How to eat for beautiful skin

If you eat the right products for facial beauty, then you will definitely see the result. The body is replenished with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which means much less effort is required to correct beauty. The hair is shiny. The nails are strong and will not peel. Teeth are fine. Skin glows.

So many studies and experiments have been carried out! How many recommendations have been made by dermatologists, nutritionists, and nutritionists to keep your facial skin healthy and beautiful! And the price of effective cosmetics based on natural products is... no comment. A number of studies by American scientists dealing with the problem of “purity” confirm that wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne and even dry skin are “treated” cheaply and tastefully. In the literal sense of the word - “tasteful”. After all, some foods in the diet help maintain the freshness of your facial skin or help it “get better.” We offer some tips on what foods to eat for facial beauty.

Dark spots

They most often appear on the arms, face and chest. Their color ranges from pale yellow to dark brown.

Why is there a problem?

One of the possible reasons is a deficiency of vitamins, in particular B12, and some minerals. The result is metabolic disorders. Intoxication of the body and stressful situations are also among the “provocateurs” of hyperpigmentation.

Pigment spots especially appear if you stay in the sun for a long time. Foods rich in antioxidants help protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.

What to include in your diet?

It is worth paying attention to the following facial beauty products:

Meat – main source of vitamin B12, which converts carbohydrates into energy.

Citrus (grapefruit, lemon, lime, oranges) – rich in vitamins and minerals. Promote collagen production and reduce melanin content in the skin.

Berries. Viburnum, blueberries, raspberries, black currants are a source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Strawberry ellagic acid minimizes the effects of harmful ultraviolet radiation. Sea buckthorn is a champion in vitamin E content.

Cabbage. White vegetables contain many times more vitamin C than citrus fruits. Broccoli is a supplier of vitamins and minerals in “gigantic quantities” and a hormonal normalizer. Brussels sprouts are low in calories and contain phosphorus, potassium, and iron. Leafy (Peking) – a source of vitamin D.

Green leafy vegetables. In addition to vitamin C, it also contains silicon dioxide, which is important for the synthesis of connective tissue.

Tomatoes. Lycopene from red vegetables – protects the skin from free radicals and ultraviolet radiation.

Oily skin

It has been scientifically proven that foods with a high glycemic index contribute to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Vitamin A deficiency goes hand in hand with iron deficiency, which is also a contributing factor to oily skin.

Why is there a problem?

Oily skin is a disruption of the sebaceous glands. To reduce sebum production, eat foods rich in vitamin A. Eat orange and yellow fruits and vegetables - they are a source of retinol, beta-carotene (vitamin A).

What to include in your diet?

Egg yolk. Its vitamin A is a tissue regenerator. Vitamin D – detox. There is also a rejuvenating antioxidant - vitamin E. There is linolenic acid, choline, melatonin.

Beef liver – a source of vitamins of almost all groups and an “iron” pantry. It contains a lot of selenium.

Mango. A dietary exotic fruit, rich in vitamins and minerals, essential and organic acids, and natural antioxidants. Mango carotenoids improve the color and tone of the skin, making it “glowing”.

Pumpkin – a non-calorie source of beta-carotene, which is transformed in the body into vitamin A. There is more of it in pumpkin than in carrots. There is a rare vitamin T (carnitine). Pumpkin seeds are a source of zinc, which is involved in regulating sebum secretion.

Reduce your consumption of foods with a high glycemic index to a minimum. It’s good for both skin and figure.

Pimples, acne, acne

Those with oily skin often suffer from these “disadvantages”.

Why is there a problem?

The sebaceous glands are very active. In this case, the skin pores become clogged. They begin to rapidly multiply bacteria and inflammatory processes.

Products with a high glycemic index, containing gluten and gluten are an indirect or direct culprit of acne and pimples.

The cause may be hormonal imbalance and poor absorption of dairy or other products.

What products to eat for facial beauty?

Diet is one way to solve the problem. Eat foods that contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which relieve skin inflammation. And also

Walnuts. Source of alpha-linoleic acid, vitamin E, lecithin, iodine, manganese, copper.

Flax seeds (linseed oil). A powerful superfood, one of whose properties is anti-inflammatory action. Omega-3 fatty acids from the seeds promote rapid wound healing. Skin rashes, redness, and irritation are minimized when consuming flax. Read more about the properties of flax seeds on our website.

Fish and seafood. They contain a lot of fatty acids, which are needed for the absorption of vitamin A and to protect the cell membranes of the skin. Improving blood circulation and increasing elasticity are also on the list of benefits.

Seaweed. Indispensable in detox programs and cleansing pores from the inside.

Dry skin

The unspoken motto of nutrition for dry skin is balance and plenty of water. Low-calorie diets are not recommended.

Why is there a problem?

Excessive dry skin can be caused by excess vitamin E, vitamin A deficiency, or lack of cholesterol.

What to include in your diet?

Increase the concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids in the body. Due to the products that are best absorbed with them. If vegetarianism is not your thing, eat meat and fish (salmon, mackerel, trout, tuna). 2 tablespoons of oil per day (preferably olive oil) is a good “helper” for the skin.

Beans. Low in calories. Source of monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins, valuable amino acids, fiber.

Eggs. Rich in sulfur, which prevents dryness and flaking of the skin. Stimulates metabolism.

Meat. Provides the lion's share of cholesterol for the body.

Avocado. Lots of fiber and a set of unsaturated fats, rare vitamins (K, F), zinc, powerful antioxidants. A valuable source of biotin, vital for the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Grape. In addition to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, it is a good source of additional moisture for the skin.

Peanut. It contains many healthy monounsaturated and omega-3 fats that work to moisturize and maintain skin elasticity.


A sign of skin aging. Research shows that antioxidants are effective in the fight against aging.

Why is there a problem?

One of the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles is the presence of sugar, since the glucose it contains reduces skin elasticity. By damaging collagen fibers, sugar makes them unable to repair themselves.

Drinking alcohol, causing dehydration, greatly affects the expression of wrinkles. Selenium deficiency is another reason.

What to include in your diet?

Give up alcohol, reduce your consumption of sweets to a minimum. Try these facial beauty products:

Eggplant. They are low in calories (28 kcal per 100 g of product). Promotes the production of collagen, normalizes metabolic processes.

Black chocolate. Its antioxidants even out the skin and protect against harmful UV.

Green leafy vegetables. Rich in silicon dioxide, which is responsible for skin elasticity and freshness. Zinc, present in all enzymes and hormones. Vitamin E, folic acid.

Garlic. Contains a lot of selenium, which activates vitamin E, preventing the formation of free radicals. Vitamin A renews cells.

Dark circles under the eyes

They can appear not only due to fatigue or lack of sleep.

Why is there a problem?

Food allergies or intolerances. If the symptom of dark circles is “long lasting”, consult a doctor and get tested for food intolerance. Eliminate potentially dangerous milk, instant coffee, and sweeteners.

Lack of iron and low hemoglobin, dehydration are among the causes of dark circles.

What to include in your diet?

Water. Drink it a lot. Don't overuse coffee.

Meat. Replenishes iron deficiency and increases hemoglobin.

Tuna. Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 acids, iron. Zinc is a component of cellular regeneration processes and alleviates the manifestations of allergies.

Orange or red bell pepper. Its vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Reduces pigmentation, evening out complexion. Stimulates collagen production. Increases the skin's resistance to the environment.

The connection between food and skin health is undeniable. Our body, like nature, loves harmony and moderation in everything. Pay attention to your menu, and your skin will thank you.

Often girls, wanting to prolong youth and achieve ideal skin condition, resort to various cosmetic procedures, make masks, scrubs, perform massages, cleansing, and other manipulations. All these methods, although they work, give a superficial effect, but internal health is primarily responsible for appearance. To maintain it, you need proper nutrition, full of nutrients.

Vitamins and minerals for healthy and firm skin

Without proper nutrition, all creams, masks, scrubs will be powerless (although they have certain benefits), so you need a healthy, balanced diet. Keep in mind that most of all the dermis needs the following micro- and macroelements:

  1. antioxidants - can be found in spinach, strawberries, rosehips, watermelon, apples, tomatoes, green tea
  2. nicotinic acid – found in strawberries and cereals
  3. beta-carotene - found in sweet peppers, cherries, cherries, tomatoes, plums
  4. carotenoids - can be found in most plants, a huge amount in green leaves
  5. vitamins - meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables contain different groups of these beneficial substances
  6. selenium – protective properties from ultraviolet radiation thanks to this element can be obtained by including mushrooms, grains, and poultry in the diet
  7. phosphorus - the main source of this substance is fish and seafood
  8. proteins - found in meat, fish, nuts, milk, eggs
  9. fatty acids – found in flax seeds, nuts, vegetable oils, seafood
  10. iron – apples, cabbage, chicken meat, watermelons, buckwheat, mango, seafood, pomegranate are rich in this substance (if you don’t like its taste, make a pomegranate scrub)
  11. zinc - can be found in live yoghurts, kefir, pears, apples, watermelons.

What foods are good for facial skin?

Nutrition to improve facial skin should include only natural products. So, even those with a sweet tooth can take care of their health without changing their habits if they replace cakes and baked goods with dark chocolate. However, the diet should be based on vegetables and fruits, a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a variety of vitamins, minerals and microelements. This can be achieved by eating all food groups.

Include meat in your diet (fans of vegetarianism can replace it with other protein dishes), fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, mushrooms, and milk. Also, don't forget to drink plenty of clean, still water. It helps restore the body at the cellular level, remove toxins and other harmful substances, accelerate metabolic processes, but its excess causes swelling, so remember that everything should be in moderation.

For external use

Harmonious use of products externally will help achieve stunning visual results on the dermis. The most useful substances are the following, each of which can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  1. Coconut oil. Contains a storehouse of beneficial ingredients, including hyaluronic acid. Deeply moisturizes, absorbing into the lower layers of the epidermis, helps fight peeling, stretch marks, and cracks. In addition, the substance can be used to remove makeup.
  2. Sesame oil. Rich in amino acids and vitamins, making it ideal for the dermis. It helps eliminate redness, get rid of dryness, sagging and loss of elasticity. In addition, the product replenishes moisture and deficiency of nutrients in cells. With regular long-term application of sesame oil to the area around the eyes, you can get rid of small expression wrinkles. The substance has a beneficial effect on children's skin - due to the fact that the product does not cause allergies, it is used at any age to soften tissues.
  3. Cacao butter. Recommended for those with aging dry skin. This is a substance with a pleasant aroma that is deeply absorbed into the skin, eliminating wrinkles, stretch marks, cracks, relieving inflammation, and soothing irritation. In addition, cocoa butter forms a protective film against ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. The substance is well suited for application on the lips, around the eyes, even on the heels.

Diet for facial skin

Keep in mind that even healthy foods for the skin should be eaten in moderation, since an excess of vitamins, minerals and trace elements has the same negative impact as a deficiency. In addition, some of them can cause an allergic reaction. Consult a nutritionist about diet planning if you have a weak or aggressive immune system. Below is a list of ten categories of foods that are beneficial for epidermal health.

  1. Fish + seafood (including seaweed). These contain Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, retinol and iodine. Thanks to the former, optimal hydration is maintained, early aging is prevented, wrinkles are smoothed, and cells are saturated with oxygen. Zinc, found mainly in fatty fish and oysters, is responsible for the synthesis of collagen (the substance that makes the dermis so smooth and elastic), accelerating the processes of regeneration and blood circulation. In addition, this substance relieves inflammation, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing the amount of acne on the face.
  2. Citrus. Lemons, oranges and grapefruits are recommended to be eaten not only by cosmetologists, but also by nutritionists. They are useful for the epidermis in that they stimulate the production of collagen due to the vitamin C content. In addition, this substance is a strong antioxidant, and therefore neutralizes the negative effects of the environment. Citrus juices can be used for whitening masks to even out the complexion and remove age spots.
  3. Vegetable oils. Thus, olive oil contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which help to independently moisturize the dermis. Apricot and sea buckthorn are recommended for use against acne or pimples. Flaxseed, wheat, and coconut are a storehouse of vitamins that rejuvenate the skin and accelerate the healing process.
  4. Orange and red fruits and vegetables, green leafy ones. They contain a large amount of vitamin A - an antioxidant substance that evens out the complexion, eliminates inflammation and stimulates the production of melanin, which promotes an even tan. Peeling and small cracks indicate a lack of beta-carotene. To ensure that the vitamin is absorbed, eat orange vegetables and fruits (for example, carrots) in conjunction with fats - for example, vegetable oils, cream.
  5. Nuts. Contains amino acids, vitamin E (high content in hazelnuts and almonds), zinc (found in peanuts), selenium. To keep your dermis fresh, moisture retained in the cells, and your complexion striking with radiance, include different types of nuts in your daily diet.
  6. Whole grain cereals. This category has a high fiber content, which is very important for the health of the digestive system, whose condition directly affects the appearance of the skin. In addition, whole grain cereals contain vitamin B, which prevents acne or irritation.
  7. Fermented milk products. They are useful both when taken orally and when used externally. Cottage cheese, kefir, live yogurt even out, brighten the complexion, soften and refresh the dermis. In addition, all milk contains cultures of bacteria that can cleanse the microflora of the stomach.
  8. Animal meat and liver are the main source of protein. They also contain a lot of iron, the deficiency of which is expressed in early aging of the skin, loss of its elasticity and tone. Liver also contains a lot of useful vitamin A.
  9. Green tea. Acts as a strong antioxidant, reduces the number of wrinkles, refreshes and tones, eliminates the feeling of tightness.
  10. Natural dark chocolate. Useful when there are no additives in it. This chocolate contains cocoa butter, a source of flavonoids that improve skin texture and tone, prevent cell dehydration and provide protection from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

What you need to eat to have beautiful skin

When creating an individual diet, keep in mind that some foods may cause allergies or be contraindicated for health reasons. For example, those who have gastritis, ulcers or other digestive system disorders should follow a special diet. Also, remember that genetics play a big role - if acne runs in your family, simply changing your diet will not improve the condition of your skin (which does not change the fact that a healthy diet is very important).

Diet for oily skin

The main problems of this skin type are rashes plus overactive sebaceous glands. The diet for oily dermis is designed to regulate this imbalance. The problem is that experts still don't have a clear answer to why some people experience excess sebum production. This is influenced not only by nutrition, but by stress, genetics, and incorrectly selected cosmetics. Eliminate all possible factors and try to adhere to these dietary tips:

  1. replace flour products with whole grains - they have more fiber and less sugar
  2. Eat fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants and vitamin A more often - lettuce, broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, apricots, tangerines, mangoes, papaya
  3. exclude animal fats from the diet, replace them with vegetable oil
  4. regularly eat boiled, baked, grilled or steamed fish - marine and freshwater species contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which reduce sebum secretion
  5. drink more water, green tea without sugar
  6. give preference to fermented milk products with low fat content
  7. do not eat ready-made snacks or deep-fried dishes
  8. eat more raw food (as much as possible)
  9. eat chicken without skin
  10. exclude fast food from your diet.

Nourishment for dry skin

This skin type looks great while its owner is young, but the first signs of aging appear at an early age - in the form of wrinkles, loss of elasticity and tone. The food consumed should replenish the lack of moisture in the cells, smooth out the dermis, and return it to a healthy appearance. To do this, you should exclude coffee and alcohol from your diet, get more sleep and make nourishing masks more often. Recommendations for creating an individual diet:

  1. drink more fluids
  2. eat food containing vitamins A, E, B - milk, cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, green vegetables, carrots, apricots, pumpkin, avocado, melon
  3. to prevent dryness, include eggs, asparagus, garlic and onions in your diet - they contain sulfur, which perfectly retains moisture in the cells
  4. use olive and flaxseed oils internally and externally
  5. dry thin skin needs biochemical alpha acids - they are found in grapes, currants, tomatoes, apples, natural yogurt, sugar beets, cane sugar.

For skin elasticity

Health, youth and elasticity of the dermis are ensured by several product categories. The first includes simple purified water. For beautiful dermis, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters daily. This amount will ensure the normal course of the body’s metabolic processes and the removal of waste and toxins. Other useful products for facial skin and its elasticity, as well as protection against oxidative processes, include:

  1. eggplants, garden greens, legumes, yeast, grain bread, liver - contain a large amount of B vitamins
  2. green tea - rich in polyphenols, just like lingonberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, beans, artichokes
  3. vegetable oil, fish, eggs, seeds, peanuts are sources of vitamins D, K, F, which are responsible for elasticity
  4. olive oil – moisturizes, saturates with vitamin E
  5. nuts, flax seeds, seafood delicacies - rejuvenate due to the content of unsaturated organic acids
  6. lemons, oranges, grapefruits, limes, kiwis, potatoes, currants, cranberries, spinach are a storehouse of vitamin C, which stimulates collagen production.

Those who dream of flawless skin should add proper nutrition to the points “good cream” and “trusted cosmetologist”. You will learn from our article what exactly should be included in your daily diet.

  1. Vitamins of youth and beauty
  2. What foods are good for facial skin?
  3. Drinking regime
  4. Diet rules for healthy skin
  5. Harmful products that spoil the appearance and color of the skin
  6. Tools Overview

Vitamins of youth and beauty

It is much more effective to influence skin cells from the inside than to then “break through” to them from the surface of the epidermis using cosmetics.

Strict diets limit the supply of nutrients and negatively affect the condition of the skin and the body as a whole. In this case, the skin is nourished according to the residual principle. Make sure that your diet contains a balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements.

What is its use

Basic building material: amino acids are necessary for the synthesis of collagen fibers, which are responsible for skin elasticity.

Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids

Indispensable for lipid synthesis, have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, and slow down the aging process.

Natural sorbent: absorbs and removes toxic substances (nitrates, pesticides, heavy metal salts).

Responsible for pigmentation.

Enriches cells with oxygen.

A natural antioxidant that protects against premature aging and evens out skin tone.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Participates in collagen synthesis, increases skin elasticity.

B vitamins

Necessary for normalizing metabolic processes in the skin, especially lipid and protein metabolism.

One of the main antioxidants, participates in collagen synthesis.

Prevents the formation of wrinkles and fights dryness.

Vitamin H (biotin)

A natural vasodilator that will help make dull skin healthy and radiant.

It has anti-inflammatory properties, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Participates in the synthesis of structural elements of the skin.

What foods are good for facial skin?

Here is a list of products you need to improve your skin condition.

Fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs rich in fiber, vitamins B and C. Orange and red fruits will prevent a lack of beta-carotene and vitamin A. Avocados and bananas - melanin. Persimmons, green apples and pomegranates - hemoglobin. Useful both fresh and frozen, dried, boiled, baked.

Nuts - a storehouse of Omega-3, melanin, vitamins H and E. A very small portion per day is enough.

Whole grain cereals, durum wheat pasta, brown unpolished rice, brown bread, bran bread - main sources of fiber and vitamin B.

Fish and seafood will provide the body with protein, melanin, zinc, vitamin B and Omega-3 acids.

Lean meat, beef and pork liver also rich in protein, as well as iron, vitamins A and H.

Dairy products (including cheese and cottage cheese) are famous for their calcium content and healthy protein.

Fruits, berries, vegetables, and herbs are rich in fiber, vitamins B and C. © iStock

Drinking regime

Water is very important for the body: it helps restore skin damaged by the sun, wind and dry air from heating devices, restore its smoothness and elasticity, and avoid flaking. To optimize metabolic processes in the body, doctors advise drinking 1.5–2 liters of water daily (at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight).

We are talking about pure still water. But tea, coffee, juices, compotes are not included in this norm.

Distribute the entire volume of liquid throughout the day so that you do not drink after 19:00 - otherwise edema may form. To remember to drink more often, keep water bottles on your desk, on your bedside table, in your car, etc.

Nuts are a storehouse of omega-3, melanin, vitamins H and E. © iStock

Diet rules for healthy skin

Analysis of the information received allows us to build a PP system.

Nutrition should be varied and balanced in the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.

It is better to eat food 5-6 times a day in small portions. Don't forget about breakfast and try to have dinner no later than three to four hours before bedtime.

For breakfast and lunch, eat protein foods, and in the evening, give preference to thermally processed vegetables, cereals and dairy products.

Drink enough water.

Eliminate junk food from your diet.

Harmful products that spoil the appearance and color of the skin

If you want to get rid of acne, dryness and other skin problems, limit your consumption of these foods.


Recent studies have shown that foods with a high glycemic index (white bread, pastries, sugar, sweet soda) aggravate acne and also contribute to glycation - the gluing of collagen fibers and premature aging of the skin.

Nutrition should be varied and balanced in the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. © iStock


Salt retains water, so the abuse of various marinades and canned food is fraught with swelling under the eyes and more.

Fast food and semi-finished products

Processed meat may contain excess sodium, which also leads to water retention, edema, and swelling. Fatty and fried foods also disrupt liver function and contribute to premature aging. To somehow neutralize the negative effects of fast food, eat onions, ginger, turmeric, take vitamin E and zinc, but it’s better to just do without junk food.

While coffee acts as an antioxidant in moderation, drinking too much (more than four cups a day) is likely to cause anxiety and sleep problems. And the lack of night sleep will affect your appearance, because it is at this time that cell renewal occurs. The result of a lack of sleep is tired, aging, dry, wrinkle-prone skin. But that's not all.

In people with a slow metabolism, coffee can activate the sebaceous glands, which in turn threatens the formation of comedones and pimples.


Alcohol abuse leads to dehydration of the body in general and the skin in particular. The fact is that alcohol has a pronounced diuretic effect.

Tools Overview

Having nourished the skin from the inside, you can consolidate and enhance the effect by including cosmetics with the same beneficial substances in your care.

Steaming face mask with zinc “Clean Skin”, Garnier

Formulated with zinc and micronutrient-rich clay, it unclogs clogged pores and smoothes out uneven skin.

Intense moisturizing regenerating gel Hydrating B5 Gel, SkinCeuticals

Fluid with vitamin B5 and hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin and provides it with nutrients.

Night serum Re-Plasty High Definition Peel, Helena Rubinstein

Retinol (vitamin A) activates cell renewal, and vitamin E protects them from the effects of free radicals.

Daily gel-serum for skin exposed to external influences, Mineral 89, Vichy

Vichy mineralizing thermal water in this product enhances the natural barrier and protective functions of the skin.