
Biceps: anatomy and functions

Biceps (from Latin biceps, “double-headed”) is a muscle that consists of two heads and is located in different parts of the body. The two most famous biceps muscles are the biceps brachii and the biceps femoris. In this article we will look at the anatomy and function of the biceps.

The biceps brachii muscle is located on the front of the shoulder and consists of two heads that start from the shoulder blade and join into one muscle at the level of the elbow joint. Attached to the tuberosity of the radius, the biceps flexes the upper arm at the shoulder joint and the forearm at the elbow joint. The biceps can also perform the function of supination of the forearm - turning the palm upward.

The biceps femoris muscle is located on the back of the thigh and also consists of two heads. One head starts from the femur, and the other from the pelvic bone. The muscle is attached to the tibia and performs several functions: flexion of the tibia at the knee joint, extension of the thigh and external rotation of the tibia.

The biceps is not the largest or strongest muscle in the body, but it plays an important role in everyday movements such as lifting objects and tightening nuts. Almost any type of physical activity that involves lifting and carrying weight or resistance requires the use of the biceps.

Although biceps can be developed in many people, there are specific exercises that can help strengthen this muscle. Some of the most common exercises for training the biceps include barbell curls, dumbbell curls, and the use of special machines.

In conclusion, the biceps is an important muscle that plays a key role in everyday life and physical activity. Although it is not the largest or strongest muscle in the body, training it has many health and fitness benefits.

The biceps is a biceps muscle.

The biceps brachii muscle is located on the anterior region of the shoulder; begins with two heads from the scapula; attaches to the tuberosity of the radius (see figure). Flexes the shoulder at the shoulder joint, the forearm at the elbow joint and supinates it.

The biceps femoris muscle is located on the back of the thigh; begins with two heads from the pelvic and femur bones. Attaches to the head of the fibula and the lateral condyle of the tibia. Extends the thigh, bends the lower leg at the knee joint and turns it outward.

The biceps is one of the most powerful muscles in the human body, located on the front of the shoulder. It is a biceps muscle that allows us to bend and pull our elbows and rotate our arms outward. This joint muscle has many functions and plays an important role in our physical activity and movement.