How to Improve Fertility: 10 Tips

On average, the probability of conceiving and becoming pregnant in one menstrual cycle is 20 percent. Here are 10 tips to help increase your chances of conceiving:

  1. Be patient. There is no point in running to the doctor if you have regular sex life and less than a year has passed since you started trying.

  2. Make love often. Regular sex increases your chances of getting pregnant.

  3. Don't go on diets! Losing weight negatively affects fertility hormones. It is better to lose excess weight several months before conceiving.

  4. Eat a balanced diet. Avoid on-the-go snacks and sweets - this affects hormones and reduces fertility.

  5. Keep your man cool! This has a beneficial effect on sperm quality.

  6. Choose the right season. Fertility is usually higher in spring and fall.

  7. Be careful with painkillers. Some drugs affect fertility hormones.

  8. Smoke less. Smoking reduces your chances of conceiving by 30%.

  9. Watch your alcohol. Alcohol abuse harms fertility.

  10. Limit caffeine. It negatively affects reproductive function.

By following these simple tips, you can improve your fertility and increase your chances of conceiving. Good luck!