Epidermolysis Bullous Congenital Dystrophic

Epidermolysis bullosa congenita dystrophica (EBBD) is a rare genetic disease that manifests itself in the form of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes. This condition is caused by a mutation in the gene that is responsible for the synthesis of proteins necessary for skin formation.

EBBD can present in a variety of forms, including epidermopathy bullosa, Shwachman syndrome, and others. Epidermopathy bullosa is characterized by the formation of large blisters on the surface of the skin that can burst and cause painful sores. Shwachman syndrome manifests itself in the form of weakness, anemia, low hemoglobin levels and other symptoms.

Treatment for EBBD involves surgically removing the blisters and using medications to reduce inflammation and pain. However, since EBBD is a genetic disease, treatment may not be effective and requires constant monitoring by a doctor.