
Autohypnosis is a state where a person consciously puts himself into a trance in order to achieve desired changes in his life, establish emotional balance or increase the level of well-being. It is one of the methods of self-therapy based on instilling positive attitudes and beliefs into oneself. Autogymnosis is used by people of various professions, such as coaches, businessmen, musicians, to treat neuroses, improve their health and get rid of depression. The article discusses the theoretical aspects of autohypnosis and presents practical examples of its application.

Autohypnosis is the instillation of self-hypnosis during a trance state, as well as trance and deep hypnosis (3rd, sometimes 4th stage) and receiving a “blind” order from the outside. It is carried out by the subject himself in order to eliminate psychotraumatic factors that cause feelings of anxiety and discomfort. And also to process negative information that affects his emotional sphere. The state of autotrans is the best means of recovery from a series of failures and stressful situations, the consequences of which inevitably come up against the desire to start over. A person can engage in self-reflection and get rid of accumulated experiences.

There is such a technique as autogenic (or autosuggestive) sleep. This is a dream that occurs after self-induction into autotrance. This method is used by athletes before competitions or mentally unstable people experiencing crisis situations. The point is that a person begins to prepare for a state of relaxation by introducing himself into a hypnotic state using self-hypnosis. Hypnotic methods of self-hypnosis are not available to everyone and require intensive preparation. Therefore, many people prefer the visual technique of autogenic training. At one pole, a person imagines pictures, at the other, he pronounces suggested formulations.