Diet for men

Dieting for men is not such a rare occurrence these days. Many representatives of the stronger sex have been actively working on their figure in recent years. The men's diet differs from the women's in caloric content (it is allowed to consume up to 1700 kcal per day). This is due to the addition of carbohydrates to the diet, which the man’s body poorly converts into fats.

Diet for men. Supply system

This diet for men will help you get rid of belly fat and lose weight in general in 2 months. Allowed drinks are water, tea, coffee (sugar is prohibited), some alcohol (up to 250 ml per day). Vegetable salads can only be seasoned with vinegar, lemon juice and spices. Oil and mayonnaise are prohibited. If desired, you can include 1 fruit in your daily diet.

Diet menu for weight loss for men to choose from:

  1. oatmeal without sugar and 1 piece of fruit
  2. a glass of yogurt, a slice of bran bread + a couple of tsp. honey
  3. sandwich (bread, vegetables, ham/lean chicken/slice of cheese)
  4. toast, apple, some fruit juice without sugar
  5. 1/2 grapefruit, 1 egg, slice of bread
  6. fried meat without oil (small piece), 1 tomato and a couple of bread rolls
  7. fish cutlet, stewed mushrooms, a slice of wholemeal bread, half a glass of fruit juice
  8. boiled pasta with green vegetables
  9. fruit salad and unsweetened yogurt


  1. lean meat (75 gr.), boiled potatoes (200 gr.), grated cheese (40 gr.)
  2. beef liver (100 gr., baked with mushrooms), a couple of tomatoes
  3. lean pork chop (125 gr.), boiled potatoes in their jackets (125 gr.)
  4. fish (150 gr.), green peas (75 gr.), a couple of boiled potatoes, a glass of yogurt
  5. spaghetti (50 gr.), sauce (lean minced beef (100 gr.), tomatoes, onions, garlic and herbs)
  6. kidneys (100 gr.), tomatoes, 1 slice of bacon, 1 tbsp. spoon of green peas, 1 fruit

Afternoon snack

  1. a couple of slices of bread, an omelette (2 eggs, tomatoes, herbs)
  2. dried bread (100 gr.), cheese (50 gr.), pickled vegetables
  3. jacket potatoes (200 gr.), boiled beans (125 gr.)
  4. a couple of small buns (wholemeal), vegetable salad, a slice of ham, a glass of unsweetened yogurt


  1. a couple of slices of bread (whole flour), a slice of lean ham (chicken (50 gr.)/tuna (90 gr.)/cheese (25 gr.)
  2. boiled beans (125 gr.), 1 piece of bran bread, grated cheese (12 gr.), apple, glass of unsweetened yogurt
  3. 1/2 grapefruit, fish (150 gr.)
  4. vegetable soup, some pasta
  5. steak and bun (wholemeal)

This diet for men will help you get rid of belly fat in a short time.

Protein diet for men

The protein diet for men lasts 10 days, during which time 2 kg will be lost. excess weight.

Breakfast - 2 boiled eggs, 3 tomatoes, natural yogurt (300 gr.), coffee without sugar
Lunch - salad of oranges with cucumbers, beef with green peas and mushrooms, a couple of peaches
Dinner - pea soup, boiled potatoes, herbal tea

Breakfast - carrot salad with garlic, 3 fried sausages, tomato juice
Lunch - eggplants with walnuts, chicken stewed with prunes, natural yogurt, tea without sugar
Dinner - salad (herring with egg), chicken liver, side dish - vegetables, juice

Breakfast - eggplant caviar with tomatoes and nuts, buckwheat with carrots and onions, grapefruit juice
Lunch - salmon salad, bean soup, half a grapefruit
Dinner - eggs stuffed with capers or olives, beet salad, low-fat yogurt or juice

Breakfast - oatmeal with banana, crab stick salad, coffee without sugar
Lunch - champignons, veal brisket with mustard sauce, greens, tomato juice
Dinner - hard cheese, chicken wings, 1 glass of beer

Breakfast - a couple of poached eggs, kohlrabi (filled with vegetables and chicken), apple