Diet and workout details of Cameron Diaz

Today, August 30, famous actress Cameron Diaz celebrates her birthday. The forever young Hollywood movie star tells the secret of her excellent appearance in The Body Book.

The 43-year-old actress is always fresh and radiant, regardless of her age. The celebrity spoke about how Cameron manages to be in excellent shape on the pages of her book.

The famous Charlie's Angel recommends training wisely for your figure, when it is not quantity that matters, but quality. For example, to reduce the stress on joints and knees while running and burn the same amount of calories, the star runs for less time but faster.

The actress trains under Teddy Bas, whose video recommendations she highly recommends. Diaz's workout often takes no more than 30 minutes and looks like this. First, the star runs for 5 minutes on a treadmill with intervals of 30 seconds at a speed of 16-19 km per hour with breaks of 15 seconds. Then - lunges with dumbbells, squats, flexions and extensions with dumbbells. The weight of the dumbbell depends on the purpose: to build muscles, the star takes dumbbells weighing from 4 to 7 kg, to maintain shape - 2-4 kg dumbbells.

To keep the body in shape, the celebrity advises not only exercising, but also eliminating fast food, processed, refined foods (salt, sugar, premium flour, etc.) from the diet, which will not allow you to realize the full potential of your body due to the lack of necessary nutrients. substances.

The celebrity also believes that true beauty is impossible without self-perception. The actress admitted that she herself lost the most terrible ballast - fear - only after 40. Diaz is sure that this is the best age, as wisdom and understanding comes that one should not be afraid of the opinions of others.