How to protect your health at work

If you keep your eyes glued to the monitor all day and only get up from your desk to visit the ladies' room, then you are at risk. There is no better way to worsen your health than to work too much. If you want to spend your earnings not only on pills, listen to the advice I WANT.

Arthritis, thrombosis, obesity and even heart attacks and strokes. This is an incomplete list of diseases that office workers are at risk of acquiring. And all because of a sedentary lifestyle. Australian scientists have concluded that office work even increases the risk of premature death. To protect yourself from these ailments you just need to follow simple rules.

Take your eyes off the monitor. Once every half hour, try to take your eyes off your computer monitor for at least a short time and look out the window. This will give your eyes a little break.

Do a mini warm-up. Even while sitting on a chair, you can stretch a little, bend in different directions, and stretch your neck. If possible, get up from your desk more often and do not use the elevator.

Clear the table. An uncleaned table is primarily an accumulation of dust. Clean up your documents more often, as folders, magazines and other papers tend to become covered in layers of dust and debris. And this is a fertile post for germs and other infections.

Eat right. Bringing food from home will make it easier for you to follow healthy eating rules. And don’t give in to your colleagues’ requests to eat chocolate. Snack on dried fruits and nuts.

Don't drink coffee. One cup of natural coffee at breakfast is enough. At work, drink herbal or green tea, juice or fruit drink.

Choose a comfortable chair. Sitting in an uncomfortable position all day can lead to serious problems with your spine. Therefore, your chair should be comfortable and correctly adjusted in height.

Make friends with the air conditioner. This means that you should neither be cold nor sweaty. Comfortable air temperature should be about 20 degrees.

Wear comfortable shoes. A whole day on your feet turns into a difficult test for the whole body. At the end of the day we feel weak and tired, and our legs feel like lead. Don't walk around in high heels all day. Have replacement shoes. This is especially true in the winter.

Take sick leave. Very often, employees consider themselves so indispensable that they endure illness on their feet. Firstly, this is fraught with all sorts of complications for the sick person, and secondly, the whole team can get sick.

Ventilate the room. It’s even better if your window is always open. If it’s winter outside, then ventilate during your lunch break.

Don't give up your vacation. Even if you have a lot of work and there is no opportunity to travel to overseas countries, still take a vacation. Fatigue accumulated over the years can cause chronic stress and other diseases.

Don't live only for work. After finishing your working day, be sure to go to the gym, meet with friends, and do your favorite things. After all, work is only part of life. Know how to keep balance!