Cyrus will help residents of megacities protect themselves

Citrus fruits will help residents of megacities protect themselves

Residents of megacities inevitably face a polluted environment, which negatively affects the health of their respiratory system. However, Canadian scientists have concluded that a diet rich in vitamin C can help protect the respiratory system from the harmful effects of polluted environments. The source of this vitamin is citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, which can become a real lifeline for residents of big cities.

Scientists conducted a study on patients in London clinics suffering from obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma. It turned out that people who had low levels of vitamin C in their bodies were more susceptible to respiratory diseases. This is because contaminated particles that enter the body form free radicals, which can damage the cells and tissues of the respiratory system. However, vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant, can bind free radicals and prevent the damage they can cause.

In addition, scientists also found that women who regularly consumed citrus fruits had a lower risk of stroke. This is because vitamin C can help reduce inflammation in the body, which is one of the risk factors for stroke.

Thus, citrus fruits, due to their high vitamin C content, can become an important component of the diet of residents of megacities, helping them protect their respiratory system from the harmful effects of a polluted environment. Remember that taking care of your health starts with proper nutrition, and citrus fruits can be an important part of your diet.