Nicholas Perricone how to get rid of wrinkles read online for free


There are many beauty recipes on the Internet that “guarantee” a woman smooth and velvety skin, getting rid of acne and the appearance of blush on her cheeks. But not all of them actually work. The territory of beauty, like no other area of ​​human life, is associated with a huge number of myths and misconceptions. That’s why it’s so important when choosing the next recipe for “eternal youth” to listen to the opinions of experts - scientists, doctors, and healthy lifestyle specialists.

Famous American dermatologist and nutritionist Dr. Nicholas Perricone - one of them. He devoted most of his life to studying the mechanisms of aging of the human body and prolongation of youth. What advice can he give to a woman now, from the height of his many years of experience? What mistakes do representatives of the fair sex make when trying to preserve and increase what was given to them by nature itself?

You underestimate a healthy lifestyle


Beauty and a healthy lifestyle are inseparable concepts. Without observing the basics of proper nutrition, regular physical activity and giving up bad habits, healthy youth and active aging are impossible.

The practice of meditation reduces the level of stress hormones in the body, which in turn controls free radicals. The lower the concentration of the latter in the body, the healthier and more beautiful a woman’s skin.

You use too much makeup

Most women use at least two to three dozen skincare products to care for their face and body. Needless to say, this is a lot. To ensure that your skin does not need anything, it does not need a collection of creams, masks, patches and serums. It is enough to take only what you need and use it regularly.

Do you use facial massage brushes?


The beauty industry offers women many face and body care products, but not all of them are safe. Some home devices designed to replace salon treatments can do more harm than good. Thus, cosmetologists do not approve of the home use of compact photoepilators, mesoscooters and electric facial brushes. A professional has more reliable tools in his arsenal, but they will not help an inexperienced owner.

Your beauty is the result of Botox injections

Whether Botox injections in cosmetology are a benefit or a risk is still a “bone of contention” among doctors and cosmetologists. More and more experts are of the opinion that this method of rejuvenation should be used very carefully when all other methods have not given the expected result. Botox injections haven't been studied enough, and scientists don't know how they work in the long term. Yes, it's hard to believe, but research continues!

You're too obsessed with makeup


If you do not take proper care of your face and body, sleep little and lead a sedentary lifestyle, sooner or later signs of fatigue will appear on your face, wrinkles will appear in the corners of your eyes, and blue discoloration will appear directly underneath them. Of course, you will want to hide the signs of age, and the simplest measure is the liberal use of cosmetics. But is beauty worth such sacrifices? Will makeup really fix everything?

A few strokes of face corrector, a thick layer of foundation on top, then a few swipes of powder and finally blush for a “fresh face.” Additionally, mascara, eye shadow, eyebrow product and lipstick. To set accents, highlighters are needed, and concealers are in demand in the contouring technique. Youth makeup requires the use of a huge amount of products, but it is unlikely to make you younger.

Your diet is not balanced, you drink little water

Proper nutrition is a powerful tool for maintaining a woman’s beauty. Today, nutritionists are developing entire systems to prevent early aging, get rid of acne and other skin imperfections. And always the basis and main factor of any menu is clean water.

True beauty always goes hand in hand with health. Listen to the recommendations of a famous dermatologist, improve your life, and pleasant changes will not keep you waiting.

If you are far past..., do not think that your train has left. At 40, 50, and even 60 years old, you can have healthy, firm, wrinkle-free skin. You will be convinced of this by reading an excerpt from the wonderful book “How to Get Rid of Wrinkles” by Yale Medical University Professor Nicholas Perricone, and it will never occur to you to undergo plastic surgery. To maintain elastic, youthful skin, you need to listen to your doctor’s recommendations on how to properly use cosmetics containing: vitamins C and E, alpha-lipoic acid; nutrient DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol); alpha hydroxyl and beta hydroxyl acids. Following his advice will provide you with beauty and unfading youth.

Chapter 1

Beautiful skin for life

Wrinkled, sagging skin is not an inevitable result of aging. This is a disease that you can overcome. You can look your best, feel your best, and enjoy both beautiful skin and excellent health throughout your life if you start taking action now. And you will not need to resort to expensive plastic surgery, which grossly invades the body.

Through twenty years of scientific research, I have discovered a truly revolutionary, all-natural way to prevent the signs of aging that puts some of nature's most powerful nutrients to work for your skin.

In my dermatology practice in Connecticut, I use cosmetics to treat a variety of problems, ranging from acne, uneven pigmentation, dark circles and poor complexion to fine lines, sagging and sagging skin - problems that often come with age. Hundreds of patients come to me from all walks of life and professions, teenagers and grandparents, newcomers and celebrities. I am proud that they all always leave me with good results. This is also available to you. By following my instructions, you can enjoy smooth, shiny, youthful skin into your forties, fifties, sixties and beyond.

Of course, beautiful skin on your face and body starts with good health on the inside. Think about it, have you ever met a sick person with a flawless complexion and dazzling appearance? Of course no. Fine leather is not sold in drugstore bottles. And while your skin may respond to the care and attention that you lavish on it from the outside in the form of creams, gels and mild soaps, it suffers much more from the damage caused to it from the inside if you don’t sleep enough, smoke or drink too much. drinking too much alcohol, eating poorly and not taking essential vitamins, including A, C and E.

Continued: Beautiful skin for life. part 2

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Monday, February 03, 2014 02:04 + to quote book

I became acquainted with alpha-lipoic/thioctic acid (ALA) after reading Nicholas Perricone’s bestseller “How to Get Rid of Wrinkles,” which I recommend every woman to read.

According to the author’s opinion and the results of long-term research, acid can work wonders on the skin.

Action of alpha lipoic acid

Alpha lipoic acid has the unique property of influencing metabolism. In an aging person, the cell experiences a slower metabolism, hence a decrease in energy production. This in turn reduces the ability to recover. ALA causes the cell to produce more energy and repair itself.
Alpha lipoic acid is water and fat soluble and is a powerful antioxidant.
Alpha lipoic acid helps vitamins A and C suppress free radicals.
Alpha lipoic acid has no side effects. In very rare cases, allergic reactions may occur.
Alpha lipoic acid prevents sugar from attaching to collagen (sugar, by attaching to collagen, damages the skin, causing loss of flexibility and elasticity).
Dr. Nicholas Perricone tested alpha-lipoic acid on volunteers - applying a 1% ALA solution to the face in the form of a lotion. Are the results really interesting?

Within 20 minutes - swelling under the eyes decreases, complexion improves and sagging eyelids tighten
after 2 weeks - pores narrow, complexion becomes brighter, dark circles under the eyes are reduced by 2 times, sagging eyelids are tightened.
after 3 months – the skin becomes porcelain, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, scars are reduced, and rosacea is eliminated.
Based on test results, Nicholas Perricone suggested using ALA in the following cases:

fine wrinkles
circles, bruises and swelling under the eyes
enlarged pores
dull skin with a yellow tint
Alpha lipoic acid can be purchased at a pharmacy, drug names:

Berlition, Lipamide; Lipoic acid, Octolipen, Thiogamma, Thioctic acid, Thioctacid, Thiolepta, Espa-lipon.
Options for using ALA in Russia

As evening masks with oil immediately before use. Do not heat the oil.
Using Tiogamma as an evening toner after washing, cleansing and before applying cream [Solution in a 50 ml bottle. containing 1.2% ALA. The price of a bottle is about 200 rubles. For comparison, the price of the drug in ampoules is about 1,500 rubles].
Important information