What exercises for cellulite give effective results?

Cellulite is a problem for many women, regardless of their size and weight. It appears as bumpy skin that resembles an “orange peel.” This disease often occurs in thin girls who try to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. What exercises for cellulite will help you forget about this problem and get spectacular results? Let's figure it out.

Wraps, massage and exercise are the most effective methods of combating cellulite. And, of course, the best results are achieved when using all these methods in combination. However, if you want to eliminate cellulite through exercise alone, then you should pay special attention to the following exercises.

  1. Squats

Squats are one of the most effective exercises to combat cellulite. To perform this exercise, place your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes turned out. Pull your stomach in well and make sure your body position is stable. As you inhale, squat down, keeping your stomach tense. Make sure that your knees do not go beyond the level of your toes. On exit, return to the starting position. Perform the exercise at a slow pace 25 times.

  1. Swing your leg up

This exercise not only perfectly “drives” cellulite, but also strengthens the gluteal muscles, making the butt firm and toned. Lie on your left side, bend your left arm at the elbow and place it under your head, leave your right arm free. The left leg rests on the floor with its toes, the right leg is extended. Don't forget to also tighten your abs well. As you exhale, lift your leg as high as possible. Make sure she doesn't bend at the knee. The lower leg should also be slightly tense. Perform 25 swings on each side. The movement is performed at an average pace.

  1. Swing your legs to the sides

The starting position for this exercise is the same as for the previous one. Be sure to ensure that the body does not sag. To do this, you need to straighten your back and pull in your stomach. Raise your upper extended leg to hip level. As you inhale, move your leg as far forward as possible, fix the movement, and as you exhale, move your leg as far back as possible. The torso should not move. Perform 25 swings on each side. The movement should be smooth and controlled.

  1. Calf raise

This exercise helps strengthen and develop the leg muscles, as well as improve blood circulation in this area. You can use a footrest to perform this exercise or do it on a ladder. Standing on your toes, raise your body as high as possible. As you exhale, lower yourself until your feet make full contact with the surface. Perform 25 calf raises.

  1. Plank

The plank is a universal exercise that helps strengthen not only the muscles of the legs, but also the muscles of the abdomen, back and arms. Get into a position similar to a push-up, but instead of lowering yourself onto your hands, lift your body up on your elbows. The body should be straight, tense and parallel to the floor. Hold the pose for 30 seconds; as your strength and endurance increase, you can increase the time.

  1. Running or walking outdoors

Running or walking in the fresh air helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve blood circulation and promote weight loss. It also helps reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve overall skin health.

Finally, don't forget about proper nutrition and hydration of your skin. Regular exercise, proper nutrition and skin care will help you get rid of cellulite and get a healthy and beautiful body.