How to take care of your skin every day

A woman’s face is a kind of “showcase” of appearance. That is why it is necessary to take into account the stages of facial skin care when performing daily cosmetic procedures. After all, the face is exposed to external and internal conditions.

Malfunctions in the functioning of the body, sleepless nights, exposure to wind or, on the contrary, the rays of the sun, all this is reflected as a carbon copy on delicate skin. For this reason, caring for her must be systematic, competent and step-by-step.

There are some basic, universal rules that apply to absolutely any skin type (this includes the stages of applying some cosmetics). But the rest of the care needs to be tailored strictly to yourself.

We will help you understand what your skin requires!

Rules for facial skin care

For complete, and most importantly, high-quality facial skin care, you should choose everything you need and need for each type of skin from the list. The care list, in general, is small and includes only a few items for everyday facial care. Although at first glance this entire complex may seem numerous and difficult to implement, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to outline the steps necessary for a particular woman’s skin and move in a given direction purposefully and systematically.

Keep it regular

The main law of beauty is the need for daily facial skin care. Fatigue, lack of time, banal laziness should not stand in the way of beauty and grooming. Makeup must be washed off, skin care products applied to the skin, peelings and masks are carried out at certain intervals. This is the base. The foundation, without which the appearance of the dermis will never become well-groomed and pleasing to the eye. That is why step-by-step care should be practically “hammered” into the daily routine of every self-loving woman.

Apply skincare products correctly

The application of cosmetics during the day and during evening care must certainly be done along the massage lines. This will help the cosmetics absorb faster and avoid stretching of the dermis, which can occur if the fingers are moved incorrectly. The main massage lines are:

  1. from the chin to the earlobes;
  2. from the corners of the lips to the earlobes;
  3. from the bridge of the nose to the temples;
  4. from the outer corners of the eye to the inner (movements along the upper and lower eyelids);
  5. from the collarbones to the chin up the center of the neck;
  6. from the earlobes to the shoulders on the sides of the neck.

Basic stages of facial skin care

The main stages of facial skin care are as follows:

  1. cleansing;
  2. toning;
  3. hydration;
  4. applying cream.

Facial skin care at home involves the use of peelings and masks. But these steps are considered periodic because they are not performed daily.

Skin cleansing

The primary stage of complete daily facial care is skin cleansing. Dust, cosmetics, sebum, toxic substances of the modern environment readily clog the pores of the face almost every minute. Of course, all excess accumulated during the day must be removed. Otherwise, comedones (blackheads), acne, inflammation and other minor and major troubles will most likely appear on your face. For this reason, cleansing of the dermis must be thorough and regular.


Following the care sequence, the cleansing is followed by a toning process. Toners remove remnants of cleansing cosmetics from the face and give the skin a fresh look. The tonic helps narrow pores, cellular renewal, restore acid balance and relieve inflammation.

Moisturizing your face

A facial will not be considered complete if the face is not moisturized. This can be achieved by using moisturizing creams, sprays and lotions. They will help restore the skin's water balance.

Find out more about the stages of facial skin care:

How to apply cream on your face?

The cream, selected taking into account your skin type, is suitable as a skin care product for every day. It is very important to apply cosmetics correctly. Then it will have a better effect. Having completed the remaining preliminary stages of basic care, you can begin to distribute the cream over your face.

A small amount of cream is squeezed onto the palm. Distribute the product with careful movements. Leave the cream until completely absorbed. The remains are rubbed over the surface of the hands.

Important! You don’t need to skimp on the amount of product, but you shouldn’t apply too much of it either.

Sequence of facial skin care in popular questions

Modern man is very mobile. We are constantly striving somewhere, running, walking - to the bus, up the career ladder, towards our goals. So why not start taking steps towards amazing, youthful skin? Moreover, these steps will not require any excessive effort.

So, step-by-step instructions for daily facial care look like this:

Step 1: Wash your hands. Touch your face exclusively with clean hands.

Step 2. Remove eye makeup. For this purpose, a special product (hydrophilic oil, micellar water) is suitable, which must be applied to a cotton pad and lightly moved along the eyelids, removing any remaining makeup.

Apply cleanser to face and neck using fingertips. After a minute, rinse with warm water.

Step 3. Moisten a cotton pad with toner. Gently rub the skin along the massage lines.

By the way. If a tonic is used in the form of a spray, it is sprayed over the face and gently driven into the dermis with light movements of the fingertips. The product can also be distributed with a cotton pad.

Step 4: Apply moisturizer. This process is carried out twice a day - morning and evening, distributing the product along the massage lines.

Important! Day cream is applied half an hour before going out into the air (an hour in winter) so that it has time to be absorbed. Night cream is applied about an hour before bedtime.

What kind of water should you wash your face with?

It is recommended to tidy up your facial skin with cleansers and water. But is all water suitable for such a delicate procedure? What water is best to use?

Ideally, use filtered water free of chlorine. But it is also acceptable to wash your face with tap water. Its contact with the dermis when washing lasts no longer than a few seconds, and the tonic applied afterwards neutralizes the effect of all “unhealthy” substances.

Is it possible not to wash your skin with water at all, but to do it with micellar liquid or milk?

Yes. Can. But after such a procedure, you need to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in water or tonic. This will remove any remaining cleaning products.

How often should you wash your face?

When caring for your delicate facial skin, you shouldn’t forget about washing your face every day. Complete facial skin care involves at least two washes - morning and evening. This approach will allow you to cleanse your skin after sleep or a day of work and prepare it for subsequent skin care stages.

Is it necessary to use night cream?

The subtleties of the facial skin care process depend on the woman’s age. Very young girls do not need to apply night cream. All you have to do is cleanse your face and apply toner.

Having crossed the twenty-five year mark, ladies are recommended to perform all skincare procedures without exception.

Is the procedure for caring for your skin different in summer and winter?

Seasonality in facial care also plays an important role. Facial care in summer differs from the same procedure in winter. Although the basic sequence of stages is usually preserved. In winter, it is worth using protective products that protect your skin from negative weather influences. Moisturizer is applied exclusively at night. It is unacceptable to go outside immediately after applying the product.

Summer care is aimed at moisturizing the dermis. In warm weather, it is recommended to apply natural-based masks more often: fruit, clay, vegetable, etc.

Does everyone need to use a toner?

Many girls doubt the advisability of using tonic in facial care. But it is preferable for everyone to use the tonic. It is preferable to choose a product for your skin type that performs suitable functions. Thus, according to functionality, tonics are divided into moisturizing, refreshing, astringent, exfoliating and others.

The sequence of actions in facial skin care is a mandatory condition. Three main steps - cleansing, moisturizing, toning - a woman should do every day, moving towards well-groomed and youthful skin. Regular care procedures in tandem with high-quality cosmetics will help achieve stunning results.

Every woman strives to maintain her charm, and each does it in her own way. But for some reason, not everyone is able to spend a few minutes on the 4 stages of daily facial care. You can constantly experiment with your hairstyle, you can spend money on expensive outfits and consultations with a makeup artist. But neither elegant clothes, nor skillful makeup and a new haircut will restore the healthy appearance of your skin, the youthful oval of your face, or smooth out small wrinkles, but they are the ones that treacherously reveal a woman’s age.

The first signs of skin aging (wrinkles around the eyes, around the mouth, on the neck) often go unnoticed by us. By the age of thirty, anxiety and reluctance to admit that time is taking its toll appears. "Need to do something!" - we tell ourselves, but for some reason we often put off taking care of our skin “for later” and only realize it when its color becomes dull, the wrinkles become deep, the weakened skin sags, does not follow the facial features so clearly, and needs lifting. And we run to the cosmetologist with the hope that, like a magician, in one moment he will restore our youth and make us beautiful. Yes, cosmetologists can do a lot, but this does not replace the need for daily home skin care. It consists of 4 stages:

Stage 1 - Cleansing

You need to cleanse your face both morning and evening. In the morning this is preparing the face for applying makeup, in the evening - night cream. When cleansing, dead scales of the stratum corneum, stale sebum, and bacterial waste products are removed. In the evening, cleansing removes makeup residues and dirt that got on the face during the day, cleansed skin will be ready for maximum acceptance of the night cream.

When washing any type of skin, it is not recommended to use soap - it degreases it too much, after it dryness and irritation occur, soap tightens the skin pores too much, not cleaning them well enough. In addition, soap is an alkali, it disrupts the normal acidity of the skin surface, destroys the lipid (fat) barrier of the skin, which prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms on it.

The face should be cleansed using gels, mousses, and cosmetic milk. They almost do not disturb the normal acidity of the skin, penetrate deeply into the pores, and dissolve solid particles of cosmetics well.

Stage 2 - Toning

After cleaning your face, be sure to wipe it with tonic (lotion). Toning is an important aspect of daily facial care for any skin type; it should be done after each cleansing - twice a day: morning and evening. It is a misconception that only oily skin should be treated with toner. And that the higher the alcohol content, the better. Even if the surface of the face is very oily, preference should be given to non-alcoholic toners. Alcohol not only dries out normal and dry skin, but also increases the activity of the sebaceous glands of oily skin. Dry skin should also be treated with a toner after cleansing, the only difference being that the toner should be selected specifically for this skin type.

  1. removes remnants of cleanser and decorative cosmetics from the skin surface;
  2. moisturizes the skin, improves its tone;
  3. has a mild anti-inflammatory effect;
  4. normalizes the acidity of the skin surface;
  5. cleanses and tightens skin pores;
  6. prepares the skin for further care.

Stage 3 - Moisturizing and protection

Day cream is used in the morning or afternoon, both under makeup and without it, about half an hour before going outside. It should be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck.

The film that appears on the skin after applying the day cream performs a protective function; the skin underneath suffers less from environmental meteorological factors, dust and dirt. In addition, the day cream prevents the evaporation of water from the surface of the skin and helps maintain a sufficient level of moisture.

Day creams usually contain various active ingredients. Depending on their content and ratio, different day creams are used for different skin types and at different times of the year. In summer, you should use day creams containing sunscreen filters - substances that reflect or absorb ultraviolet radiation. They will protect the face from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation, leading to “photoaging” of the skin.

Stage 4 - Nutrition

In the evening, after cleansing and toning, apply a “night” cream. Night creams belong to the “nourishing” category. They are selected according to skin type and condition.

Night cream is applied 1-2 hours before bedtime; If it is not completely absorbed, the residue should be blotted with a napkin. As with day cream, it is applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté.

Never apply nourishing face cream to the areas around your eyes. Night creams are too greasy, their composition and consistency are too “heavy” for this delicate area.

All movements, both when cleansing and toning the face, and when applying creams and masks, should be made only in the direction of the lines of least stretch of the skin: from the midline of the face to the ears. You should wipe your face only with blotting movements, without stretching the skin.

These basic stages of skin care can be supplemented with masks, mechanical (scrubs) and chemical peels, etc. But there is no need to use them daily.

Eyelid skin care

The skin around the eyes requires special attention every day - it is the thinnest and most sensitive, it has few sebaceous glands, and is highly extensible. Swelling easily occurs on the eyelids, and wrinkles appear first. Applying and removing makeup tires and irritates the skin around the eyes. Therefore, cosmetics applied to this area should be of the highest quality.

Eye creams have a particularly light consistency and are well absorbed. They should be applied morning and evening after pre-cleaning the eyelids.

Do not use face creams on your eyelids. For the skin around the eyes, use only products specifically created for this area, tested by ophthalmological control.

Apply and remove makeup from the eyelids carefully, following the directions of least stretching of the skin (under the eye, movements should be directed towards the nose, and above the eye - towards the temple).

Clean your eyelids only with special gels and lotions. Protect your eyelid skin from the bright sun, choose products with ultraviolet filters.

Lip care

The skin of the lips is very thin and is always exposed to wind, sun, frost and dry air. It has no sebaceous glands, so it needs daily moisturizing and nutrition. Constant contraction of the facial muscles of the mouth contributes to the formation of wrinkles around the lips.

At night, and also when you do not apply decorative cosmetics, use special lip care products.

Make sure that your lipstick contains moisturizing and softening ingredients, vitamins and ultraviolet filters. As a rule, these requirements are met by lipsticks from reputable companies, and they are quite expensive. But remember that lipstick not only stays on your lips all day long, most of it is eaten by you, so you shouldn’t use cheap lipsticks.

Neck skin care

The skin of the neck is very delicate and thin, it is prone to dryness, sagging, and wrinkles, so it needs additional hydration and nutrition even in youth.

When gradually caring for your face in the morning and evening, be sure to remember about your neck. You can care for it using the same products you use to treat your face: cleanse with cosmetic milk, wipe with toner and apply cream appropriate to the time of day. Some cosmetics manufacturers produce special neck care products. They differ in that they do not leave marks on clothes.

If you learn how to properly care for your skin, it won't take much time. Give yourself 10 minutes in the morning and evening to cleanse and tone, in the afternoon to moisturize, and in the evening to nourish the skin.

Your skin will respond positively to these treatments, but don't expect instant results the next day or a week later. Lasting changes in your appearance will not occur earlier than in a month, since each new cell needs to go through a full life cycle, which is equal to 28 days. Don't postpone facials to weekends when you are freer. Only daily attention to yourself will reward you with smooth, elastic skin that will retain its youth for many years.

Surprisingly, even in the 21st century there are women who pay little attention to daily skin care. We will try to explain why the face requires regular care.

  1. The importance of facial skin care
  2. What is important at 20+ years old?
  3. What is important at age 30+
  4. What is important at age 40+
  5. What is important at 50+
  6. Determining your skin type
  7. Basic principles of proper care
  8. General recommendations
  9. How to choose the right product for your skin type
  10. Review of facial care cosmetics
  11. Rules for applying products
  12. Cosmetology facial procedures

The importance of facial skin care

Skin care should be regular and thoughtful. © Getty Images

Our face is like a mirror that reflects everything: love, happiness, grief, tears, worries, sleepless nights and bad habits. Experienced dermatologists can tell a lot about your lifestyle just by looking at your skin. If you don’t want to be an open book to others, we advise you to reconsider your attitude towards your daily beauty routine.

Why is it so important to take care of your skin? The answer seems obvious. To delay the appearance of wrinkles and stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. And the older we get, the more serious and thoughtful the exit strategy should be.

What is important at 20+ years old?

Young beauties think least of all about wrinkles and crow's feet around the eyes. The greater their disappointment and even fear when one morning they discover wrinkles in the skin around the eyes or between the eyebrows. What should we not forget at this age? About high-quality hydration both inside and outside.

The total volume of liquid drunk (except coffee, tea, soups) should be 30 ml of water per kilogram of body. In general, approximately 1.5–2 liters.

It is necessary to use moisturizing creams and masks.