Exercises to straighten your posture.

The sedentary lifestyle followed by most urban residents leads to various diseases, a curved spine is one of them. In addition to the aesthetic side, a straight back also has a functional significance; stooping leads to compression of the chest, as a result of which the lungs are in a cramped position during inhalation. An incomplete inhalation means, albeit minor, but oxygen starvation. The vital capacity of the lungs decreases. Incorrect posture also leads to poor circulation and the appearance of defects in the musculoskeletal system due to uneven distribution of the load on the spine. Correct posture allows you to get rid of health problems; the most effective method of restoring it is regular physical activity.

You can check how straight your spine is in a simple way. To do this, you need to stand against the wall; with a flat back, you can feel the surface of the wall with your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head. Any deviations indicate problems with posture.

Causes of curvature, solutions.

The most common cause of spinal curvature is a weak muscle corset. This deficiency can be corrected by dancing, yoga, swimming, horse riding, and in some cases posture correctors are provided. These devices must be worn around the clock; this is a prerequisite for obtaining the effect.

You can straighten your back at home without special devices; for this you need to regularly perform exercises to straighten your posture.

Gymnastics consists of two stages: warm-up and the main set of simple movements. You should also not forget about stretching, which increases the effectiveness of exercises and reduces the risk of injury.

  1. Standing with a straight back, raise your hands and fold them at the back of your head, tilt your head forward. Gradually move your head back while preventing movement with your arms. You need to do 10 repetitions.
  2. This option allows you not only to correct your posture, but also to eliminate back pain. Starting position - stand on 4 points: hands and knees - on the floor. The exercise involves crawling under an imaginary bar. The chin should first touch the floor surface, then the chest and stomach. The number of repetitions is 10-15.
  3. The simplest exercise is to lean against a wall in a standing position for two minutes, with the back of your head, shoulder girdle, heels and buttocks touching its surface. To complicate the exercise, a bag of salt or cereal weighing 1 kg, which is placed on the head, will allow you to do it. Arms should be extended along the body, the minimum time is 5 minutes, over time it must be increased. After the muscles are memorized and fixed in the correct position, you can walk around the apartment with the bag on your head. At the next stage, the bag is replaced with a book, which is much more difficult to hold on your head.
  4. Lying on your stomach, simultaneously lift your head, upper and lower limbs from the floor, hold for a couple of seconds. At the initial stage of training, this may seem extremely difficult... As your muscles strengthen, it will become easier.
  5. Lying on your back, stretch your arms along your body, place your feet on the floor, without lifting your hands from the floor, raise and lower your pelvis, fixing it at the top for a few seconds. Along with straightening the spine, the abdominal muscles develop.
  6. One of the simplest exercises involves transferring an object behind your back from one hand to another, each of them should alternately be either from below or from above.

  7. Sitting on the floor, bend your legs, clasp your knees with your hands, keeping your back straight, try to bring your shoulder blades together. When inhaling, the head is thrown back, the neck should be strongly extended, repeat 10 times.
  8. Sitting cross-legged, keeping your back straight, clasp your toes or shins with your hands. Slowly turn your head to the right, counting to four; on the count of four, return your head to the starting position. Similarly, the head turns to the left.
  9. Plank. Face the floor, lean on the palms of your outstretched arms and toes, your back should be perfectly straight, your stomach should be pulled in. Hold for 30-40 seconds, do 5 repetitions.
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