How to do lymphatic drainage massage at home

What is the lymphatic drainage massage procedure? What is it, in what areas is it done and what lymphatic drainage massage techniques exist for use at home. You will find answers to these and other questions in our article on the website The lymphatic drainage procedure consists of a mechanical effect on the desired lines of the human body, in the direction of lymph flow.

Goal: to normalize and activate the functioning of the body’s lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is responsible for removing harmful substances accumulated there from tissues and cells. She participates in metabolic processes.

If the lymphatic system works normally, this will be evidenced by good health, vitality and a healthy appearance.

Lymphatic drainage massage: contraindications and indications for use

Let us consider in detail in what cases lymphatic drainage massage is prescribed, and in what cases it is contraindicated. The lymphatic drainage procedure will undoubtedly be beneficial when a course is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. The appearance of swelling on the skin;
  2. Varicose veins of the upper and lower extremities;
  3. Fat deposits;
  4. When skin elasticity is reduced;
  5. Presence of cellulite;
  6. When metabolism is slow;
  7. Burn and postoperative scars, stretch marks;
  8. When lymph flow is weakened;
  9. Reduced immunity;
  10. Blood flow in the fingers and toes is impaired.
  11. Of course, there are contraindications for lymphatic drainage massage. It cannot be carried out in the following cases:
  12. Increased fragility of joints;
  13. Acute stage of thrombophlebitis;
  14. Skin diseases (various);
  15. Diseases of the lymph nodes;
  16. The presence of benign tumors prone to growth;
  17. Headaches, with an unclear cause;
  18. When there are diseases associated with the cardiovascular system;
  19. Kidney failure;
  20. When there is any form of diabetes;
  21. When a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding;
  22. Menstrual period;
  23. When there is an infectious disease.

As soon as swelling or bruising becomes noticeable after the procedure, the massage course must be interrupted urgently. In this case, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Levels and types of lymphatic drainage massage

3 levels of massage have been developed:

  1. The procedure is superficial. During its implementation, lymph capillaries are activated. The achieved effect: the skin is tightened and smoothed.
  2. Projection. It will affect the lymphatic vessels. The purpose of these actions is to ensure the outflow of lymph and speed up metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Deep - aimed at activating the lymph nodes, which has a therapeutic effect. As a result, there is an effective fight against “orange peel” and extra pounds.

There are two main types of massage:

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  1. The first is manual, when the massage therapist performs tactile manipulations.
  2. The second is a hardware method, using certain devices.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

How to perform lymphatic drainage massage (LM) manually. It is performed within 60 minutes, no less!
This massage is quite a relaxing manipulation, as the central nervous system is affected.

The patient calms down during the procedure. There are times when patients fall asleep, the effect is so relaxing. The patient should not experience discomfort during the LM procedure, both at stage 1 and when there is a direct effect on the lymph flow. As a rule, a massage therapist can use different types of oils during the procedure manually. Then the pores open more easily, fluid is removed from the body, the lymph is warmed up, and the skin is tightened.

If the massage therapist is a professional, at stage 1 he will perfectly relieve muscle tension and spasms in different parts of the body.

After this, he will begin the lymphatic drainage massage itself:
1. Performs gentle pumping using the surging method, and performs gentle pressing movements of the lymphatic areas:

The massage specialist will repeat this cycle 3 to 5 times. The purpose of these actions is to clear the lymph flow paths. The direction of movement is from the upper part of the patient's body to the lower part.

2. A professional massage therapist performs soft wave-like movements from bottom to top (along the path of blood flow).

The purpose of these smooth movements: activation of capillaries and neuroreceptors. When a deeper massage is performed, the massage therapist additionally affects the areas of the main lymph nodes: inguinal, popliteal, intra-abdominal, supraclavicular.

Movements should always be smooth, despite the depth of impact, they must correspond to the speed of lymph flow. The massage, in this case, will be slow.

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage

If we consider the method and strength of impact on problem areas, then hardware massage can be:

  1. pressotherapy;
  2. microcurrent drainage;
  3. vacuum anti-cellulite massage.

What is pressotherapy?

This is when the patient's body is exposed to compressed air. This technique can only be performed in stationary conditions. It is necessary to have specialized equipment available. You can't do without it.

Here, the cosmetologist’s main goal will be to perform manipulations to combat obesity, in particular, to reduce the volume of the patient’s hips, legs and arms. When pressotherapy is used, the patient will have to put on a tight-fitting suit.

That is why it is important for those clients who have at least some kind of disease of the cardiovascular system to refuse this procedure and choose one of the types of alternative treatment. Why take the risk?

  1. Microcurrent drainage has not surpassed pressotherapy in popularity, and has many admirers.

This type of procedure does not cause any painful reactions, despite the “scary” name. Using electrodes attached to the patient's body, current is supplied to problem areas in pulses. This procedure is especially effective for patients with diseased veins, as it normalizes blood circulation.

  1. Vacuum hardware massage can be called, rather, a cosmetic procedure.

Vacuum has proven its effectiveness in the fight against sagging skin and cellulite. The massage therapist places special devices on the client’s problem areas.

In them, with the help of special equipment, the pressure is reduced to a certain value. When the body comes into contact with the vacuum of the device, excess liquid appears on the surface of the skin.

How to perform lymphatic drainage massage at home

Any massage professional can massage the lymphatic system. There are no particular difficulties in this process. When certain rules for performing manipulations are followed, a person can perform LM at home, even if he is not a professional massage therapist.

How to perform the procedure step by step:

  1. All movements must be performed smoothly and carefully.
  2. It doesn't hurt to apply honey or essential oil to your skin. They help remove toxins from tissues.
  3. No matter where the movements are made, the movements must be unchanged: from bottom to top.
  4. The massage itself begins directly with warming up the area that will need to be massaged. Warming up consists of gently stroking the body, parallel to the lymph flow.
  5. Then they move on to the active stage. This is an impact on the problem area using the edge of the palm only in a given direction.
  6. At the end of the massage, a contrast shower is required.

Features of facial lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage of the face is prescribed for: puffiness, bags and blueness under the eyes, when the skin has an uneven shade and is flabby. The procedure is also indicated when various cosmetic and age-related changes are observed.

This procedure helps improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. In addition, the skin is saturated with oxygen, and metabolism accelerates. As a result, the patient’s face after the massage looks fresher and younger.

If you massage daily for 10 minutes, the patient will very quickly see the effect, literally “on the face.”

Before starting the massage, remove traces of makeup using cosmetics. The hair is hidden under a scarf. If desired, the face is lubricated with either oil or a special massage cream. You can hold your face over a “water bath” to open the pores, i.e. carry out inhalation.

The massage technique must be carried out taking into account the zones, i.e. differently:

Smoothly, gently, from the middle of the forehead, perform smooth movements in the direction of the temples. In the same way, they make movements similar to drumming. Repeat movement No. 1.

Using the pads of the ring fingers, applying light pressure, pass along the lower edge of the orbit in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temple area. After this, strokes are performed in the shape of a spiral, walking along the upper edge under the eyebrows in the direction from the temple area to the bridge of the nose.

Performing stroking movements, massage from the center of the chin to the earlobes, then from the edges of the lips to the center of the ear, from the nostrils to the top of the ears. After this, “drum” type tapping is carried out in the same directions. Repeat strokes. Use the pads of your index fingers to massage the folds in the area of ​​your nose and lips. Movements in the form of pressing.

  1. How to massage your chin

The pads of the thumbs are placed in the middle of the chin. Performing pressing movements, they reach the earlobes.

If you carry out LM at home, on your own, this will be the simplest but most effective way to prevent diseases associated with circulatory and lymph flow problems.

In addition, a properly performed massage will make it possible to maintain a toned figure and elastic skin.

Then a person will not have to think about performing liposuction or resorting to other surgical procedures. And most importantly, if you perform massage at home, you can save money and personal time.

Video: lymphatic drainage facial massage at home, step-by-step technique

Lymphatic drainage foot massage

Mastering the skills of superficial lymphatic drainage massage yourself is a simple science. Everything is done simply.
If a person wants to perform a deep lymphatic drainage massage, he cannot do without serious anatomical knowledge. In this case, you should entrust the performance of LM to a professional, since independent actions can cause harm to health.

Preparing your feet for the procedure:

1 step. It is associated with preparation for a massage. There is no need to prepare specially. The session should be carried out sitting. The patient should feel comfortable. Massage oil should be applied to the area that has been previously cleaned, using gentle stroking movements.

Step 2. The tissues need to be warmed up. In the direction of the blood flow, stroke the skin, performing smooth and soft movements. First they move from the foot towards the knee, and then they move towards the hip joint. Don't push too hard! Slightly intensify movements only in the middle of the procedure.

Step 3. Purpose: stimulate blood circulation. The edge of the palm should be held 5-6 times in one place, performing movements from bottom to top. Having worked in one zone, they move to another. This is how all the muscles of the calf and thighs are worked. Movements should be rhythmic and not pressing.

Step 4 It is necessary to remove the intercellular fluid. To do this, clasp your leg with both hands and try to connect your index fingers and thumbs. Movements are carried out from the bottom up, to the knee joints. Then they move from the knees to the groin area.

Movements are performed only in the direction in which the lymph flow passes. If you massage your legs, then move from your feet to your hips. If you make movements from top to bottom, swelling cannot be ruled out.

Step 5 Performing pats. The last stage of LM is performing light tapping with the fingertips in a top-down direction.

Video: How to do lymphatic drainage foot massage at home

For the effect to be 100% positive, the lymphatic drainage massage procedure is carried out for at least 1 hour.

Most modern residents of the country lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is due to the activities of many of them: working in an office, studying, driving. The result of this lifestyle is increased fatigue, lethargy, neck and back pain, and excess weight gain. In this regard, a good solution would be to regularly take massage courses, and for the best effect, combine it with physical activity. Experts recommend paying attention to lymphatic drainage massage, as it allows you to effectively combat the above ailments. This type of massage is provided by both medical institutions and many fitness centers. It is convenient to combine a massage with training by visiting a fitness club - this will enhance the desired effect.

What is lymphatic drainage massage?

Lymphatic drainage massage is a procedure that involves influencing certain areas of the body with your hands or a special device in places and in the direction of lymph flow. The purpose of this effect, first of all, is to normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system. In addition, lymphatic drainage massage has a positive effect on the body:

  1. helps fight excess weight and sagging skin;
  2. accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
  3. relieves swelling by removing excess fluid.

The consequence of this is improved health and appearance.

Photo gallery: what the lymphatic drainage procedure looks like

Indications and contraindications

Lymphatic drainage massage, despite its benefits, has a number of contraindications. Thus, in the following conditions, lymphatic drainage should not be performed:

  1. vascular diseases;
  2. skin disorders (wounds, abrasions, burns, etc.);
  3. skin diseases (ringworm, scabies, fungal diseases, etc.);
  4. oncology;
  5. diseases of the thyroid gland;
  6. problems with the cardiovascular system;
  7. diabetes mellitus;
  8. colds;
  9. inflammation;
  10. elevated temperature;
  11. pregnancy.

With all this, there are also ailments for which lymphatic drainage is indicated for use, but only if there are no contraindications:

  1. metabolic disease;
  2. disruptions in the functioning of the immune system;
  3. intoxication of the body.

In addition to medical indications, lymphatic drainage massage helps well in the fight against:

  1. cellulite;
  2. double chin;
  3. swelling;
  4. sagging skin.

It would be a good practice to do body wraps along with lymphatic drainage massage. For your health, it would be useful to minimize the consumption of junk food and switch to a healthy diet if possible. If all these conditions are met, the result will not be long in coming and will appear within a few weeks.

Wraps for weight loss at home - video

Types of lymphatic drainage massage

There are two approaches to performing the lymphatic drainage procedure:

  1. hardware lymphatic drainage massage;
  2. manual lymphatic drainage massage.

Manual massage involves using your hands to influence the areas of lymph flow. It can be carried out both in a medical institution and at home, having studied a little about the structure of the body. Hardware massage is performed using a special device and, in turn, is divided into three types:

  1. Pressotherapy - you will need a special suit to carry it out. For half an hour, it creates pressure in certain areas of the body by supplying air. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to repeat pressotherapy 15 times, but not more often than twice a week;
  2. Vacuum massage - involves exposure to back pressure using a special device. Before performing the massage, gel is applied to the skin. The procedure can only be performed by a qualified master to avoid negative consequences: hematomas, ruptures and injuries;
  3. microcurrent massage is a painless procedure that involves applying electrical impulses to the upper layers of the skin. It appeared later than other types of lymphatic drainage and is aimed at eliminating swelling, scars, wrinkles and adding elasticity to the oval of the face.

Hardware massage is not recommended to be done at home, since if used incorrectly, it can harm the body. Operation of the device is possible only in the hands of a specially trained person who knows the structure of the body, the location of lymph flows and safety precautions when working with the device.

Photo gallery: lymphatic drainage massage using various devices

How to do lymphatic drainage massage at home

Before considering the manual massage procedure, it should be noted that lymphatic drainage is performed on different parts of the body. Thus, the objects of lymphatic drainage can be:

You won’t be able to do a back massage yourself, but you can ask one of your family members to do it, after showing him the technology.

Neck and face massage

To perform lymphatic drainage facial massage, you need to follow a certain algorithm:

  1. From the middle of the forehead to the temples, you need to slowly massage the skin with your fingertips.
  2. Going down to the bridge of the nose, massage the skin towards the temples, lingering under the eyelids.
  3. You should massage the eyelid area a little, repeating the movements with your fingers from the bridge of the nose to the temples several times.
  4. Apply pressure several times with your index fingers from the nasolabial folds to the edges of the jaw.
  5. Then work the area from the chin to the edges of the lower jaw.
  6. Massage from the chin towards the neck.

All movements should be of a massage nature. After this, lymphatic drainage moves to the neck. There is also some procedure here:

  1. Starting from the area under the ears, smoothly move down the neck with all fingers except the thumb.
  2. Pausing at the bottom of the neck, massage the area in a circular motion.
  3. Similarly under the ears, slow down a little and massage additionally.

Video: lymphatic drainage of the neck and face

Back massage

Before you start massaging your back, you need to warm it up a little by rubbing from the spine to the sides. Then you can start the massage:

  1. You should apply a little oil to your hands and distribute it over your back using movements from the spine to the sides, pressing on your back.
  2. Pressing your hands tightly to your back, you need to move them along the spine, on the sides of it, then return to the starting position on the sides. Repeat several times.
  3. Then make symmetrical movements from the lower back to the shoulders, returning along the edges of the back.
  4. Using circular movements from the spine to the sides, massage the back from the neck to the sacral region.
  5. Then you should walk again in the same direction with the edge of your palm, and then with your entire palm without circular movements.

Lymphatic drainage of the back - video

Abdominal massage

When performing lymphatic drainage massage on the stomach, you need to be extremely careful, since the stomach is a very sensitive place. The massage is carried out as follows:

  1. You should lubricate your hands with oil and distribute it over your stomach in a circular motion.
  2. You need to move from the right lower abdomen and massage counterclockwise.
  3. Then move to the navel area and massage the area around it clockwise.
  4. After this, stroke your stomach with your hands from left to right.
  5. Finally, tap the pads over the entire abdominal area.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen to yourself - video

Hand massage

Hand massage is not very convenient to do on your own, but in principle, it is possible. To perform lymphatic drainage of the hands, you need:

  1. Run one hand over the other slowly, stroking movements from wrist to elbow. After 5-7 times, repeat the procedure on the other hand.
  2. Then, using the same movements from bottom to top, the area from the elbow to the shoulder is massaged. First on one arm, then on the other, 10–15 repetitions.
  3. Rub your hands one at a time using similar movements from your fingertips to your wrists.

Foot massage

Foot massage is performed in similar movements from bottom to top as hand massage. But before you start the procedure, you need to prepare a little.

  1. The muscles in the legs need to be relaxed. To do this, you need to sit down and put your leg in front of you on a sofa or chair. This will help relieve stress.
  2. Then, using oil, massage the leg with smooth movements from the toes to the ankle, from it to the knee, then to the thigh.
  3. Gradually increase the pressure and intensity, alternating strokes with pats.
  4. When moving from bottom to top, grab all sides of the leg: first the outer side, then in a circle to the inner.
  5. After finishing the massage, repeat the process on the other leg.

Video: lymphatic drainage body massage

This is how different zones of the body are worked out. After the procedure, frequent urination occurs as excess fluid is removed from the body. At home, you can massage all parts of the body or focus your attention on the problem area, but you should not get carried away and do lymphatic drainage more than twice a week. It is better to observe moderation in everything.

To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to give up bad habits, if any, since nothing has such a detrimental effect on the body’s condition as regular smoking and alcohol abuse. It will not be possible, on the one hand, to heal the body with a massage, and on the other, to poison it. Therefore, giving up bad habits is mandatory and undeniable.


Reviews about lymphatic drainage are mostly positive, but there are also those for whom this procedure was not suitable or was not carried out at the proper level:

Great procedure! I’ve done it more than once, and the effect is already visible - lightness and complete relaxation. And the figure changes just before our eyes, the extra centimeters have evaporated somewhere throughout the entire volume. A little, but still. Pressotherapy in a suit is completely worth the price because I like the results and the fact that there are more areas to be treated in less time.


My result is similar to that which occurs after several short periods of sports: jogging, fitness, swimming a couple of times a week. That is, the tightness is there, the swelling goes away, and a lighter version of me appears. For some reason, I expected more, but, probably, we need a more comprehensive, rather individual approach to body correction, without relying on one device.


Pressotherapy removes excess water well, and it really helped me get rid of swelling. I went to this session with great pleasure, because nowhere can you rest and relax as much as during it. They gave me a special “uniform”, a plastic suit, the feeling was indescribable! When the components are inflated, either on the arms or on the legs, you feel the effect of a gentle manual massage.


My impressions are mixed. Let's start with the fact that I needed to get a cosmetic result, but after my first trip my head started to hurt. After consulting with a specialist, I stopped going to the salon and I can’t say for sure about its usefulness. Maybe it was just the way the stars aligned, or maybe it didn’t suit me.


I have fallen in love with pressotherapy for quite a long time. This is a very useful, at the same time pleasant procedure that relaxes me after everyday work and gets rid of unnecessary centimeters. Its action is that the body is massaged with air supplied under pressure. In short, you simply put on a suit of pants, a wide belly belt, and sleeves that inflates and then deflates. After all this, you feel real lightness, a surge of energy.


I am so grateful to my friend that she invited me with her to hardware lymphatic drainage. Now I am a regular client, I don’t even know how I lived before without an invigorating procedure. The mood is like pre-holiday, the simplicity of movements, the conditional weightlessness do not leave for a long time. Good luck to everyone in endlessly improving themselves!


Thanks to the development of the beauty industry, it has become possible to heal the body, tone it up and prevent some diseases with the help of simple actions. It is important that the procedure for hardware lymphatic drainage massage is carried out by a qualified specialist who knows the structure of the human body and who has the appropriate permission. It is also necessary to take into account all indications and contraindications so as not to harm the body. If you follow all the rules, lymphatic drainage massage will be an excellent assistant in a person’s life - it will tone the body, normalize the functioning of organs and, as a result, ensure a good mood.

Well known to women leg pain at the end of the day, swelling from uncomfortable shoes and cellulite on the thighs, appearing despite all efforts. It would seem like completely different problems, but they can be solved in one way.

With the help of lymphatic drainage massage you can reduce or completely eliminate leg discomfort. This is a good way to improve both the appearance of your legs and your overall well-being.

What is lymphatic drainage massage?

The technique of lymphatic drainage massage was discovered by a French doctor back in the last century. Lymphatic drainage massage regulates the movement of lymph in the body and stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

Lymph is the liquid component of blood that removes toxins from the body, toxins and substances that interfere with its normal functioning. Lymph also saturates cells with nutrients and protects against infectious diseases.

With age, the movement of lymph can slow down, which leads to stagnation of intercellular fluid, swelling and the development of varicose veins.

Types, indications and contraindications

Lymphatic drainage massage can be hardware or manual. Hardware lymphatic drainage massage includes pressotherapy, microcurrent effects, and vacuum massage.

Hardware massage will definitely require visiting specialized centers equipped with appropriate equipment, or purchasing expensive equipment. Manual You can learn to perform massage even at home on your own.

With manual massage There are two types of impact:

  1. Superficial. Allows you to influence capillaries located close to the surface of the skin. Strengthens blood vessels, tightens the skin, removes the appearance of cellulite. It is used for relaxation and has a pronounced cosmetic effect.
  2. Glubokoe. Acts directly on the lymph nodes. Used to treat a number of diseases.

Indications for lymphatic drainage massage:

  1. Loss of skin turgor;
  2. Phlebeurysm;
  3. Edema;
  4. Excess weight;
  5. Cellulite;
  6. Metabolic disease;
  7. Weakened lymph circulation in the extremities;
  8. Figure correction;
  9. Sedentary lifestyle.


  1. Open wounds in the massage area;
  2. Fresh scars;
  3. Vein thrombosis;
  4. Oncological diseases;
  5. Fever;
  6. Diabetes.

Read this article about why you need lymphatic drainage facial massage.

Technique for doing it at home

Learn do it yourself superficial Lymphatic drainage foot massage is quite simple.

Carrying out a deep lymphatic drainage massage requires knowledge of the anatomy of the human body and is carried out only by a highly qualified specialist. Performing deep Massaging yourself can cause serious harm to your health.

  1. Stage 1. Preparing for a massage session. Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs does not require special preparation. The session is performed while sitting. It is necessary to take the most comfortable position. Massage oil is applied to a previously cleaned area of ​​skin using gentle stroking movements.
  2. Stage 2. Warming up tissues. Using soft and smooth movements, stroke the skin in the affected area in the direction of blood movement. From the foot to the knee joint, then from the knee towards the hip joint. Intense pressure is not allowed. You can increase the pressure a little only in the middle of the session.
  3. Stage 3. Stimulation of blood flow. The edge of the palm is passed over one place several times. The movement is performed only from bottom to top. After one place has been worked, you can move a little. In this way, you need to work the entire surface of the calf muscles and thighs. All movements are performed rhythmically and without unnecessary pressure.
  4. Stage 4. Removal of intercellular fluid. Grasp your leg with both hands, trying to connect your index fingers and thumbs to each other. Move only from the bottom up to the knee. Repeat the same from the knee to the groin area.

To achieve a positive effect, manual lymphatic drainage massage must last at least an hour.

Look visual videohow to do manual lymphatic drainage foot massage at home:

Massage frequency:

  1. For prevention of varicose veins massage is carried out once a week. Full course of massage 12 times.
  2. In order to remove the appearance of cellulite, you can massage once every 2 days for a course of 2 weeks.

In general, mastering the technique of manual massage is quite simple. It is enough to practice several times, and of course, during the massage process, focus on your sensations.

Lymphatic drainage massage should not cause any discomfort.

Movements should be light and pleasant.

After the massage session there should be no stains or bruises. This will allow you to take care of your beauty and health without additional material costs.
