Abdominal muscles

Have you noticed that when you have to evaluate someone body (especially if it is a naked body), your gaze always intuitively moves along approximately the same line, stopping at some control points. These are all questions of our psychology - no matter how our gaze moves, it always intuitively returns to press. And it doesn't matter solid They raised or looks like a soccer ball, the final point of our expert gaze is press (or lack thereof). We evaluate it exclusively on this basis. level of health and physical development person. There can be no doubts here - try comparing two strangers. One of them has a “beer aquarium”, and the second has a “washboard” where his stomach should be. The question is: which of them, in your opinion, is in the best shape?

The lower torso is one of the areas of the body, the development of which, in addition to championship in competitions for champion athletes, gives the athlete a stylish, healthy look and a modern, fashionable, athletic figure.

Frank Zane, Shawn Ray, Mohamed Makkawi, Samir Bannu - these are the names of the champion athletes who became standards in development abdominal muscles for numerous generations of bodybuilders.

Modern requirements for building quality abdominals force athletes to follow strict diet, which plays a key role in drawing all the details abdominal muscles. Only by adhering to a strict diet can you minimize the fat content in the body. However, diet alone is not enough. If earlier it was possible to indicate a narrow waist and that’s it, now to win it is necessary to demonstrate embossed, Fine emphasized muscles abdomen and torso.

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