How can a woman avoid oversupplying her muscles?

Women who are involved in fitness are often afraid to pump up their muscles, believing that it happens very easily. However, this is a misconception, and muscle gain in women occurs much more slowly than in men. In this article we will look at how a woman can avoid over-pumping her muscles and what needs to be done to get rid of this problem.

At the beginning of training, the muscles become toned and slightly grow in volume, but this phenomenon is temporary and will pass after the body adapts to physical activity. The main part of the muscle fibers in a person who does not experience physical activity “sleeps”, and after the start of training they slightly grow in volume and the impression of a “pumped” body is created.

It is generally accepted that a woman cannot pump herself up because she does not have enough testosterone. However, there are exceptions, and some women have increased testosterone production, which leads to easy muscle gain.

To avoid over-pumped muscles, it is necessary to remove carbohydrates from the diet, especially simple carbohydrates - sweets, starchy foods and sweet fruits. It is best to eat lean sea fish or egg whites and a vegetable salad after training.

If a woman is still afraid of gaining muscle mass, you can choose intense aerobic and cardio training instead of going to the gym. However, remember that muscle growth is possible with strength training with heavy weights and low repetitions.

In addition, nutrition is very important for gaining muscle mass. The number of calories a woman consumes should exceed the number of calories she expends. Therefore, if a woman eats fewer calories than she burns, she will not be able to gain much muscle mass.

Thus, muscle gain in women occurs much more slowly than in men, and it is very difficult to pump up muscle mass. To avoid this problem, you need to control your diet, choose the right exercises and not be afraid of strength training. Do fitness and don't worry about being able to pump up your muscles!