Another sports accessory is a pedometer for running, walking and hiking.

I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like running around the stadium. You constantly run in circles, the picture doesn’t change, everything is somehow dreary and uninteresting. It’s much better to do your runs on rough terrain, especially where there are a lot of trees and greenery, and not these urban stones...

It is for this reason that I prefer to run on a health trail, in a park or even in a forest. Moreover, clean air in aerobic training is a very positive and important point.

But here’s a dilemma: we need some kind of accounting! We need to know: how much we have run, and how much longer we have to run to complete our intended training plan. And if at the stadium there are no problems with this at all: knowing the length of the circle, just count these circles for yourself and that’s it, then what to do in a park, forest and uneven terrain.

A useful thing like a pedometer will help. A small device in your pocket, on your wrist or attached to your belt will count your steps for you, and you, at least knowing approximately the length of your step, will be able to estimate the distance traveled at any time. A pedometer for running, walking and hiking is quite inexpensive. It takes up very little space. In general, everything is very convenient, compact and mobile. You can purchase such a necessary device at any sports or travel store. Pedometers are also available in relevant online stores. A good friend of mine bought such a thing for practically nothing at a sale of used army equipment - of course, such a device will be as accurate and reliable as possible than any Chinese analogue.

By the way, the above device is used not only for classic cross-country running - you can easily take it on a hike or on a walking excursion. Well, for tourism lovers such a small satellite is generally an irreplaceable thing...

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