will take weeks before they begin to obey you. Don't give up and be patient.

Do this exercise until you feel that there has been improvement and you have managed to turn the situation around.

Exercise - Wrinkle Stretching

When you feel what it feels like to have an even space between your eyebrows, place three fingers on your forehead as shown in the picture below. The main goal you will achieve with this exercise is to tighten and open the crease between your eyebrows without creating other wrinkles on your forehead. Use your hands to guide your forehead upward or outward from your hairline.

1. Place your fingers on your forehead as shown in the photo and keep them in that position. Now try to perform light movements with your forehead muscles, which are designed to create an expression of dissatisfaction on your face.

2. If you can, try to perform up to 300 of these movements. They need to be done very quickly. Then hold the movements for a count of 50, after which you begin to slowly release your fingers (also for a count of 50). When you do all this, you will see that for some time your forehead has become completely smooth. Do this exercise daily, and soon you will notice how smooth and beautiful your forehead has become, of course, provided that you do not frown during the day.

Muscle contraction when overcoming resistance also stimulates other muscle groups, showing them that they too must emerge from their state of “hibernation” in the depths of the folds under the skin.

By doing this exercise, you force these muscle groups to do their job, which they are simply unaccustomed to doing. When the muscles get used to working, their action will be evenly distributed throughout the entire area and movements will become more free. Eventually, these muscles will learn to work without your “pointer,” very gently and imperceptibly.

Controlling forehead wrinkles

When you work at the computer, sew, or do any work that requires concentration, then most likely at this time you frown. In this case, take a gauze bandage and apply a thick layer of cream to the forehead, just where the wrinkles are.

The gauze bandage will immediately stick to the cream if the forehead remains smooth, but if the wrinkle deepens, the gauze will not be able to hold on and will fall off. This is an excellent way to control involuntary muscle movements in this part of the face. When the gauze bandage falls off, moisten it with saliva, stick it in its original place and continue working.

If you work in a large office or room with a lot of people, then you will probably look ridiculous wearing this. But if you have a small work team, employees may approve of the fact that you are working on yourself and your appearance, they may laugh at you, but at the same time they will still understand the reason for your such eccentric behavior.

Lines above the eyebrows

Eyebrows are very flexible and they can do “stuff.” On the one hand, they can give the face greater expressiveness, on the other hand, they can cause a large number of wrinkles. So we are faced with a difficult task - how to make our face expressive, but at the same time not expose ourselves to the risk of wrinkles.

In addition, you need to learn to move your eyebrows so that they don’t hang over your eyes. and didn’t make us look like decrepit, tired dogs. The following exercise will teach you how to raise your eyebrows so that folds do not form on your forehead, and for this the eyebrows will have to learn to overcome resistance. This exercise will help make your forehead smooth and even, which will significantly rejuvenate your face.

Exercise – Smoothing wrinkles on the forehead

Remove hair from your forehead and apply cream before you begin the exercise. First, raise your eyebrows and look in the mirror to see what wrinkles appear on your forehead when you raise your eyebrows.

1. Now place your hands on your forehead so that your fingertips are in the middle and directed towards each other. Press your fingers to your forehead and the rest of your palm to your temples. Make an effort, and the movements should be directed upward and slightly outward.

2. Now start raising and lowering your eyebrows. Try to feel what movements are happening under your hands. Look in the mirror to make sure that raising your eyebrows does not create wrinkles on your forehead. Keep in mind that when you raise your eyebrows up, they have to overcome resistance. In this case, the muscles located under the lines on the forehead are stimulated, and during the exercise the muscles begin to actively work.

3. Speed ​​up the pace of the movements and try to bring the number of eyebrow raises to 500, although you won’t be able to do this right away, but after you practice properly, you will not have problems performing such a number of movements. Moreover, as the pace accelerates, these movements should become smaller, while the amplitude of raising the eyebrows increases. By the time you finish the exercise, the muscles will be so tired that they will begin to appear on your forehead.

4. At the final stage of the exercise, you should gradually ease the pressure of the hands and at the same time reduce the pace of movements. Again, you will not learn how to do this right away, and you will need to do this exercise several times to master its technique. After completing the exercise, notice how relaxed your forehead has become, how flat and even it has become, that there are no wrinkles left on it, and how your eyebrows have risen slightly.

You will very soon discover that you can still learn to raise your eyebrows so that wrinkles do not appear on your forehead. After completing the exercise, you will have the feeling that you no longer feel your forehead, just as you don’t feel, for example, your kneecap if everything is fine with it, although in fact your forehead, of course, will remain in its place. Published by .

Juliette Kando "How to get rid of wrinkles. A unique technique for rejuvenating the skin of the face and neck"

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