Flash gymnastics for beautiful thighs

If you want to have slender and toned thighs, then you need to move as much as possible. Try to walk more (at least 30 minutes a day), prefer stairs to elevators, and also do our exercises regularly!


Before you move on to the thigh exercises below, here are some basic tips:

  1. At the beginning of the lesson, it is recommended to do a light warm-up and stretching (turns and tilts of the head, circular movements of the shoulders, bends down and to the sides, lunges forward on both legs alternately). It will take you about 10 minutes.

  2. Then aerobic exercise for 20-40 minutes is desirable. You can run on the exercise machine or work out while listening to your favorite video cassette.

  3. After this thorough warm-up, you can safely begin strength training.

  4. Remember to drink enough fluids. During classes, preferably still mineral water.

  5. Breathe evenly while doing the exercises. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, while tensing, exhale, and relaxing, inhale. Do not hold your breath, as this will prevent the flow of oxygen.

You will need: soft gymnastic mat

Training program for each exercise:
For beginners: 10 repetitions, 3 sets, pause between sets 15 seconds.
For experts: 15 repetitions, 4 passes, pause between passes 15 seconds.
For pros: 20 repetitions, 5 passes, pause between passes 15 seconds.

First exercise
Your posture and movements: you stand, your legs are wider than shoulder-width apart and relaxed, your hands are on your waist, your abdominal and buttock muscles are tightened. Perform squats by bending your knees. Lower yourself to knee level, imagining that you are sitting on the edge of a chair that is standing at some distance behind you.
Effect: this exercise strengthens the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, burns calories.
Attention: when squatting, do not go too low. When rising, do not straighten your knees completely; they remain slightly bent.

Second exercise
Your posture and movements: you stand, hands on your belt, body slightly tilted forward, supporting leg in front and slightly bent at the knee, the other leg bent at the knee and raised. Lunge back, straightening your raised and bent leg, and then lift it forward again, bending your knee. The fulcrum for a lunge is the toe (not the heel!). After completing the sets, change your leg.
Effect: This exercise strengthens the front of your thighs.
Attention: do not lunge too far, keep your back straight, and do not lift your leg above the level of your buttocks.

Third exercise
Your posture and movements: you stand, hands on your belt, supporting leg slightly bent at the knee, the other leg raised and bent, thigh parallel to the floor. Extend your leg, keeping it suspended. At the same time, imagine that you are lightly kicking a ball hanging in front of you. After completing the sets, change your leg.
Effect: This exercise strengthens the front of your thighs.
Attention: when extending your leg, do not make sudden movements. Perform the exercise smoothly and evenly. Do not straighten your leg all the way; let it remain slightly bent. Don't bend back, keep your back straight.

Fourth exercise
Your posture and movements: you stand, hands on your belt, body slightly tilted forward, supporting leg in front and slightly bent at the knee, take a step back with the other leg and rest on your toes. Raise your back leg, driving your heel toward your buttocks. Then lower, leaning on your toes. After completing the sets, change your leg.
Effect: This exercise strengthens the back of your thighs.
Attention: do not raise your leg too high, do not make sudden jerks, make sure that your knee is pointing to the floor.

Fifth exercise
Your posture and movements: you lie on your side, your arms are bent at the elbow, one supports your head, the other rests on the floor, one leg on the floor is bent at the knee, the other is extended. Raise and lower your extended leg, muscles tense, foot flat