Courvoisier Symptom

Symptom is a medical term that describes a characteristic sign of a pancreatic tumor. This symptom was named after the Swiss surgeon Ludwig Courvoisier, who first described it in his works in 1890.

Courvoisier's symptom manifests itself in the form of an increase in the size of the gallbladder, which becomes filled with bile. In this case, patients often complain of a jaundiced color of the skin and sclera, pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, nausea and vomiting. Moderate or severe icteric syndrome may also be noted, which is associated with impaired bile outflow.

Courvoisier's symptom is considered a characteristic sign of a pancreatic tumor, especially if this tumor is located in the head of the gland. However, it can also occur in other biliary tract diseases such as choledocholithiasis and gallbladder cancer.

To diagnose Courvoisier's sign, doctors usually use a variety of tests, including ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Cholangiography or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography may also be performed.

Treatment of Courvoisier's symptom depends on the underlying disease. Pancreatic tumors may require surgery, including pancreaticoduodenectomy or complete pancreatectomy. Other diseases may require conservative treatment, including the use of anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs.

Thus, Courvoisier's symptom is an important sign of diseases of the biliary tract, especially pancreatic tumors. Early diagnosis and treatment of this symptom can significantly improve the prognosis of the disease and increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Courvoisier syndrome

Courvoisier syndrome is a complex disease characterized by a combination of bilateral sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), cognitive impairment and autonomic disorders. Rarely encountered, described by the French ophthalmologist Louis Courvoisier, 1879–1961, who can rightfully be called the father of modern neuro-ophthalmology, and his students D.E. Medjidov and R. Helville. This definition of the syndrome was given in September 2010 at the European Conference on Cochlear Implantation and Audiology in Vienna and Amsterdam. Until this time, this syndrome was called the sensory part of autosomal dominant Mannon-Kantorovich dysarthria (mutations in the ATP7B gene), which is accompanied by deadly paroxysms of cardiomyopathies or sudden cardiac death [1]. This is a truly rare case of detection of a combined disease. As is known, diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) are much more common, but almost always one, more often two, components of the syndrome have to be neutralized with analgesics or treated locally. In this case, if the disease outcome was known before the development of SNT, the patient was prescribed specific therapy to reduce the impact of metabolic disorders. Courvoisier described a different syndrome, since most patients cannot complain and are not aware of the development of auditory disorders. There is a reason to think about the relevance of this phenomenon. The term "Courvoisier", proposed as a synonym for the term "sensorineural hearing loss", has taken root and is actively used throughout the world. A little later, it was refined by the English linguist H.A Philips to a clinical syndrome, which was the next logical step in the development of a new specialty - neuro-otolaryngology. Clinical signs of the syndrome - HEARING REDUCTION - patients retain the ability to communicate, but their hearing sharply decreases with age; - COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS - a decrease in intelligence with a simultaneous weakening of concentration up to mental retardation (IQ < 69), у ряда пациентов характерны глубокие личностные изменения; - АВТОНОМНАЯ НЕЙРОПАТИЯ (низкое АД и гипервентиляция лёгких) проявляется у пациентов по возрастанию в течение первого года со средней длиной волны батианестезии. Изменения характера, настроения и общей активации ЦНС пациентов непостоянны. АД может повышаться в холодное время года и снижаться в теплое время (признаки вегетативной дисфункции), повышается температура кожи (признак нейроваскулярной компрессии верхних шейных симпатических волокон), появляются фасцикуляции, миотонус снижен, жевательная активность чаще симметрична. Способность узнавать знакомые запахи теряется в числе первых симптомов (запах духов) и возвращается постепенно, достигая исходного уровня также не сразу. Периферическое зрение