There is no money for the gym - we pump our arms with dumbbells.

Powerful, muscular arms are a difficult task, an ambitious goal set by oneself and which is achieved through hard work, willingness to overcome fatigue, pain, and sometimes laziness. To achieve the desired results, it is not enough just to study a lot and often - it is important to remember to be methodical, develop a program and implement it correctly. Work patiently and persistently. The result will definitely be there.

To achieve this goal, the fitness club has a huge arsenal of exercise equipment and equipment at your disposal. We will discuss only a part of them, namely: good old dumbbells.

So, let’s imagine that according to our training program, for example, this month, according to the plan, we pump our arms with dumbbells. It should be noted that this is one of the most technically difficult paths - most people do not succeed in correctly setting the task right away, since this kind of training involves stabilizer muscles, the strengthening of which requires a competent increase in the mass of the projectile itself, starting with a small one, with a thoughtful step - in order to avoid injuries or lack of progress if performed incorrectly. Always remember about technique! If it’s difficult at the initial stages, work with a partner - he will help you control the correctness and provide backup. And when you start working with very “adult” weights, you definitely won’t be able to do without his assistance.

When discussing the formation of the upper shoulder girdle, we first think about the biceps. This muscle is the king of bodybuilding. Its volume is measured most often, its form is worked hard on, and it is most readily displayed. He is a kind of symbol of strength. Its main function is to bend the arm and rotate the hand. In everyday life, it is lightly loaded, so even a small impact stimulates its growth. We pump up the biceps:

  1. standing dumbbells: lifting (with a regular grip and a hammer grip) - these are basic exercises for this muscle - remember about the correct execution, increase the weight - strength will come with volume;
  2. we pump while sitting: in Scott’s bench we perform bending, acting in a concentrated manner - this lengthens and thickens the muscle, as if tearing it out of the forearm;
  3. and we also pump while sitting on an inclined bench - performing alternating lifts. We use this technique at the stage of achieving certain progress - for mini-shock therapy (by "surprising" our body - we force it to reach a new stage of development).

When systematically working on the flexor - for the proportional formation of the upper body - you should remember about the extensor. Powerful, voluminous, clearly defined triceps are the pride of an athlete. With proper training, it should be almost half the circumference of the upper limb - this is not an easy task. Getting the coveted “horseshoe” consists of stimulating all three heads - lateral, middle and long. The lateral one is located on the outside, the middle one is closer to the body, the long one is located on the lower part of the humerus. Pumping up your triceps with dumbbells is a task for the stubborn and persistent. However, you have a fairly effective arsenal at your disposal:

  1. extension from behind the head,
  2. extension back while focusing on a straight bench,
  3. French press sitting, standing or lying down.

The last exercise is quite traumatic; when performing it, you should especially carefully monitor the correct position, carefully choosing the load - your elbow may suffer.

When working on the flexors and extensors, it should be remembered that the harmonious appearance of the upper body is crowned by the shoulders. Often, in pursuit of the coveted centimeters during periodic measurements, athletes forget about the shoulders - their shape and the dimensions of the muscles form the silhouette. The deltoid muscles (which form the basis of the shoulders) are greatly developed under the influence of free weights. Suitable for pumping deltas:

  1. lifting dumbbells forward and to the sides (standing),
  2. fly-ups, straight-grip raises (sitting),
  3. and also - circular movements with straight arms - you will be surprised at how little mass the projectile will need to obtain a noticeable load.

Of course, if you supplement your work with free weights with exercises with blocks (in a crossover), close-grip bench press, Smith machine press, pull-ups and dips, your workouts will become more varied, your loads will be more diverse.

However, you can get the body of your dreams even at home - all you need is a desire to develop and a training plan. And, of course, perseverance, determination, endurance, and willingness to work for results.

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