Group physical education classes at enterprises and organizations.

Nothing brings together a group of like-minded people like group physical education classes. They can be carried out:

  1. in kindergartens,
  2. secondary schools, technical schools and colleges,
  3. higher educational institutions,
  4. at enterprises and organizations,
  5. in communities and public associations,
  6. and other groups.

Each lesson lasts from 45 to 120 minutes and usually consists of three parts. The first includes exercises close to those studied in the main part. After them, technology is mastered and improved, and physical fitness is increased. First, agility is developed, then coordination of movements, as well as speed and speed-strength qualities. In conclusion, the students move from an excited to a relatively calm state. The respiratory and heart rate gradually decreases to the initial level.

In addition to group physical education classes on site, the heads of most modern organizations, caring for the health of their subordinates, purchase group memberships to gyms, fitness centers, and swimming pools. Often, members of such groups have access to: hiking and group outings into nature, as well as a sauna, bathhouse, water aerobics, and other options for healthy and sports activities...

The benefits of training in groups are obvious, but studies and surveys show that middle-aged and older people prefer to prepare for sports competitions on their own. Physical education organizations create training and consultation centers and offices for them. There you can undergo a medical examination, check your health and fitness level.

Also regularly perform collective exercises such as those included in the complexes:

  1. I) pull-ups on low and high bars,
  2. II) flexion, extension of the arms while lying down,
  3. III) raising the legs from a supine position,
  4. IV) long and high jumps,
  5. V) sprinting,
  6. VI) jumping rope.
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