Five effective exercises for knee pain

Knee pain is one of the most common problems affecting modern people. This is due to an unhealthy lifestyle, which often includes sitting for long periods of time in the office, poor diet, and lack of sufficient physical activity. In this article, we will present five effective exercises that will help get rid of knee pain.

Exercise 1: Front Thigh Stretch

This exercise will help stretch the front of your thigh and strengthen your knee ligaments. To perform this exercise, you need to kneel, then grab your right foot with your right hand and pull it towards your buttocks. You need to perform the exercise carefully, without jerking, to avoid injury. If you perform the exercise correctly, you will feel tension in the front of your leg. Hold this position for 60 seconds, then repeat the exercise on your left leg.

Exercise 2: Knee Circles

This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the knee joints and improve their mobility. To perform this exercise, you need to stand up straight, bend your legs slightly and place your hands on your knees. Do 10 knee circles in one direction, then 10 circles in the other direction. It is important to ensure that you do not experience any discomfort in your legs.

Exercise 3: Inner Thigh Stretch

This exercise will help stretch the inner thigh and strengthen the knee ligaments. To perform this exercise, you need to sit up straight with your legs together. It is important to ensure that the buttocks, back and neck are straight. If you have discomfort in your back or find it difficult to keep your back straight, you can place a rolled up towel under your buttocks. Wrap the scarf around your feet and pull it towards you as much as possible. The legs should be perfectly straight, the knees “pressed” into the floor. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Exercise 4: Hamstring Stretch

This exercise will help stretch the hamstrings and strengthen the knee ligaments. To perform this exercise, you need to lie on your back, press one leg firmly to the floor, and wrap the other with a scarf and lift it as high as possible. Hold your leg in this position for 30 seconds, then repeat the exercise on the other leg. It is important to ensure that your back remains straight while performing the exercise.

Exercise 5: Supported Squats

This exercise will help strengthen your leg muscles and knee ligaments. To perform this exercise, you need to stand up straight and lower yourself into a squat, while keeping your hands on your legs in front of you. It is important to ensure that your knees remain over your ankles and your back is straight when performing the exercise. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

It is important to understand that these exercises will only help if you do them regularly. To get rid of knee pain, you also need to be active and eat right. If the pain does not stop, you should consult a doctor.