Zucchini diet: relaxed and effective

Zucchini is very useful for many diseases, especially for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They are used for diseases of the gallbladder, duodenum, anemia, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity. For girls who want to lose weight, the zucchini diet will be an excellent assistant in this difficult task. Fans of this diet are Catherine Deneuve, Sophia Loren, Alain Delon, Margaret Thatcher.

After staying on this diet for a week, you can safely count on losing 2-2.5 kg; in a month you can lose up to 6 kg. In addition to losing weight, you will improve your body. But don’t get too carried away, use this diet no more than once a year.

It is better to give preference to zucchini with dark green skin, which should not be removed, otherwise you will lose 80% of the nutrients.

In addition to eating zucchini, you can include raw carrots and white cabbage in your diet, during the day you can allow yourself a couple of cucumbers, and to improve the taste of vegetables, you can season them with 1 tsp. vegetable oil and a few drops of lemon juice.

Eat fruits without fear - apples, kiwis, tangerines, oranges, plums. Do not forget also about the source of protein - veal, lean beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit. Meat dishes can be replaced with fish. But in any case, the amount of protein food should not exceed 200 g per day.

For drinks, use plain drinking water, green tea without sugar, and natural juices.

Menu for day No.1:

First breakfast: stewed zucchini – 250 g, vegetables – 150 g, a glass of green tea.

Second breakfast: one apple, a glass of orange juice or water.

Lunch: baked zucchini – 300g, boiled meat – 200g, kiwi – 1 pc. or a couple of plums, a glass of green tea.

Afternoon snack: baked zucchini – 250 g, cabbage and carrot salad – 150 g, a glass of apple juice.

Dinner: prunes – 100 g or 2-3 plums, a glass of apple juice or green tea.

Menu for day No.2:

First breakfast: apple and cabbage salad – 150g, a glass of green tea.

Second breakfast: baked zucchini – 300g, 2 tangerines, a glass of tomato juice or water.

Lunch: zucchini – 200g, stewed with fish (200g), kiwi – 1 piece, a glass of green tea.

Afternoon snack: apple – 1 pc., raisins – 100 g, a glass of orange juice or water.

Dinner: zucchini – 300g, stewed with vegetables (150g), a glass of green tea.