How to lose weight by 5 kg

It happens that your figure seems to be good, and your weight is almost normal, but there are an extra 5 kilograms “hanging” - and you just can’t say goodbye to them. They are the ones who interfere the most and ruin everything in this life! Is it realistic to lose 5 kg? Easily!

It is necessary to fight excess weight not because it is fashionable or you don’t want to change your wardrobe, but precisely because of a feeling of dissatisfaction with your appearance. There are many people around us with even larger circles. However, this does not at all prevent them from enjoying life and loving themselves as they are. If the extra 5 kilograms give you no rest; if it is because of them that the dress does not fit well or the trousers do not look good; If you’re in a bad mood, you should exert yourself a little and bring your weight to the desired norm!

How to lose 5 kg: exclude provoking foods

In order to say goodbye to excess weight, sometimes there is no need to go on strict diets. It is necessary to remove or significantly limit the consumption of flour products, sugar, sausages, canned food and other semi-finished products from your diet. You need to change your diet so that in the future it becomes your usual norm. Then there is a chance that the extra pounds will not return again.

Experts recommend moderately reducing your total calorie intake per day, to start by 500 kcal. The most energy-intensive substrate is fats. Limiting dietary fat intake leads to weight loss and a decrease in the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer.

How to lose 5 kg: drink more and move!

Have you found time for fitness? Wonderful! Under the guidance of an experienced trainer, the kilograms will melt faster, and the body will acquire a pleasant fit. Also, recently, nutritionists have been focusing on the fact that for normal functioning of the body it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of liquid. A practically healthy adult needs to drink at least 2 liters of non-carbonated drinking water per day. In order to slightly dull the feeling of hunger and stimulate bowel function, drink 1 glass of cool water before meals!

Diet “for company” is more effective than solo diet

How to lose 5 kg: let's go to the pharmacy?

Various weight loss products promise to quickly say goodbye to extra pounds. Let's be critical of what their advertising and manufacturers promise.

Are dietary supplements absolutely safe and effective? In most cases, this group of weight loss products is represented by so-called “fat burners”. Caffeine, guarana extract, green tea extract - have a stimulating effect on the human body, thereby increasing its energy expenditure. This is how the weight loss effect is achieved. The complete safety of these drugs is apparent. Sometimes, taking “fat burners” leads to insomnia, anxiety, and rapid heartbeat.

“Filler” drugs that reduce appetite. The dietary fiber contained in these drugs swells and increases in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness. This approach really promotes weight loss. However, maintaining normal weight after stopping medications can be quite difficult. In some cases, a “ricochet” effect develops and a person gains even more weight in a short period of time.

Detox program. At first glance - just perfect! Weight loss, plus cleansing the body. Such products usually include herbal preparations that have a diuretic and laxative effect. Rapid weight loss is sometimes achieved by loss of fluid. However, useful microelements are lost along with it. A lack of fluid does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin: wrinkles, dryness, and rashes appear.

With Xenical things will go faster!

Taking Xenical accelerates the process of losing body weight and reducing waist and abdominal circumference. Undigested fats leave the body