Morning exercises for weight loss will help you lose the “excess”!

Dreams of a slim figure bring girls and women to fitness rooms, swimming pools and sports centers. However, morning exercises with an emphasis on problem areas help fight excess weight along with “heavy artillery.”

Some people believe that physical exercise is harmful to a body that has not yet woken up. However, in modern conditions, any opportunity to move is very useful. Morning exercises for weight loss are also a boost of activity and energy for the whole day. It is designed to warm up the body through various exercises.

When performing morning exercises, you need to follow a number of rules:

  1. do exercises for different muscle groups if you really want to achieve results. You can create a program for different muscles for several days;
  2. allocate enough time for training;
  3. start gymnastics with a 5-minute warm-up, and devote most of the time to general strengthening exercises;
  4. Don’t overexert yourself: do the exercises at an average pace,
  5. Rest for one minute between exercises;
  6. During the training period you should feel in your “comfort zone”. If you feel sick, stop exercising immediately;
  7. combine exercise with diet only when exercise becomes a habit;
  8. Replace morning coffee with warm water with a slice of lemon. This drink activates metabolism.

A 5-minute warm-up includes the following elements:

  1. Start your exercise routine by walking or jogging in place. This will help you wake up and cheer up. Try to raise your knees high. After taking the first four steps, inhale. And for the next four steps, exhale.
  2. To warm up the muscles, perform swings, move your arms in a circle, and bend your torso to the sides.
  3. Regular squats to the floor. Extend your arms in front of your chest and do 10 repetitions. After this, raise your arms up and squat 10 more times. During squats, do not lift your feet off the floor. There is no need to hold your breath: exhale when squatting, and inhale when going up.
  1. Perform 15 to 20 push-ups with straight legs. If you have just started the course, you can do push-ups from your knees.
  2. Take a lying position on your stomach, alternately lift your arms and legs off the floor and quickly perform movements perpendicular to the floor, simulating swimming.
  3. Do a jumping plank. Stand up straight, lean forward, touch the floor with your hands. Take a position lying on your palms and toes and jump out. Bring your toes to your palms and rise up. Do 5 reps.
  4. Forward bending lunges work the muscles of the legs and hips. Lunge and reach with your arms towards the floor following your thigh. Get back to the starting position. Repeat 10 times for each leg.
  5. Lie on your back and bend your knees. On the count of times, tense your pelvis and lift it off the floor. On the count of two, relax and lower your pelvis down.
  6. Complete your weight loss exercises with intense abdominal exercises. This can be a straight twist, straight leg raise, or a “bicycle.”

If you wish, you can diversify the presented course with other workouts. The main thing is that you like the set of exercises and bring pleasure. For simple strength exercises, you can arm yourself with dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg. With the help of these devices you can perfectly work out the muscles of your arms. Include exercises with dumbbells in your course if you feel the need.

For cardio exercise, a waist hoop or a regular jump rope is suitable.

To make morning exercises for weight loss more fun, play your favorite music. But don't set it to full power, otherwise it will distract you and disturb your neighbors. After training, you should not feel exhausted, but cheerful and energized. Therefore, the intensity and number of repetitions can be increased gradually. If your body is not “trained,” also increase the time of exercise gradually: from 15-20 minutes a day to 30.

In order to look fresh and healthy throughout the day, breathe deeply during training. This activates blood circulation and saturates the tissues with oxygen. During exercise, endorphins and serotonin are produced. They provide a good mood for the whole day. You will be less susceptible to depression and blues.

Immediately after performing the exercises, you need to catch your breath and, if desired, drink water. If you haven't taken a shower yet, now is the time to do so. At the same time, carry out related hygiene measures. 15 minutes after training, you need to have a light snack with yogurt or an apple. Later you can have a hearty breakfast. Choose food rich in proteins: milkshake, smoothie, hard-boiled egg, low-fat cottage cheese. Complex (slow) carbohydrates are also suitable:

  1. oatmeal,
  2. muesli,
  3. diet cookies,
  4. cereal porridges,
  5. potato,
  6. pasta,
  7. beans,
  8. lentils,
  9. peas,
  10. chickpeas

Protein helps build muscle, and carbohydrates provide energy to perform activities during the day.

It is believed that in the morning hours you can eat anything. But if you are trying to lose weight, do not eat sweets, fatty foods and starchy foods.

Scientists say that to form a habit you need to repeat an action 20 times. Don't skip exercise for 20 days in a row and it will become part of your life. By doing fitness regularly, you will have ease of movement, body flexibility and high tone.

Some argue that men do not need to focus on their legs while exercising, and women do not need to do exercises for their back and arms. However, this is not correct. After all, beauty lies in harmony. Therefore, you need to take care of overall improvement of physical fitness.

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