How to get rid of summer depression and not worry about extra pounds

Do you have extra pounds and lack of self-confidence? Do the slender girls around in short dresses cause irritation, which smoothly turns into a depressive state? The editors of figured out how to cope with summer bouts of depression.

How to lose weight quickly and cheaply

Frankly, summer is not the best time for depression. Usually people suffer from this, not the most pleasant, condition in autumn or winter, when the body experiences an acute lack of vitamins and sunlight. The main cause of summer depression is dissatisfaction with one's own body.

In fact, this condition is not surprising, because it is with the arrival of the heat that the beauties of the city are naked, showing off their charms to all passers-by. And, if fate throws you on the beach, then your mood will spoil seriously and for a long time. Or, if you notice that your man is looking at another girl whose butt screams that she only eats boiled chicken and regularly works out in the gym. Not fun, right? To avoid falling into the summer form of depression, psychologists advise adhering to the following rules.


Learn to love yourself. No matter how trite this phrase may sound, without it you will never feel completely satisfied with yourself. Surely, you have often met women who do not differ much in appearance, but their self-confidence attracts like a magnet?

The main secret of beauty is self-love. To teach yourself to have a positive attitude towards yourself, regularly pamper yourself with something. No, it doesn’t have to be cakes or chocolates: once every two weeks, buy yourself a new lip gloss, dress or some other nice thing. The exception is food.

Remember, if every time you see a slender girl you sprinkle ashes on your head, you will increase your level of insecurity. And those around you will definitely notice it.


Auto-training is also a very pleasant thing to get out of depression. At first, the idea seems absolutely absurd. But, as people who found the strength to change their attitude towards the problem say, daily listening to auto-training strengthened their self-confidence and accelerated the process of losing weight.

Auto-training should be about the fact that you find the strength to work on yourself, and everything works out for you. Listen to auto-training every morning on the way to work, or before bed. In just a week you will begin to notice changes in your life.


The sexuality of a woman is not only in forms, but also in energy. To say goodbye to the concept of “depression” in principle, masturbate regularly. As experts say, this is the best way to develop sexuality and fill the body with hormones of happiness.

Don’t be lazy, the more often you give yourself pleasure, the faster you will come out of the state of apathy, your eyes will begin to glow, and the desire to do something will appear inside. Treat the process like training: you can even make a training schedule. The main thing is not to take a single step away from him.


Summer is a great time to lose weight. Due to high temperatures, you won’t want to eat cakes and buns, and a variety of vegetables will allow you to create a competent menu. In addition, summer is a great time to start doing yoga, running or other types of fitness.

There is no need to abuse your body gradually begin the process of losing weight. Let it be slow but sure. Remember, for weight loss to be effective, it must bring you pleasure. That is, you should not force yourself and suffer from restrictions, you should radically change your life.

Remember, girls most often exaggerate their appearance problems. Including those with extra pounds.


You know, psychologists have proven more than once that a woman needs to