Leg and foot massage

Every person needs rest. Foot massage, in addition to its healing qualities, provides true pleasure, which relieves fatigue and tones the body.

Foot massage

The procedure can be performed either independently at home or use the services of a professional.

By performing a foot and leg massage, you can cure quite serious diseases and save your legs from further diseases. You can perform the procedure yourself at home or use the services of a professional. Having mastered the massage technique, you can do something pleasant for your loved one, relaxing him after a hard day at work.


We can say about this type of massage that it is slightly different in impact from other types of massage. Most massage techniques work directly on the muscles. By performing this procedure, in addition to the effect on the muscles, there is a beneficial effect on the entire body. This is explained by the fact that in the area of ​​the feet there are a large number of biologically active points, which in turn are responsible for the condition of the body as a whole.

Foot massage

In the area of ​​the feet there are a large number of biologically active points, which in turn are responsible for the condition of the body as a whole.

Let's give an example: in the area of ​​​​the feet there are many active points connected directly to the spine. Therefore, by stimulating certain points, you can get rid of back pain, as well as completely solve problems with the spine. In the same way, problems with vision, hearing, and digestion can be solved.

How to massage your feet

Each of us wants to bring pleasant emotions to our loved ones and loved ones. That is why we will now perform the procedure for our loved one. This technique will be useful as self-massage. To do this, you need to create a feeling of comfort during the procedure: place a pillow or a soft blanket rolled up under the knee. This will reduce the risk of any unpleasant sensations during the sensation.

It doesn’t matter at all whether you have perfected the technique or are just learning this art - the patient should feel comfortable. To do this, you need to create the appropriate atmosphere: first of all, take care of a comfortable body temperature. In the meantime, while you massage one leg, you can wrap the other in a warm terry towel.

For greater efficiency and relaxation, use aroma oils. This aroma effect will have an even greater relaxing effect. In addition to oils, you can use warming massage creams that will relieve the patient of heaviness in the legs.

How to massage your feet

For greater efficiency and relaxation, use aroma oils. This aroma effect will have an even greater relaxing effect.

  1. We take the foot and begin to actively warm it up. We perform warming actions with the palm and phalanges of the fingers, alternating them in equal proportions.
  2. After warming up the foot, rub each toe separately. We perform the movements with the pads of our fingers.
  3. Afterwards, we carry out circular movements over the entire surface of the foot with a sore finger. In those places where rough skin is felt, the movements are more intense and strong, in delicate places - softer.
  4. Let's move on to the next step. We take the foot in one hand, and with the other hand we take the area at the base of the ankle. Gently rotate first in one direction, then in the other.
  5. Let's move on to the lower leg. We perform rubbing movements, then circular movements, describing each muscle.
  6. Having warmed up the shin thoroughly, move on to the upper part of the leg. It is not recommended to stimulate the area on the inside of the knee, since in this area the vessels and capillaries are very close to the skin. Perform soft circular movements over the entire surface of the leg, using the buttock area.

  1. The procedure for varicose veins should be performed very gently and carefully, with stroking movements from the foot to the thigh. It is recommended to carry out this procedure after a little gymnastics for the legs.
  2. We place our feet on a soft hill and begin to perform massaging movements with our palms. 7 minutes is enough.
  3. Afterwards, we move on to stroking. You should start from the lower sections, ending with the area near the groin area. It is necessary to perform stroking, the skin should not move.
  4. After the massage, your legs should rest a bit. To do this, you need to keep them at a height for some time.

Massage for varicose veins must be performed very carefully. In some cases it is contraindicated:

  1. Inflamed venous nodes;
  2. Leg ulcers;
  3. Skin diseases;
  4. Vacuum and cupping massages are prohibited;

The foot massage procedure can include both a therapeutic effect and an absolute relaxing remedy that will be pleasant for anyone. Give more pleasant and at the same time healthy moments, and your life will take on new bright colors.