A minute in a solarium is equal to the sun

A minute in a good vertical solarium is equal to how much time in the sun?


A solarium has a much stronger effect on the skin and therefore you need to sunbathe here carefully, be sure to obtain permission from a doctor, since some people are contraindicated to visit this institution. Some doctors estimate the amount of ultraviolet radiation received in a solarium as 1:60, that is, just a minute of “technical” tanning is equal to a whole hour of natural tanning on the beach, under the sun from 9:00 to 12:00 or from 15:00 to 17:00 :00. If you take into account the time in the sun (from 12:00 to 15:00), then you should reduce it somewhat and consider 1 minute spent in the solarium equal to 45 minutes spent in the midday sun.

Sunlight is considered one of the natural sources of vital energy for humanity, because it provides saturation with vitamin D, which is essential for the normal development and functioning of the body.

The process of tanning is accompanied by strengthening the defenses and stimulating the production of physiologically active substances. But modern humanity is increasingly considering tanning from its aesthetic side, and not in terms of its positive effects on the body.

When talking about the beneficial properties of ultraviolet radiation, you need to take into account that we are talking about a moderate tan. Excessive sunbathing converts the benefits of ultraviolet radiation into irreparable harm, which consists not only in the appearance of burns on the skin, but also in the development of cancer.

There are several ways to become the owner of a beautiful skin tone, namely: go on vacation to the seas or visit a solarium. Residents of large cities often choose the second option, which allows them to achieve the desired tan at reasonable prices, regardless of the weather conditions outside the window. When choosing a solarium for the first time, many women wonder how many times they need to sunbathe in a solarium.

What are the benefits of visiting a solarium?

For an effective stay in the solarium, you should follow the established recommendations. Lack of preparation, as well as too long duration of procedures, can cause the formation of dark spots, signs of skin burning and even cancer in the future. Therefore, it is important to know not only how long to go to the solarium to tan, but also all the nuances of this approach to obtaining the desired skin tone.

Solariums are a regular choice for many modern women, due to the numerous positive properties of this method. We are talking about the following:

  1. In moderate amounts, ultraviolet rays are essential for the production of an important element in the body, which is not such an easy task in conditions of regularly cloudy weather. In this case, visiting a solarium is a simple solution to the problem of lack of ultraviolet radiation.
  2. The result of light irradiation is an increase in the production of endorphin, which acts as a guarantor of a good mood.
  3. Lamps used in solariums are equipped with the required number of special filters that are necessary to reduce the negative effects of gamma radiation. Guided by this fact, many experts argue that tanning in a solarium is safer than staying under the scorching rays of the sun. Of course, side effects are not excluded, but most often they are provoked by ignorance of information about how long to sunbathe in a solarium without harm.

Preliminary preparation

Many people simply do not have information about how long they can sunbathe in a solarium, which becomes a frequent cause of disastrous consequences. But the danger lies not only in this aspect. Thus, the cause of uneven tanning, deterioration or the appearance of sunburn can be the lack of mandatory preliminary preparation, which consists of the following:

  1. Before visiting a solarium, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications such as dermatitis, hypertension and liver diseases, for the definitions of which it is recommended to contact qualified specialists.
  2. During treatment with certain medications, it is not recommended to visit a solarium without first consulting with your doctor.
  3. To obtain an even tan and avoid sunburn, it is recommended to use cosmetics intended for these procedures and subsequent skin care.
  4. The expected result of correctly determining how long it takes to tan in a solarium can be reduced to zero if the skin was cleansed with soap before the session. The fact is that soap helps dissolve the fatty film on the skin, resulting in burning or drying out of the skin.
  5. Before going to the solarium, the use of perfumes and other cosmetics should be excluded.

How long should you sunbathe in a solarium?

How to determine how many minutes you need to sunbathe in a solarium? For these purposes, it is recommended to be guided by the characteristics of the skin. Thus, those with very light skin, which rapidly acquires a red tint when exposed to sunlight, are not advised to sunbathe at all, replacing contact with ultraviolet radiation with the use of self-tanning.

Unfortunately, this method does not bring the long-awaited result of a natural golden hue, so people still flock to solariums and beaches.

Those with very light and sensitive skin need to approach such procedures with increased attention and remembering how many minutes you can sunbathe in a solarium. Thus, it is recommended to visit the solarium no more often than every three days, and the duration of sessions should be within 10 minutes.

An important question is how many minutes to sunbathe in a solarium for the first time, because the final result largely depends on a successful start. The optimal duration of the session should not exceed 3 minutes.

Those with fair skin that can still tan, but often get sunburned, should be guided by the following indicators when determining how many minutes to sunbathe in a solarium:

  1. frequency of visits – up to three times a week;
  2. the duration of the first procedure is from 3 to 5 minutes;
  3. The duration of subsequent sessions is up to 15 minutes.

How long to sunbathe in a solarium for people with fairly fair skin that practically does not burn. In this case, it is not recommended to stay in the solarium for more than 20 minutes, and sessions can be carried out every two days, but not more often.

It is easier for people of this phototype to determine how many times to go to the solarium to tan. As practice shows, 5 sessions are enough to obtain a seductive chocolate shade.

The fourth category includes dark-skinned people whose skin is easily tanned. In this case, no difficulties should arise in determining how many times you need to sunbathe in a solarium. As a rule, after just a few sessions you will be able to achieve the desired result, but the duration of each procedure should not exceed 20 minutes.

Recommendations from experienced people!

If you have doubts about the correctness of independently determining your phototype, it is better to seek help from the tanning salon staff, who will tell you how long you need to go to the solarium to tan, and how long the sessions should be chosen.

By the way, you should choose only trusted establishments whose experience in the market for providing these cosmetology services inspires sufficient confidence. Solarium employees must have all the necessary knowledge and undergo appropriate training, which is confirmed by appropriate certificates.

All this is extremely necessary for a safe stay in a solarium, because even an incorrect determination of how long to sunbathe in a solarium for the first time often ends in causing significant harm to the client.

Video about solariums

Now solariums are not half as popular as they were 10 years ago. But from time to time, many still resort to the service of “artificial” tanning, tired of looking at their pale reflection in the mirror. How many minutes to sunbathe in a solarium and how to do it correctly so as not to harm your health?

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Benefits and harms

The main complaint about tanning beds is the increased risk of developing skin cancer. In fact, tanning under the sun can be no less dangerous. Experts express the opinion that artificial insolation is even safer, since it has a timer and is always strictly limited in time. This eliminates the risk of sunstroke and burns, and exposure to ultraviolet rays is short-lived. Of course, people for whom tanning is contraindicated in principle should refuse to visit a solarium - in this case, self-tanners will come to the rescue.

In addition to improving your appearance (just don’t overdo it!), tanning in a solarium promotes good health and mood, replenishes the lack of vitamin D, and helps with some skin diseases (for example, psoriasis - you just need to consult a doctor before going to sunbathe). The most important thing is to observe moderation, then the effects of artificial tanning will only be positive.

Solarium: how to sunbathe correctly for the first time

Before your first visit, be sure to consult with your doctor, especially if you are expecting a baby, suffer from “heavy” periods, skin diseases, allergies and any chronic diseases in general.

Just like when tanning on the beach, it is very important to consider your skin type in a solarium. The duration and frequency of sessions depends on this. As a rule, the first visit lasts from 3 to 5 minutes, then the session time gradually increases.

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Do not neglect special cosmetics that will protect the skin and moisturize it, providing an even and beautiful tan. Regular sunscreens that you use on the beach will not work. Before visiting a solarium, it is advisable to wash off cosmetics and also refuse to use perfumes, deodorants and body lotions.

How often can you sunbathe in a solarium?

  1. Blondes and red-haired girls with fair skin and freckles are advised to avoid sun exposure altogether. If you really want to try it, start with 3 minutes. Then the time can be increased to 7 minutes once a week. Although it is almost impossible to get a golden tint with the first skin type, your product is an auto-bronzer.
  2. Representatives of the second skin type (fair, with freckles, often burns, but can be tanned) will need several sessions of 7 minutes, 2 times a week.
  3. How long should you sunbathe in a solarium if your skin gets a tan quickly and evenly? Try sessions for 10 minutes 2 times a week. 3-4 repetitions will be enough to acquire a natural golden hue.
  4. Dark-skinned girls are luckier than others in this regard. How to go to a solarium to tan? Just a couple of sessions of 10-12 minutes will be enough to acquire and maintain a real southern tan for a long time.

If your goal is not to get a tan from scratch, but to maintain it after your vacation, it will be enough to visit the solarium once a week for 7-10 minutes. This will allow you to maintain a beautiful, natural shade for a long time and look rested.

How to sunbathe correctly in a vertical solarium

The most common type today, which allows you to get an even tan. Don't forget to use special cosmetics, safety glasses and a hair cap. To ensure your body tans evenly, raise your arms periodically. And, of course, be sure to use a stikini to protect your chest.

How to sunbathe correctly in a horizontal solarium

The horizontal format is ideal for relaxing. Combined with pleasant music and a fragrant product for a beautiful tan, you can take a 10-15 minute nap. By the way, sessions in a horizontal position usually last a couple of minutes longer than in a vertical position, and the recommendations for both types are the same - cosmetics, stickies and glasses are mandatory everywhere.