Jump rope - the simplest exercise machine at home

Jumping rope is easy. Easier than cycling. And it's fun. It’s just a pity that as we get older, we forget about this. And a jump rope is terribly useful! Jumping rope not only allows you to shed extra pounds effortlessly, it develops endurance, strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, trains the leg muscles and a dozen other large and small muscles. When it comes to weight loss, jumping rope exercises are more effective than cycling, tennis and swimming.

Due to the high rate of jumping, the jump rope quickly increases the heart rate, and the body works in a mode with a deficiency of oxygen in the muscles. This is similar to running at top speed. In addition, jumping rope helps develop strength and endurance in the leg muscles.

A jump rope is the simplest and most accessible exercise machine that allows you to effectively train the cardiovascular system and leg muscles. Regular jumping rope will help you lose weight and improve your overall health.