A healthy and beautiful body is the dream of every person.

Everyone wants to be young, powerful and healthy, but not everyone is ready to work in this direction. But if you want to be beautiful, you have to work hard. Here are three whales that will help you swim to a beautiful and healthy body:

  1. proper and nutritious nutrition,
  2. reasonable loads
  3. and a positive attitude towards what surrounds us.

Proper nutrition is not synonymous with living from hand to mouth. Our body values ​​fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins equally dear. You cannot deprive him, in the sense of the organism, of the pleasure of receiving everything he needs. Don't look at food as a source of calories. It is the source of life and pleasure. You just need to balance your consumption with your consumption. Under high loads, you need to eat denser foods, and in their absence, you can limit yourself to light salads with small additions of meat or fish. You shouldn't give up sweets completely either. Neither the brain nor the liver can live without sugar. As elsewhere, moderation is good here.

Physical activity is recommended for everyone. But, if you want to get a healthy and beautiful body, it is important to understand that their appearance and intensity depend on what goal you have set for yourself. Walking, belly dancing, dance aerobics or intense exercise with weights, all have different effects on both health and appearance.

One exercise that helps build muscle mass is the bench press, which can be performed from several positions. Depending on the starting position, the load falls on different muscle groups. But, for all types of bench press there are certain rules for performing the exercise. The first is a mandatory warm-up and stretching. If you do not do this, then you are guaranteed to have unpleasant sensations after training. Next, you need to start with the minimum weight, or better yet, with the bar, gradually increasing the load. It is important to alternate so-called “light” and “hard” weeks of training. This means that one week you work with maximum weights, the next - with a load 30-40 percent below the maximum.

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