Elena Zemskova massage for rejuvenation

Many of us have heard about the unique method of self-massage of the face created by Elena Zemskova. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands what the technique of this method is, and not everyone is aware of the real results of such a self-administered massage. Actually, our publication was created precisely in order to completely dispel all doubts regarding this self-massage technique and explain all its positive aspects.

So, Elena Zemskova became the founder, and later the director, of her own completely new massage school; moreover, her practice today includes years of hard work and thousands of clients and students who are absolutely satisfied with the results. In his own course of unique self-massage, the author shares his most valuable knowledge and his own (not small) experience. In addition, the author shows incredibly effective massage techniques that allow you to relax the facial muscles, lift the face and even tone the overall condition of the skin.

The author’s unique recommendations, as well as her practical advice, help you quickly learn how to perform an effective anti-aging facial massage in the comfort of your own home, and the author pays the greatest attention to the correct execution of certain massage techniques.

Numerous students of Elena Zemskova are convinced that with regular self-massage of the face (according to the mentioned method), after just seven days it is possible to notice the first positive results. The point is that after regularly performing this kind of massage techniques, the skin of the face quickly begins to freshen and tighten, swelling can almost completely go away, even quite deep wrinkles can become much less noticeable. At the same time, fine wrinkles after such a massage, in principle, are smoothed out very quickly.

Proper preparation for self-massage of the face according to Zemskova

Of course, like any other thing, before starting self-massage according to Zemskova, proper preparation for the procedure and even a certain special attitude are necessary. For example, before starting the self-massage procedure according to Zemskova, it is strongly recommended to meditate, turn on calm, pleasant music, and also be sure to cleanse your face as thoroughly as possible and, of course, try to completely relax.

Initially, it is recommended to close your eyes, then join your palms together and breathe a little through your previously folded hands. In more detail, you need to take one as deep breath as possible, followed by an equally calm, slow exhalation, again through your palms brought together (it is recommended to repeat this exercise at least five or even ten times).

In the future, placing your palms directly on your face, it is important to meditate a little, say for a few seconds (10 to 20). Similar to the previous steps, you should hold your hands a little (again for 10 or 20 seconds) directly on the back and then on the front surfaces of the neck. Then repeat the exercise on the vault of your skull.

It is generally accepted that thanks to such seemingly simple and even elementary manipulations, the human body can be completely configured for further self-massage according to Zemskova. Moreover, these simple exercises can ensure that your palms are fully charged with the energy they need.

Basic massage techniques according to Zemskova’s method

It should be understood that the initial actions of massage according to this author are aimed at restoring and maintaining the nervous system, with increasing load and carrying out deeper techniques, the positive impact of this massage technique can be felt by the human vascular and even muscular systems.

It is important to understand that Zemskova’s massage, like any other massage technique, requires the use of creams or oils. So, for a full-fledged self-massage of the face according to Zemskova, almost any of the publicly available oils is perfect (for example, it can be sunflower, corn, olive, coconut, pumpkin or grape seed oil available in every kitchen). Next, we would like to move directly to the massage techniques themselves.

  1. Technique No. 1 – Stroking. It must be said that this massage technique can have an excellent calming effect and promote the renewal of literally all cells of our body. To begin with, it is important to stroke only with two or three light movements with the entire back of the hand. Such light movements should begin from the neck, and then move to the cheek area. Stroking should be carried out correctly from the center of your face directly to the periphery of it.

Subsequently, the same careful surface manipulations should be carried out directly on the forehead, always with a smooth, no less careful transition to the neck area. Next, just as slowly, you should stroke your shoulders and even your shoulder blades, as far as possible, first with one hand, and then with the other hand. By analogy, attention should be paid to both the front and side surfaces of the neck.

  1. Technique No. 2 – more intense stroking. The next (or second) technique for correctly performing self-massage according to Zemskova can have the most positive effect on our lymphatic, as well as on the human vascular systems. This manipulation is performed in almost the same way as the previous exercise was described, but with much greater intensity.

In this case, the movements should be somewhat larger, and such movements should be directed along the flow of the so-called venous blood, or, as doctors say, along the course of the lymph.

  1. Technique No. 3 – soft kneading with fingers. Note that we have finally come to the most basic technique of self-massage according to Zemskova, which is initially aimed at stimulating the muscular system of a person’s face. It is believed that thanks to this simple exercise, hypertonicity of the facial muscles can be completely relieved, and, consequently, the depth of existing facial wrinkles can be significantly reduced.

This massage technique can be correctly performed using the entire surface of the fingers, and again the movements should be directed from the central axis to the peripheral parts. It is very important to try to move the tissue as minimally as possible. According to the advice and recommendations of Elena Zemskova herself, it is better to first learn how to correctly perform this exercise as slowly as possible, and only then proceed to faster self-massage, which will contribute to an incredible lifting effect, as well as the best muscle turgor.

And of course, immediately after such an intense kneading, stroking is mandatory, in order to be able to completely avoid the unpleasant sensations of pain, which, if the massage is not performed correctly, may appear the next day.

  1. Technique No. 4 – deep kneading of muscle tissue with the phalanges of the fingers. Let us immediately note that this technique of self-massage of the facial muscles according to Elena Zemskova is designed so that it will affect our muscular system even more deeply. In this case, all massage movements should be performed with slightly bent phalanges of our fingers. In this case, the movements are performed very carefully and also as slowly as possible; in this case, it is strictly not recommended to put too much pressure on our muscles.

Let us note that this technique can be very good for quickly solving problems associated with strictly defined areas of our face, for example, for quickly getting rid of the so-called double chin, for some correction of the very shape of the face, for correctly working out a somewhat deformed area of ​​the lower jaw.

Let us remind you that after this massage exercise it will also be necessary to perform simple and gentle stroking, for some rest and relaxation of the muscles.

  1. Technique No. 5 – finger shower. I would like to say right away that this technique is considered one of the final techniques of self-massage according to Zemskova. Manipulation is performed exclusively with the pads of the fingers, using light tapping directly along the lines of some tension in the facial tissues.

In this case, the direction of movements, as with other massage techniques, should be from the center to the periphery tissues. The main task of such a finger shower is considered to be the task of nourishing facial tissues, as well as improving the tone of the facial muscles and a powerful lifting effect.

And of course, you need to complete this exercise with a simple, not deep stroking.

  1. Technique No. 6 – pinching. Note that this technique is considered the second of the final final techniques of proper self-massage of the face according to Zemskova. It cannot be said that simple pinching, as it turns out, has a fairly obvious, quickly noticeable lifting effect; moreover, the faster and finer these movements are carried out, the stronger this effect actually manifests itself.

This technique is always performed after an exercise such as the “Finger Shower”, and the movement is directed along the same lines of the face, although in a somewhat specific way. So, the grasping of tissues and subsequent pinching should be carried out with the thumbs and also the index fingers, but in this case the movements should be carried out only with the index fingers. But the thumbs should remain completely motionless during such a movement.

The exercise should also be completed with the usual stroking.

How do you complete a massage session according to Zemskova?

Undoubtedly, in order for the effectiveness of self-massage according to Zemskova to be truly as high as possible, it is also necessary to complete this procedure correctly. Of course, the final stage of properly performed self-massage according to Zemskova should be properly performed relaxation.

As well as during the stages of preparing for self-massage, it is advisable to try to relax as much as possible; to do this, you just need to close your eyes, after which you should gently place your hands (palms) on each of the above-described areas of the face, as well as the neck. In this case, you should hold your hands on each area of ​​the face for approximately five or maximum ten seconds.

Note that it is important to be able to focus on literally all of the areas of your face previously affected by the massage. Note that when carrying out this procedure, it is also urgently necessary to try to notice and clearly feel all the changes that will occur to your face directly during such a massage.

In the end, I would like to say that self-massage according to Zemskova is deservedly considered a simple and accessible remedy for everyone without exception, which really helps many of us to maintain youth, freshness and beauty of the skin of our face. It is important to understand that if you regularly use this technique, quite soon it is quite possible not to recognize your reflection in the mirror!

Facial care in order to look beautiful and young is not only the use of expensive cosmetics, but also procedures that will help achieve results. Often for this purpose, self-massage of the face is used by Elena Zemskova, who created a unique course that is not inferior to salon procedures. Practice has proven that already the first week of classes gives positive results - wrinkles disappear, folds are smoothed out. How to carry out the procedure correctly to restore youth?

Author of the method


Among women who prefer to maintain youth through simple self-massage procedures for the skin, Zemskova is a well-known person. Vast experience as a massage therapist, her own massage school, courses created by Elena are only part of the merits of a woman who has become a legend in the world of cosmetology.

Zemskova’s students believe that regular procedures performed using a technique developed by a cosmetologist can replace expensive rejuvenation sessions in a salon or the constant use of facial care products.

Massage techniques developed by Elena will help get rid of the following problems:

  1. swelling of the face;
  2. sagging cheeks;
  3. sagging and unhealthy skin tone;
  4. small wrinkles;
  5. deep folds.

The only condition for achieving positive results is strict adherence to the rules and requirements.

Important! The peculiarity of the course is that all exercises are aimed at making the facial muscles relax, which become the main cause of aging of the dermis. Thanks to this, general rejuvenation occurs, the cells of the epidermis begin to work actively.

Who is it shown to?

Elena Zemskova assures that The procedures can be performed at any age. For young girls, they will help refresh the skin tone, prevent the appearance of sagging, and get rid of some defects. With the help of the course, older women will be able to achieve the impossible - restore youth and get rid of obvious signs of aging.


Manipulations can be carried out with the following skin problems:

  1. numerous small wrinkles;
  2. swelling and loss of clear facial contours and neck;
  3. unhealthy complexion;
  4. too obvious furrows;
  5. rapid aging;
  6. sagging in certain areas of the face;
  7. tired, exhausted look.

Already the first procedures will prove that it is quite possible to get rid of all these problems without resorting to salon procedures, which some women do not have the time or opportunity to do. The main thing is to carefully study the features of the manipulations offered by Zemskova’s course.


Elena Zemskova claims that only strict adherence to all rules and requirements will achieve positive results. A certain attitude and special preparation play an important role here. A prerequisite is that self-massage should be carried out in comfortable conditions. The first manipulations must be carried out in front of a mirror, in a sitting position. After all the movements are performed automatically, you can do them on a comfortable sofa or chair.


Before you begin health self-massage, Be sure to do some simple preparation:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub.
  2. Wash with non-aggressive detergents.
  3. Steam your face - use a damp hot towel.
  4. Dry the skin, you can use a soothing agent - lotion, homemade herbal tonic.

When preparing, make sure that the skin is not irritated. - this will negatively affect the procedure. If this happens, use products that can soothe the dermis, and only then begin manipulation.

Important! Before you start self-massage, you definitely need to relax - meditation will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure and prepare the skin. Hold your palms on different parts of your face for several minutes - this will saturate them with healing energy.

Step-by-step instruction

For massage be sure to use oil — useful elements will penetrate deep into the layers of the dermis, enriching them with necessary substances and moisture. Apply a small amount of product to the skin, allow it to be absorbed, and only then proceed to manipulation.

Step-by-step self-massage by Elena Zemskova:

  1. Stroking helps calm the nervous system. Using the palms of your hands, stroke your face from the bottom to the forehead, then repeat the process in descending order. Similarly, stroke the neck, areas of the shoulders, shoulder blades - from bottom to top and back.
  2. Kneading. Swipe with your fingers. Start from the middle part of the face, moving towards the contours. The first procedures should be carried out slowly, only after a week you can speed up.
  3. Kneading using phalanges. Apply on the lower part of the face, neck. The movement is aimed at getting rid of sagging and sagging, double chin. Move with bent phalanges of your fingers, pressing the muscles with force, but without painful sensations.
  4. Shower with your fingers. Lightly tap your fingertips over your entire face. It is better to start the movement from the center of the face, from the nose, moving towards the cheeks. Finish with stroking to help you relax.
  5. Tingling. The final stage of the procedure. Its peculiarity: the faster you perform the movements, the greater the effect you can achieve. When pinching, grab the skin with two fingers - the thumb and middle. It is the middle finger that plays the main role here—the thumb should not move. Finish the course with a light soothing stroke.


Complete the procedure with relaxation. Be sure to place your palms on your face, trying to cover as large an area as possible. Be sure to focus on this particular movement, trying to feel all the changes that occurred during the massage. This is precisely the main feature of the procedure - during the course, you absolutely need to feel the changes happening to your face with every part of your skin.

Important! Elena Zemskova claims that the psychological attitude plays an important role in facial rejuvenation; without meditation and a sensitive response to every movement, it will not be easy to achieve positive results.

How to consolidate the result

You should start with short sessions. Just five minutes is enough in the initial stages. Over time, increase the duration of self-massage, but it is better not to do it for more than a quarter of an hour. The results are felt after the first manipulations, but they can be seen on the face no earlier than a week later.

You can increase the effectiveness of procedures by using professional preparations (cream, mask, lotions) or home procedures with self-prepared formulations. There are many recipes for home cosmetology using affordable simple products.


To complete the self-massage, use the following mask:

  1. Grate a small apple.
  2. Mix the fruit pulp with natural yogurt.
  3. Add a few drops of almond oil (for oily skin it is better to take jojoba).
  4. Apply the mixture to the skin of the face in an even layer.
  5. Remove with cool water after a quarter of an hour.

The mask has a rejuvenating effect, soothes, promotes the disappearance of defects in the form of sagging, refreshes and restores a healthy tone.


Despite the safety and harmlessness of the procedure, there are a number of women who are undesirable to resort to this method of rejuvenation. You will have to find another method of getting rid of wrinkles in such cases:

  1. problems with the nervous system;
  2. inflammatory processes on the skin;
  3. wounds, cracks, abrasions on the face;
  4. profuse rashes;
  5. herpes.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, self-massage techniques are allowed - the procedure does not pose any danger to the baby. There are no side effects during the manipulations. If there is discomfort on the skin or painful sensations are felt, then it is better to abandon rejuvenation for a while and allow the muscles to rest.

Elena Zemskova’s self-massage technique is a simple and affordable way to get rid of old age and defects that appear on the face. The main thing: carefully study the features of the procedure, adhere to the advice and recommendations of the cosmetologist. The results will not take long to appear and will please you after several sessions.

Useful videos

Self-massage of the face from Elena Zemskova.

One of the most effective techniques for rejuvenating and healing facial skin is massage, which can be done independently at home. You can master the technique of its implementation using video tutorials.

Today, such distance classes are conducted by many experienced specialists - in particular, the head of a massage school that works using proprietary methods, Elena Zemskova.


Elena Zemskova - author of unique techniques, head of a massage school

“Self-facial massage,” the video of which we attach to this article, is a very detailed, well-written guide to action, containing the most important fundamentals of theory and visual practical exercises.

“Self-facial massage” by Elena Zemskova helps to understand the structural features of the skin, the cause of various problems, thanks to which the massage will be carried out more consciously and effectively.


Self-massage of the face is designed taking into account the characteristics of our skin

Elena presents all new information in an accessible form, extracting only the very essence from a large volume of theory. She explains in detail in what environment massage sessions should be carried out and what products to use.

Elena explains the technique of performing various massage techniques no less clearly and easily. Elena Zemskova's massage is an opportunity to relieve tension from facial muscles, get rid of stress, improve skin nutrition, blood circulation and lymph outflow.

Elena Zemskova's massage is an opportunity to relieve tension from facial muscles, get rid of stress, improve skin nutrition, blood circulation and lymph outflow.

Being a very competent specialist, Elena performs massage techniques taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the facial area, thanks to which massage sessions bring tangible benefits.

Self-massage of the face of Elena Zemskova (video):

Facial massage with Elena Zemskova (theory and practice):

Facial massage (practice only):

Having mastered a simple self-massage technique, you will be able to arrange relaxation sessions for yourself within the walls of your own home and make sure that you don’t have to visit a cosmetologist’s office to always look fresh, fit and young!

Presentation of massage techniques by Elena Zemskova:

Self-massage of the face by Elena Zemskova reviews:

I do self-massage to my face every evening. I really like the result. The face became younger, the puffiness went away. Thank you! (Sasha)

Elena, thank you! Became more beautiful)

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