How to pump up the pectoral muscles on the horizontal bar?

One of the most capricious muscles are the chest muscles. To give them relief and elasticity, a lot of work is required. You can strengthen your pectoral muscles in the gym, but for beginners the method described below is suitable, since it does not require a barbell or specialized equipment or exercise equipment. Below you will learn how to pump up your pectoral muscles on the horizontal bar. This can be any horizontal bar you find, be it in a gym, gym, outdoors, or in your home.

How to pump up the pectoral muscles on the horizontal bar?


When you hear the word “horizontal bar,” pull-ups immediately come to mind. This is the simplest and most effective exercise, as it requires significant effort to perform. Most beginners do pull-ups incorrectly and because of this they do not get the desired results.

The movement made by the shoulders during pull-ups is similar to a pull-over. And, as you know, pull-over very clearly affects the chest area. Moreover, not only the muscles are worked out - with proper execution technique, the entire chest expands, the volume of the lungs increases, and the vital capacity indicator increases. And this is a great help for any bodybuilder. You want to have an impressive torso and broad shoulders?

So, here are a few tips to help you perform pull-ups effectively and effectively engage your chest group:

Kevin Levrone's pumped chest.

  1. Perform all movements smoothly, without sudden jerks; when lowering your body, do not fall with your entire weight. When using the classical technique, the time spent on moving up and down should be equal. Quite ideally: if the negative phase is twice as long as the positive one - that is, for example, rising: 2 seconds, lowering: 4 seconds.
  2. Try to control your breathing. Breathe through your nose. On the way up to the bar, exhale explosively, and on the way down, inhale smoothly.
  3. Don't swing. It is much easier to perform a pull-up with a sharp jerk, but in this case the effectiveness of the exercise is significantly reduced and it will no longer be possible to effectively pump up the pectoral muscles on the horizontal bar in this way. You need to force the target muscles to work, and this is achieved by movements without jerking.
  4. Control the load. At the initial stage, you do not need to try to perform the maximum number of repetitions. The most important thing is the quality of training. Only after mastering the correct technique can you begin to gradually increase the load. First, this is achieved by increasing the number of repetitions and sets, and then you can gradually add additional weight using all kinds of weights.

During pull-ups, the upward movement occurs most of all due to the back muscles; the downward movement also actively engages the pectoral muscles. How much the chest is used depends on the grip. With a wide grip, more impact is placed on the back; with a narrow grip, the chest is also more involved. Therefore, to pump up the chest area on the horizontal bar, use a narrow grip.

How to pump up the pectoral muscles on the horizontal bar?

You can make the exercise more difficult and increase the impact on the chest muscles. During the lift, try to lean your upper body back and move your legs forward - this technique makes the pull-over as close as possible.

By the way, to pump up other groups, you can perform another unusual, but very effective exercise that affects the muscles of the chest, back and abs. First, while hanging on the bar, touch your left knee to your right shoulder, then touch your left shoulder with your right knee. If you can’t reach your shoulders, you can touch your chest, but the effectiveness of the exercise will noticeably decrease.

Push-ups on the horizontal bar.

This exercise is not quite ordinary, but it allows you to effectively work on the chest muscles. Starting position – rest on your hands on the horizontal bar, your pelvis should be level with the crossbar. You can take the starting position by performing a forceful exit, and if you don’t know how to do this yet, then you can climb up the horizontal bar post.

Lower yourself down until your chest is level with the horizontal bar. Over time, you can begin to go lower - to the chin. Try to keep your body strictly vertical. At the initial stage, this will be very difficult to do, so in the lower position it is permissible to stretch your legs forward to maintain balance.

Exercises on the bar can increase the volume of the pectoral muscles, however, to achieve better results, it is recommended to include exercises with other equipment in the training program. Of the available equipment, you can use parallel bars, dumbbells, a barbell, or, for example, use the Butterfly simulator or the good old crossover.

We hope that the recipes described here will help you expand your chest, add vital capacity and pump up your chest area with almost a complete minimum of exercises and sports equipment...