Food Surrogates

Food substitutes and ersatz

Food substitutes (surrogates) are food products that do not contain complete nutrition. They are used in cases where a product of natural origin is unavailable for one reason or another or the population needs products with insufficient nutritional value.

The main difference between products based on food substitutes and real food products is the lack of a balanced diet in terms of nutritional components.

Even products made entirely from food-derived ingredients do not always compensate for the lack of certain substances in the daily diet. For example, vegetable oil consumed industrially using oxygenation, oleic

Food substitutes are food products that have been manufactured by replacing natural ingredients with synthetic or artificial ingredients that have no nutritional value. In this article we will look at the reasons for using food substitutes, the possible consequences of their use, as well as ways to exclude such products from the diet.

The main reason for consuming substitute food products is due to the lack of time to prepare food and the inability to prepare healthy and high-quality dishes. Quick preparation, the ability to take such a product with you as a snack and ease of storage - these are the main temptations that push many people to purchase food substitutes.

Other causes are related to economic instability, disease or social factors