Meet the Cheeses of France!

We continue to study the high-protein milk product beloved by all bodybuilders, which came to us from the ancient depths of history. We already know: how cheese appeared in the first place, how to choose it correctly, how to store it so that it retains its freshness and taste for as long as possible, and much other useful information about this vessel product. In this article we will study in detail the main representatives of French cheese making and the features of their local production...

The cheeses of France are not just a delicacy, they are the pride of the French and the prestige of the state. Cheese-making traditions in this country have been actively developing for many centuries. Moreover, most names are given to cheeses according to the territorial location of the village or city in which it was invented.

Most French cheeses, famous throughout the world, are protected by the Appellation d'Origine Controlee.

The traditions of home cheese making are no less developed in France than large-scale production. However, in the villages they keep the secrets of recipes passed down from generation to generation, and no one is going to reveal them. Therefore, we know only about fifty varieties that can be purchased in stores around the world.

We will study in detail such famous examples of French cheese making as:

  1. a) Fleeting,
  2. b) Roquefort,
  3. c) Beaufort,
  4. d) Reblochon,
  5. d) Bree,
  6. e) Comte.

Read more about each of the above in this thread on our website.

I think each of us has certainly heard one of these names at least once in our lives, and maybe even tasted its amazing taste - after all, they are known and famous all over the world. And today, probably, in any grocery store you can easily buy a piece of any of the above delicacies. Well, for France and its inhabitants, cheese is not just some kind of food product or product, but it is their way of life, pride, centuries-old tradition and culture of the nation.

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