Do you know what type of figure you are?

In order to solve a problem, you always need to determine the cause of its occurrence. It’s the same with your figure: in order to know in which direction to improve and where to start working on your appearance, you need to determine what type of figure your figure is. So let's start determining your body type. Carefully read all answer options for each question and mark the correct one, remembering or writing down the letter:


  1. Undress and look at yourself in the mirror from the front. What is your body shape:
    a) shoulders and hips of the same width, the waist is slightly noticeable or not at all— B
    b) shoulders and hips are the same width, the waist is clearly defined - B
    c) shoulders narrower than hips, waist thin - A
    d) broad shoulders, cone-shaped hips and waist - D

  2. Now take a look at your profile. Let's start with the buttocks:
    a) they are flat, retracted - C and D
    b) more rounded, curved - A and B

  3. Stay facing the mirror in profile. Where is the weight concentrated?
    a) front: bust, belly, “spare tire” (fat belt above the waist) - C and D
    b) behind, in the gluteal region - A
    c) evenly: front and back, bust and buttocks - B

  4. Stand with your back to the mirror and look around. Do you have noticeable saddlebags (deposits of fat in the upper thighs)?
    a) no - C and D
    b) yes - A and B

  5. Using a tape measure, measure your waist and hips at their widest point. Your hips:
    a) more than 25 cm wider than the waist - L and B
    b) less than 25 cm wider than the waist - C and D

6. Stay in front of the mirror. Look at yourself from the front, then in profile. When you gain weight, it's most noticeable:
a) when you stand facing the mirror? So you are getting wider— A and B
b) when you stand sideways to the mirror? This means that you are increasing, so to speak, “in depth” - C and D

  1. At first you were very graceful, but then for the first time you gained 3 kg of excess weight. Where was this most noticeable?
    a) in the lower thighs, slightly in the abdominal area - B
    b) in the abdomen and “spare tire” area - B
    c) in the lower thighs - A
    d) stomach, shoulder girdle, face - G

  2. When you are over 3kg overweight, where does it show up most?
    a) stomach, shoulder girdle, arms above the elbow, upper thighs, i.e. under the waist, inside the thighs; however, the waist remains the same - G
    b) mainly in the lower thighs, less in the upper torso - A
    c) everywhere: chest, hips (more there), but the waist still remains - B
    d) stomach, “spare tire”, chest, back, upper thighs; from the waist, already barely noticeable, nothing remains - B

  3. If you gained another 3kg, would your face look noticeably fuller?
    a) yes - C and D
    b) no - A and B

  4. If you gained another 3 kg, would your arms and legs look noticeably fuller?
    a) yes - B and C
    b) no - A and D

11. Regardless of children, work, etc., when you have the greatest mental energy:
a) I slowly disperse, the greatest creative energy overcomes me in the evening - B
b) physically I am equally energetic all day, but creatively - in the afternoon - A
c) insights come to me in the morning, I go to bed early - D
d) the ebb and flow of creative energy throughout the day - B

  1. Regardless of your environment or job (and when you're not on a diet), here's how to best determine your eating habits:
    a) I intercept something all day - B
    b) I eat irregularly, as necessary, I don’t eat heavily in the evening - D
    c) brutal appetite: once I start eating, I can’t stop—B
    d) I can go for a long time without eating, I rarely overeat - A

13. How athletic were you during your school years?
a) didn’t like the anthem