Methodology for Cosmetic Self-Massage

Despite the fact that self-massage differs from massage performed in special conditions, it is a good means for cosmetic care of the skin of the face and neck. Self-massage is an effective way to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

The convenience of self-massage lies in the fact that it can be performed daily and independently, without anyone’s help. It takes little time to complete, but the method is simple and accessible to anyone. The most effective self-massage is performed in alternation with facial gymnastics, as well as nourishing masks and creams.

The counterbalance to all the advantages of this type of massage is that during its implementation it is impossible to apply all the skills and abilities. This is due to the fact that not every massage technique can be used for self-massage. Another disadvantage is that with self-massage it is impossible to achieve complete relaxation of all muscles, and this is one of the main requirements, which is the key to the greatest effect.

The main contraindications for performing self-massage are the same as when performing it on the face: excessive hair growth on the surface of the facial skin, dilated blood vessels, an insufficiently defined layer of subcutaneous fat.

Self-massage can be performed daily or every 2 days, spending 5 to 15 minutes on it. Efficiency does not depend on the time of the procedure. It is not recommended to massage immediately before bedtime to avoid disruption. When performing self-massage, before going out, you should wipe your face with a napkin, then apply cream and powder.

A calm and comfortable position in front of the mirror is the main requirement for self-massage. When performing movements, it is necessary to keep your hands clean, dry and warm. Preliminary preparation of the skin for self-massage is no different from its preparation for performing the same procedure in a beauty salon.

Massage should be done in the direction of the skin lines.

The combination of techniques when performing self-massage can be varied. The simplest way to perform a massage is to apply cream to the skin, accompanied by gentle movements along the skin lines.

There are two ways to apply the cream to the skin. One of them is that the cream is applied using a cotton swab moistened with boiled water, which is then distributed with light tapping movements. According to another method, the cream is first applied to the palms, and then distributed over the skin with their inner parts and fingertips. When lubricating the skin of the face in the eye area, care should be taken; only smooth movements and pressure in the direction of the skin lines are permissible.

When performing self-massage, you can use a technique such as effleurage. Movements should be performed with the pads of the fingers and be soft and energetic.

To achieve the greatest effect, tapping is performed with the pads of four fingers, tightly pressed against each other, with both hands. On the area of ​​skin around the eyes, you can only perform gentle tapping with the pads of all fingers, with the exception of the thumbs. The simplest and most practical method of self-massage is light tapping.

Along with other techniques, stroking is used when performing self-massage. It should be performed at a slow pace, with light, smooth movements. Excessively rhythmic stroking reduces effectiveness. For insomnia and headaches, gentle stroking is recommended. They should be performed with the pads of the fingers or the inner parts of the palms. Movements on the right side of the face should be made with the right hand, on the left - with the left.

Techniques such as patting, rubbing, and pressing are widely used for self-massage. To prevent the skin from losing elasticity, movements should be performed smoothly.

To smooth out wrinkles on the forehead and slow down the process of their further formation, self-massage should be performed using the method described below.

First you need to cleanse the skin