Let's practice meditation

What comes to mind when you hear the word meditation? Most likely, you will remember people in the lotus position with their eyes closed, as well as a dozen stars who constantly repeat that regular meditation helps them stay in harmony with themselves. So what is meditation, why is it needed and why is it so popular? I WANT to try to figure this out.

So, let's start with the main thing. Meditation is a series of psychological exercises aimed at improving health and focusing on internal sensations. The word meditatio itself is translated from Latin as “to mentally contemplate”, “to ponder”. Meditation arose a long time ago, and in some countries it is practiced everywhere as a spiritual practice, but in the modern world it is still positioned as a way of relaxation and stress reduction. Meditation is also practiced to control one’s emotions, concentrate attention, balance and relieve stress. Many people note an improvement in their general condition after the practices.

Judging by the rave reviews on the forums, meditation is still worth trying. Choose the most comfortable place in the apartment for you. Meditation is not an penetration into Indian culture and religion, although it came from there. Meditation in the modern European world is a way to organize and streamline your thoughts and get rid of unnecessary things. It is not necessary to sit in the lotus position - you can do it simply sitting on a chair, the main thing is to maintain your posture. It is better to close your eyes so as not to be distracted by external stimuli.

How to achieve royal posture?

Now comes the fun part - you need to stop thinking. At all. One way to clear your head of thoughts is to concentrate on your breathing: you should feel the air touching your nostrils as you inhale and exhale. For all other problems and thoughts, say “I’ll think about it tomorrow.” Try to concentrate as much as possible on the present, putting aside all matters and worries. It is best to practice meditation in the morning - it is believed that at this time of day a person is in harmony with nature. Take 15-20 minutes to meditate and turn off your phones during this time. If it doesn’t work out right away, it doesn’t matter; complete relaxation is possible only through constant practice. Try to do this every day - and you will see how each time it becomes easier for you not to think, but to create.

Meditation will help make your life easier and calmer, sometimes even get rid of bad habits. You will learn to abstract yourself from problems in everyday life, and also gain confidence and calmness!

It is best to practice meditation in the morning - it is believed that at this time of day a person is in harmony with nature. Take 15-20 minutes to meditate and turn off your phones during this time.