Boas-Ewald Breakfast

Boas-Ewald breakfast

The Boas-Ewald breakfast is a special diet developed at the beginning of the 20th century by German doctors Ismail Boas and Karl Ewald for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The diet is a strict one-day diet consisting exclusively of protein foods. The patient is instructed to eat 2-3 eggs (soft-boiled or boiled in a bag) and 150-200 grams of boiled meat (beef, veal, chicken) for breakfast. Fatty, fried and spicy foods are excluded.

The purpose of the diet is to determine the functional state of the stomach by observing the digestion of pure protein. After taking such a breakfast for a certain time, gastric juice is taken for analysis.

Currently, the Boas-Ewald breakfast is used much less frequently than in the past, as more modern methods for diagnosing the gastrointestinal tract have become available. However, this diet is still used by some gastroenterologists as a supportive tool.

Boas-Ewald breakfast is a dish that is not so often found in everyday life. However, it has many health benefits and can be a great breakfast option if you're looking for a new and delicious dish. This dish was developed by an Australian scientist of German origin, Johann Boas, and a German doctor, Emil Ewald. If you are interested in learning more about this dish, I recommend reading the article to the end!

The history of the Boas-Ewald breakfast dates back to World War I, when German soldiers were fed in the field and often in poor conditions. To remedy this situation, German scientist Johann Boas and German physician Emil Ewald developed this unique product. It soon became known as "Boas-Evala" breakfast and began to gain popularity around the world. Since then, this dish has become one of the most famous and beloved breakfasts around the world.

Boas Ewald's breakfast consists of a mixture of oatmeal, berries and nuts, as well as fruit compote and yogurt. This is a very nutritious dish rich in microelements and vitamins. This breakfast provides the body with all the necessary nutrients. In addition, this breakfast is quite simple to prepare and does not require special skills or time.

In addition, Boas-Ewald breakfast does not contain fat and sugar, making it an ideal choice for those who care about their health or are watching their weight. It also contains high amounts of fiber, which helps improve digestion and cleanse the body of toxins.

In terms of calories, Boas Ewald's breakfast contains on average about 200-300 calories, which is low for second breakfast items. Although, depending on the number of ingredients and their composition, the KBJU will be different.

Thus, Boas - Evaldi breakfasts are