Bicycle in the life of a bodybuilder

In this article, we will once again talk about the importance of aerobic training, and also think about what role a bicycle plays in the life of a bodybuilder, is it worth buying one for yourself and always having it on hand, or perhaps there are other worthwhile options...

If you are an experienced athlete, then you should definitely know the golden rule of “iron sports”: you cannot train muscles without regular training of the heart and respiratory system. The fact is that our body is a harmonious, complete, balanced system. Having impressive muscles, you need to have an appropriate, well-developed circulatory system in order to fully supply the myofibrils (muscle cells) with everything they need. Because if such a “transport system” does not exist, all your achievements are worthless...

This is why it is important to train harmoniously. Focusing on strength training, you need to devote at least 35% of your time to aerobic exercise, so as not to miss out and not overwhelm your “transport system” - and these are blood vessels, lungs, heart...

But the question is: which aerobic training option to choose? Personally, I prefer a bicycle. Sports medicine experts have long proven that cycling is the most rational and enjoyable option for aerobic training! This is also a great way to combine business with pleasure. You are driving, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the breeze is blowing - beauty...

At the same time, you also quickly get to the right place. Personally, for example, I always get to work and back by bicycle - as they say, “cheap and cheerful”, and also very important when you have wild traffic jams in your city, and all transport is at a standstill...

I use the same method to get to my gym and swimming pool, because swimming is also an excellent aerobic shake-up for the athlete’s body...

I myself often use the services of such companies, you may ask: “Why? After all, you have your own bike...” - the answer is extremely simple:  I love cycling with my family. Therefore, when the weather is good and I have a free day, I rent a couple of bicycles for my wife and daughter... I attach my son to a child seat on my frame, and together we go to conquer the vast expanses of our vast surroundings... I love such family outings, especially with lunch in nature under birds singing and a light breeze from the river. In my opinion, this is the coolest pastime, and an excellent relaxation, both physical and spiritual...

In general, I recommend it! Take it into service, you won’t regret it!

Now you know what role the Bicycle plays in the life of a bodybuilder. Well, stay with us, subscribe to updates, there is still a lot of educational stuff ahead!

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