How to Avoid Allergens?

Allergies have become a widespread disease in our society. People are exposed to various allergens that can cause allergic reactions in them. However, when the culprits for the disease are known, the first priority is to avoid contact with them. This approach is called elimination measures.

Pollen is one of the most common allergens. Absolute prevention of contact with pollen is impossible, unless you go to another climate zone where these plants do not exist during the flowering period of “allergenic” plants. However, there are several ways that can help reduce the amount of pollen in your life. For example, during the flowering period of plants, it is recommended to stay indoors, especially on windy days. You should also close windows and doors when plants are blooming to prevent pollen from entering your home. It is important to regularly ventilate the room using an air conditioner with filters that trap dust and pollen.

Animal hair and dander are also common allergens. Complete cessation of contact with epidermal allergens is very difficult to achieve. If you remove an animal from your room, its allergens will still become airborne. If your dog or cat lives on the street, then its fur will penetrate into the apartment on your clothes. Even if you remove the animal from your home, its allergens will be “invisibly” present in your apartment for several months. If anyone in your family has or is suffering from allergies, it is recommended not to have pets.

House dust mites can also cause allergic reactions in people. Various measures can be taken to reduce the number of ticks in your home. It is necessary to deprive them of “comfortable” conditions for reproduction and life in your apartment. You should remove all “dust collectors” (carpets, tapestries, etc.), try to reduce the humidity in the house, and regularly ventilate the room using an air conditioner with filters.

In conclusion, if you suffer from allergies, then avoiding exposure to allergens can be a very important step in treating the condition. Remember that each person may have unique allergens, so it is recommended that you consult with your doctor to identify your specific allergens and develop a personalized treatment plan. However, elimination activities can help reduce the number of allergens in your life and improve your well-being. By following simple tips such as closing windows and doors when plants are in bloom, removing dustbins from your home, and avoiding contact with animals, you can significantly reduce the amount of allergens in your life and reduce the risk of allergic reactions.