Can't lose weight? Now it will work!!!

No matter how fat women console themselves that “there must be a lot of good people,” healthy slimness, fit, activity and optimism are still in fashion. Is it possible to remain optimistic when you are on a super diet with strict restrictions, dreaming of buns and feeling sorry for yourself? The natural consequence of such self-torture is rewarding yourself with your favorite double dose of your favorite delicacies and another uncontrollable weight gain...

Is another development possible? Is it possible to lose weight easily, fun and without suffering? Is it realistic to keep yourself in shape even after the desired result is achieved? And at the same time remain cheerful, active and radiate optimism? It turns out yes.

These are the questions that the specialists of the dance club “Fidelio” asked themselves. The result of the hard work of a number of specialists is a specially designed weight loss program based on a unique combination of dietary programs with specially selected dance exercises. Their goal is intensive burning of excess weight and body shaping using very gentle, but very effective work of different muscle groups.

Do you want to know why the professionals chose dancing? Yes, because the process of losing weight should stop being torture! It should give pleasure and bring joy! After all, you wanted to lose weight without suffering, easily and fun? What else brings us such emotions as dances that we haven’t loved since childhood? Well, everyone loves to dance!

Since ancient times, dance has been a way of expressing human emotions, his means of seeking harmony with nature and himself. Creating a specific atmosphere of combining music with movements is of great importance. Scientists have long noticed that dancers often experience a state close to euphoria. Through movements, you can learn to use the hidden capabilities of the body, open access to the powerful energy of creativity, learn to awaken it and realize it.

Losing weight in dance class!

In a broad sense, dance has a great influence on the formation of a person’s internal culture: it helps to reveal his artistic abilities and satisfies his aesthetic needs.

Dance can:

  1. be a way of communication;
  2. be a way of self-expression that allows you to feel the unique joy of movement;
  3. embody the full range of human feelings;
  4. tell stories;
  5. strengthen the integrity of the individual; discipline, renew and nourish a person’s inner world;
  6. change personality, its sense of self;
  7. change the state, relieve depression; bring a sense of competence and strength;
  8. help to become different (and for a while - completely different);
  9. help to understand other cultures and, thanks to this, better understand your own culture and yourself.

It is obvious that dancing is useful not only as a sport. By dancing, a person releases the negativity accumulated as a result of stressful situations. Many psychological methods for getting rid of depression, obsessive states, etc. based specifically on dancing. At the same time, it is no secret that an unfavorable psychological state is often the main motive for excessive passion for food - as a kind of means of “compensating” for mental torment.

An important characteristic of dance training is that with active movements the vascular and lymphatic systems of the body are unloaded, blood and lymph flow and metabolism in general improves. Need I mention that physical exercise helps burn fat?..

A fairly weighty argument in favor of the above-mentioned program is the factor of collective weight loss. It is group classes that increase the effectiveness of the technique, because the participants “spur” each other, exchange experiences, information, and, in the end, just communicate and be friends.

And how tempting the opportunity is