Body weight control

You can avoid many health problems by maintaining your normal weight. The damage contributes to the development of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and gallbladder disease. It is not so much weight itself that leads to these diseases, but fat. Maintaining proper body weight has a positive effect on your health and overall condition. Our well-being improves and we feel more energetic. If you are unsure about your body fat loss, seek advice from your doctor as body fat percentage cannot be determined based on body weight alone.
Losing weight, especially fat, is not easy. Weight is determined by nutritional balance and physical activity. If you consume more calories than you expend, your weight will increase. If your calorie expenditure is greater than your calorie intake, weight will decrease. The passionate desire to lose weight quickly can also have negative consequences, since the body does not receive enough nutrition. Avoid excessively harsh diets and any dubious drugs that promise quick results.
In order to get rid of excess weight, follow the following principles.
• Weight may vary from day to day due to differences in body fluid levels, so measure your weight at specific times and days of the week.
• Reduce your calorie intake, but do it gradually. Losing weight very quickly or significantly can be harmful to your health.
• Regular exercise is a key element of body weight control. Any physical activity - walking to the bus stop, climbing the stairs, cleaning the house - burns calories. The more physically active you are, the more calories you burn.
• Set a realistic goal (for example, to lose half a kilogram per week, not two or three).
• Reward yourself occasionally with a small amount of a treat.
• eat slowly, enjoying the taste of your food.
• Prepare for the fact that during the weight loss process there will be periods of weight stabilization.
• Finally, we can only get rid of excess weight by changing our eating habits and leading a more active lifestyle. Thus, with the formation of a new lifestyle, it becomes easier to achieve the goal and maintain the desired weight.
• Remember that each person has an individual metabolic rate, has their own eating habits and attitude towards food, which largely determines the process of losing weight or weight.