Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome

Rubinstein-Taibbi syndrome: signs and treatment

Rubinstein-Tabsi syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that is characterized by a variety of symptoms, including mental retardation, seizures, incoordination and visual disturbances. This disease is also known as Rubinstein-Bailey syndrome (TRD1).

Typical symptoms of TRD1 include: * Profound idiocy * Hyperdynamic tendencies * Hypocaia

Rubinstein-Tabe syndrome is a rare congenital disease characterized by a person’s inability to pronounce certain consonant sounds and combine letters into words. The disease is characterized by a defect in diction caused by pathological changes in the anatomy of the organs responsible for this function - the tongue and soft palate.

Rubinstein-Taybee syndrome was discovered in the 80s of the last century. In honor of this event, he was given a name that included the names of patients who suffered from this disease - J. Nathan Rubinstein and J. Gerald Tabbee.

The etymology of this name is quite complex, but in general it implies characteristics of the symptoms of the disease: paralysis of the soft palate is accompanied by insufficient mobility of the tongue, due to which the patient cannot speak clearly, despite full understanding of the audible text. Thus, the soft parasite prevents the articulation of sounds included in the word.

Modern medicine distinguishes three variants of Rubinstein-Tabby syndrome: - Classic version