
Seasonings: Add flavor to your dishes

Seasonings are an integral part of any kitchen. They give dishes a special aroma and taste, making them more interesting and varied. In this article, we'll look at some simple seasoning recipes that you can easily make at home.

Garlic sauce and garlic oil

Garlic oil and sauce are excellent seasonings for bread, salads, pasta, meat and fish. To prepare, you will need 10 grams of garlic and 40 grams of sour cream. Peel the garlic and grate it on a fine grater. Then thoroughly rub it with sour cream. You can also make garlic butter by mixing garlic and butter in the same proportions. These seasonings can be applied directly to bread and enjoy their taste.

Garlic gravy

Garlic gravy is an excellent seasoning for vegetables, meat and fish. To prepare it, you will need half a clove of garlic and a quarter cup of low-fat broth. Peel the garlic and crush it thoroughly. Then gradually add a quarter cup of chilled low-fat broth to it. This seasoning can be added to various vegetable and meat dishes, fresh salads.


Mustard is another popular condiment that can be added to a variety of dishes. A small amount of crushed garlic or mustard can be added to vegetable or meat dishes, fresh salads. Of course, mustard should be prepared for the child yourself, without vinegar, with lemon juice or water. It is not recommended to add salt to the seasonings, as they are already quite spicy.

Begin giving hot spices to your child very carefully, with 1/4 teaspoon. If an allergic reaction or diarrhea occurs, seasonings should be excluded from the baby’s diet.


Seasonings are an important part of our cuisine. They give dishes a special taste and aroma, making them more interesting and varied. Try making garlic sauce and butter, garlic gravy, or adding mustard to your dishes. But remember to be careful when using hot spices, especially when feeding children.